21 November 1884

Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Minnie J. Snow Residence, Brigham City, Utah Territory

Meeting opened by singing “O my Father” [. . .]

Sis. Eliza R. S. Smith said [“]there is a good, humble spirit here; this is what the Lord loves; he will then bestow the Comforter.” Spoke of a peculiar interest she had felt for the Y. L. [Young Ladies] of B. C. [Brigham City] here she saw & felt an intelligence seldom seen in other Asso. [Associations] thought, however, that the Asso. at Moroni compared favorably with us. Advised when rising to speak not to make apologies: & never give way to discouragement. have subjects that will cause deep thought: recitations worthy of treasuring up in our minds. Said book education is good, but far ahead is the education in the truths of the Gospel. Hope the spirit here manifested may be felt in your societies. Advised the Y. L. to use their influence in refining the young men. [p. 19]

[. . .]

Sis. E. R. S. Smith gave instructions on physiology. Spoke on the signs of the times & the fulfillment of prophecy.

[. . .] [p. 20]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1944), vol. 2 (1879–1893), pp. 19–20, CHL (LR 933 17).

See also “A Pleasant Gathering,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1884): 111.

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21 November 1884, Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Minnie J. Snow Residence, Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 2, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/11/1884-11-21