3 August 1882

Pleasant Grove Relief Society; Pleasant Grove Meetinghouse, Pleasant Grove, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Present on the stand Prest. E. R. S. Smith, Zina D. H. Young, E. [Emmeline] B. Wells, Prest. M. [Margaret] T. Smoot, Mary [W.] John and many other visiting sisters.

[. . .]

Prest E. R. S. Smith:—

Said am pleased to meet so many also a few of the bretheren, some say don’t you feel diffident to speak before them? Why no! We are co-workers with our bretheren in establishing this kingdom. The Releif Society is a sacred organization and we should feel proud to become members of the same. We are as wanderers; struggling to get back to Fathers presence. He has marked out the way that we may understand what we have to do to prepare ourselves.

We have the comforter that Jesus gave, i.e, the spirit of revalation which leads into all truth: but in order to enjoy this, we must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; in this way alone can we receive the blessings: If we sit at our ease leaving the work to others, we will suffer great and heavy loss.

We should take hold of the things of God and work for ourselves. Where shall we commence? At home. We certainly need all the aid possible to perform our home duties: you know sisters when we feel full of the spirit of God, we are strengthened.

In times past we used to think, our home duties were all, required of us, and sometimes we feel that we have all we can bear but when we meet together [p. 336] theses [these] times of refreshing give us renewed strength to perform our labors; the mind is inspired and body strengthened—they are so closely connected that we cannot infringe upon the one without injury to the other. We are the daughters of Abraham through whose seed all the nations of the earth should be blest, he was put to a severe trial of his faith when called upon to sacrifice his son through whom theses blessings were to come and for instance Daniel who was thrown into the lions den; after the edict had gone forth, did he try to secrete himself? No.

Have we such staunch young ladies as Jeptha’s daughter who preferred to sacrifice her own life than her father should break his vow with the Lord.

We shall be put to the test but do not know in what manner it will come: then let us keep our hearts pure and be prepared. I acknowledge the hand of God in this Edmunds bill.

We hear this morning that Gov. [Eli H.] Murray has the authority to fill the vacant offices in our Territory. The scullery needs cleaning out and he is splendid tool, for which purpose the Lord is useing him. It may cause considerable dust especially if the work is done by one not use to it, let us keep our eyes clean of the dust and ever watch and pray.

The servants of God have told us the time would come when one could not learn upon another each one will have to stand for himself but we have a good lean upwards. We cannot tell who are our friends as the gospel net gathers all kinds and some of us have let the spirit of speculation and pride turn us from the path of right; but when we go so far in this direction, the Lord will prepare a lash for us; it is better to be reproved than rejected. Am thankful that I have never [p. 337] apostatized from this Church and want to able to stand whatever comes, know that the Lord will not permit anything to come upon us only for our good, for He will have a pire [pure] and tried people & we must not try to shun it. This lies between us and the world must be broken and are we prepared for it? by drawing our sustinance from the elements. So far as we are dependant on the world, we are in slavery.

A few have made great exertion to establish home industry, but have made little progress.

I sometimes think we do not contend as earnestly for the faith as we should. The last movement of congress naturally looks very dark: but let us accept chastisement without murmur for the Lord will make the wrath of man to praise Him; our enemies are tools in His hands & He is sometimes obliged to use rather rough ones. I know that this people cannot remain in the condition we are in today the saint has nothing to fear though the heathen rage &c.

I want to speak of a heavy work we have upon our hands Viz. the Deseret Hospital though the responsibility does not rest upon the Releif Society yet a great help is expected from all the associations. We in Salt Lake City have two outside hospitals, when our bretheren have in some instances been compelled to go, it is a disgrace to Zion. With the assistance & approbation of the Presidency we take hold of this work.

We have hired a house for $60. Per. month the expense will be heavy to make a start and we wish all the donations the people feel they can spare, anything of a household nature will be acceptable &c. Invalids come faster than we are prepared to receive them.

By request of sister Smith the secretary read the Hospital Circular.

Mrs Z. D. Young said

[. . .] [p. 338] [. . .] Children, sister Eliza who came this morning is the author of your little hymn books is also the wife of Jos. [Joseph] Smith the Prophet. [. . .] [p. 339]

Source Note

Pleasant Grove Branch, Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1901), vol. 1 (1868–1892), pp. 336–339, CHL (LR 7006 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 11, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1882): 44.

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3 August 1882, Pleasant Grove Relief Society; Pleasant Grove Meetinghouse, Pleasant Grove, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/08/1882-08-03