19 June 1869

Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] the Bishop [Alonzo Raleigh] arose to address the society [. . .] I say to you all go on there is a great field of enterprize a great sphere of action there is many things to treat upon the Lord created male and female he did not create them two and two they should be one that woman should attend to domestic affairs educate and watch of over their children a woman can no more than fill their station their capacities would only enlarge as God designed man has a certain sphere to act upon a man has [p. 52] Jurisdiction the same as the almighty we are held accountable for our action it is a rare to find a person perfect. We have to be found fault with the greatest men we have we have to be accurate we have to come to the standard if we have a short capacity we must enlarge there is a great sphere for woman to act upon they are more refined by nature they are to perform that labor that is best adapted to them not to plant corn do what you do to advantage cultivate your minds also the minds of your children teach them the field is so large I do not know when to stop but suppose there are others who will speak I will give way

[. . .]

Sister Eliza E R Snow addressed the sisters said it was almost useless to speak after what had been said there is a great field of labor speaking of the relation we hold to each other also of the organization of this society by Joseph Smith spoke of teaching those best adapted in the ward to do busisness said the counselors held the same relation as the councilors to Joseph Smith the President can resort to the Bisop if necessary for counsil but should seek consil [counsel] from above seek to keep the commands of God the sisters are more sympathetic than the brethren we must be cautious about sympathy when you hear anyone complaining do not say I would not bear it, comfort and advise them what ever trials come bear it patiently acknowledge the hand of the Lord in it we are to [p. 53] tried that we may come off victorious seek for the spirit and be tried as gold we must keep a constant watch go step by step do your duty be not afraid you will have wisdom from above under all circumstances understand who needs help that you may not be imposed upon help them to labor do not support in idleness try improve their capacities do what is required of you at all times you will get along better whatever the Priesthood dictates is law always attend to your prayers teach your children to pray teach your sons to ask a blessing improve the manners of your children and every good principles we must take a stand become one we are instructed to act in unison in Cooporating Institution if we cannot take shares we can uphold in private we are responsible there is something for all of us to do every one must be engaged cultivate nobleness and attain to a fulness in the kingdom of God I feel to bless you may the Lord bless you is my prayer

Brother H [Henry] Grow then arose addressed the Society said he felt instructed could sit all day to hear Sister Eliza talk said there had been enough taught to save us if we would listen to what she had been said he felt to acquiesce in her remarks in speaking of sympathy let us say as she has said acknowledge the hand of the Lord in every thing [. . .] [p. 54]

Source Note

Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 1 (1868–1875), pp. 52–54, CHL (LR 6092 14); Abigail D. Hovey, Secretary.

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19 June 1869, Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1869/06/1869-06-19