2 March 1872

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White building with wood trim, Salt Lake City, circa 1890

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Prayer by Coun Miss E. R Snow. [. . .]

Pres. Mrs [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne said

Sister Snow has some Resolutions to be presented to the meeting which will be read before the minutes of the young ladies. They were then read and accepted.

[. . .]

Remarks by Coun Mrs [Phebe W.] Woodruff

The resolutions read by Sister Snow were excellent. [. . .] We should try to bear with one another weaknesses as much as possible. We wish others to bear with us, there fore we should be lenient.

Coun Miss E. R. Snow.

I am pleased to see so many of the sisters present, it is another proof that there are live saints and live sisters. I am proud of our young sisters and feel to say God bless them. I would exhort them to be humble. Sister Woodruff made some very good remarks that of forbearing with the weaknesses of one another; We are very apt to see the errors of others before we can discern our own. We should not be to be told of our faults but receive it with mildness. Since I was last here I have nursed and buried an only sister [Leonora S. Morley] of the flesh. It seemed as though she had risen above sickness. When she died one would have thought she had gone to sleep. The loss struck me more sensibly than if she had wasted away. [n.p.] We had many pleasant chitchats; she was one with <to> whom I I could think aloud. She had not been long gone before I thought of something I wished to say to her, but she had passed behind the vail. I was requested to speak at her funeral, my first thought was no. I then asked myself if it were right to refuse the request of my bretheren, when I, had encouraged my sisters never to refuse when called upon to speak? No I would not refuse. Her funeral was held in the Courthouse and was very largely attended. She spent a life of usefulness and seemed as though she lived for others and not for her self. Order is our subject for today. I received a letter today from Mrs Johnston who is Pres in of one of the Female Relief Societies in one of the Southeren Settlements stating that a petition was gotten up by the ladies there and sent to Pres. [Ulysses S.] Grant’s wife [Julia D. Grant] an answer was received. It shows that not only the ladies of Salt Lake City were energetic but in the settlements also in sending petitions. In every respect there is order. I greatly admire the order in the baptism for the dead. The eldest son officiating in the stead of the father for the male realitives, and the daughter in that of the mother for the female realitives. While on this subject I want to speak about the dressing of the dead. My sister had her suit made and in readiness, in which she was to be buried. Which we all ought to have, and before dressing her the sisters bathed her in Carbolic Acid, after she was dressed her countenance was beautiful.

Coun Mrs Zina [D. H.] Young

I heartly endorse the dressing of the dead. Last week Sister [Presendia H.] Kimball, my sister and myself were called upon to mak a suit for an elderly lady over seventy years of age. I said at the time, I hoped this subject would be mentioned in our meetings. In speaking of Sister Snow’s sister I have known her for many years, I always esteemed it a privilege to be in her company. She has spent her time profitably and is now reaping her reward with the faithful. Sisters may we all be faithful.

Coun Mrs S [Sarah] M Kimball,

I am glad the subject of the dead has been mentioned It has been my fortune, wheather good or bad to be much over the dead. [. . .] [n.p.]

Mrs R. [Rachel R.] Grant

I can fully conincide with the sisters have said. It is highly important to have the burial clothes ready, to me it always seemes pleasant, while to some it seemes meloncholy to make clothes in which to be buried before we are ready to use them. I had mine made, but an acquaintance dying I gave let her have them, but I will make me another suit. We do not look upon death as the world does in general. I pray God to bless the faithful

[. . .]

Coun. Miss E. R Snow said

I wish the young ladies to preserve their <written> articles for the Juvenile Instructor

[. . .]

Mrs [Willmirth G.] East.

I am thankful for the privilege of standing before you I have been very much edified with the remarks of the sisters. [. . .] Was very very much pleased with the subject of the dressing of our dead. We should look upon death pleasantly. [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Retrenchment Association, Meeting Minutes (1871–1874), n.p., CHL (CR 129 1); Margaret Mair, Secretary.

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2 March 1872, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/03/1872-03-02