21 September 1878

Salt Lake Stake Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] There were on the stand Counselor Mrs. Haywood [Serepta Heywood]. E. R. Snow, B. [Bathsheba W.] Smith, Z. [Zina D.] Young, and many Presidents of the R. S. [. . .]

Sister E. R. S. said I see a decided improvement in the Reports and if there are any changes in the officers during the year the Sec. should note it. I returned from Tooele last eve we helped organize the board for the Stake, also officers for the R. S. on account of some of those being taken for the Stake organization allso a Primary organization, and what is very important to us “we asked them to get straw and see that they had hats made for men, women and children.” The Lord has wanted us and He has called upon us to carry out this <these> duties and He will not be triffled with. I am glad to hear there is so much wheat stored. I am pleased with the reports generally. I hope those Societies that have means on hand will not let it lie, but will purchase wheat while it is so cheap. the R. Ss [Relief Societies] are growing in importants [importance], if the Br. [brothers] could realize what the sisters are doing to effect, I am sure they would be well pleased. I dont mean all; for some have names enroled and do not make the socity a benefit to themselves. who <we> have got to become more refined for this purpose, we are taking hold of the little children, mothers should feel the necesity for improvement in their children, it is of great importance, we want to take them while in their purity and instill into them principals pertaining to the kingdom of God. The young men and women are living for themselves to know who God is. There is more to be reaped from these little ones than from those who are tainted with Babylin [Babylon] like the ancient

they crave after the things of Egypt, and some of our young women crave more or less after the things of the world. When we have mothers that are fil[l]ed with the love of God and with the love of this work, what will our children [p. 30] be: Striving in the work of the Lord, and fully fitted to cary out the purposes of God. Our duties are increasing but God will help us, we will grow stronger in body and mind. The R. S. is a power in Zion to-day, it is a work that should arrouse every energy we are capible of, and I hope the Lord will help us to do it. Mrs [Elmina S.] Taylor said [. . .] I would like to have the Presidents and tell how their Socities are getting on. [. . .] Meeting adjurned till 2 P.M. [. . .] [p. 31] [. . .]

[. . .] Sister E. R. Snow reported the 18th ward, <said we are a young> Society, but their [there] is not a jar between us we are united and we are more ancious [anxious] to come on our testimony days than on our sewing days, which shows we are ancious for spiritual food. [. . .] [p. 32] [. . .] Sister E. R. Snow nominated Sister Mary P. Freeze as Superantendent of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Salt Lake Co. Sister Freeze nomination was unanimously sustained. Sister E. R. Snow then proceeded to nominate for Primary Asciations [Associations] in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Wards [. . .] [p. 33] [. . .] The business of the Conference being completed, Sister E. R. Snow arose with Sister [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney, and making a few explanatory remarks, announced that if the sisters would unite their faith, Sister Whitney would sing “A Song of Zion,” which she did in a most melodious voice and impressive manner, every heart seemingly inspired with the inspirational hymn. [. . .] [p. 34]

Source Note

Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Record Book (1868–1903), pp. 30–34, CHL (LR 604 70).

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21 September 1878, Salt Lake Stake Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 28, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/09/1878-09-21