28 May 1879
Gunnison Primary; Gunnison, Utah Territory
Organization of Primary Association
Sister Eliza R. Snow prosiding
[. . .]
Some questions were asked by Sister E. R. Snow, and answered by the children in a prom[p]t intelligent manner. She then made some very encouraging remarks to the children, showing what great results would flow from faithful attendance to each duty devolving upon each of them. The wi[c]ked hate the good; let us shun evil. Asked the children if they wanted to be organized into a Primary Asociation. A full show of right hans was the answer.
She told them the Iindians are examples of order in meetings, and you [p. 1] must be as orderly as they.
Sister Snow then organized the Association [. . .]
Some Instructions were given with regards to conducting the meetings of the Association etc: by Sisters Snow and [Mary Isabella] Horne.
[. . .] [p. 2]
Source Note
Gunnison Ward, Gunnison Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1949), vol. 1 (1879–1883), pp. 1–2, CHL (LR 3518 18).