4 September 1882

Mendon Relief Society; Mendon Meetinghouse, Mendon, Utah Territory

[. . .] Presedentess <[Elizabeth A.] Willie> felt pleased to announce that Sisters Snow and [Zina D. H.] Young would speak to us to day. Sister E R. Snow said I am pleased to meet with my Sisters to day and will say there is one very important question we should ask ourselves and that is are we saints of God or do we only pretend to be; do we attend our meetings and partake of the Sacrament of the Lord supper with clean hands and pure hearts before him; do we pay our tithes and offerings, help the poor and needy and keep all the Commandments the Lord has given us; we should alway feel well towards each other; and never hold enmitty towards anyone it is always better to suffer wrong then to do wrong God is a God of Justice and we will receive a reward for all the good we do. There is no use of anyone belonging to the associations of the Sisters unless they are live members; we should cultivate the Spirit of the Lord and walk up to the very letter of the Gosple for the Lord will not be mocked; it will take our whole lives to obey the gosple in its fulness; we have within our reach every means that is nessary [necessary] to exalt us in the Celestial Kingdom of God we must be true and faithful to the covenants we have made; there is one of the greatest crises coming upon this people that we have ever seen we have all to save our own souls and work out our [p. 97] own salvation; it is better for us to devote our whole lives to the building up of the kingdom of God then to be seeking after the vain fashions of the world. Meet often togather Sisters and try to get the Spirit of the Lord to comfort you for the Lord has said those that meet often togather and speak to one another shall be mine when I come to number up my jewels. [. . .] Sister E R Snow said I want to tell my sisters when they wash and anoint any person to always seal those blessings1 [p. 98] Spoke of the miracleulous [miraculous] healing of a child who drank boiling water, being healed. Said we should contend earnestly for the gifts and blessings of the Gosple. Spoke of the Deseret Hospital it is a home institution and we contribute liberally to this worthy enterprise it is a place where our bretheren and Sisters can have the ordinances of this Church performed for them; it is expected that each branch of the Relief Society will help this institution we will accept of anything that can be used in a household any Sister can become a member by paying one dollar annualy. we should all try and be united in our effort to do good we should have no idleors [idlers] in our midst but should all work the works of righteousnes. [. . .] [p. 99]

Source Note

Mendon Ward, Logan Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1968), vol. 1 (1868–1886), pp. 97–99, CHL (LR 5424 14).

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4 September 1882, Mendon Relief Society; Mendon Meetinghouse, Mendon, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/09/1882-09-04-c


  1. [1]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.