3 December 1873

Hooper First Ward Relief Society; Hooper, Utah Territory

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Sisters Eliza. R. Snow, Zina [D. H.] Young and others were present.

Sister Snow Said their [there] were but few comparitively speaking who realized the necessity of meeting together in the capacity of a Relief Society. On the 16th day of March 1867 Presidents Willard Richards, Geo [George] A. Smith and others met together and a Society was organized by the Name of The Female Relief Society doctor Willard Richards being called upon to act as Secretary pro tem. recently by the Council of President [Brigham] Young the Word “Female” was dropt as surperfluous, some have an idea that the Society are alone to releive the poor, but this is a very meagre conception of the objects of the Society The Salvation of the soul by the promulgation of correct principles was also its aim and <every> virtuous female should become a member of the same, its good influence is designed to extend outside of Membership, and those who stood aloof from taking a part would miss it in a day to come.

The duty of the Secretary was to take the full names of each member together with the date when received as a member

The Treasurer’s duty was to keep a correct account of the receipts from individuals be it ever so small [p. 23] and also the disbursements

President Young she said wishes the Sisters to be particular and keep their books correctly The Teachers duties were various and their influence by their visits should benefit every family & by enjoying the Spirit of God, would desern [discern] the spririt that reigned in every house. To give council, to comfort and console, to administer Spiritual food, which to The saints of God is as essential as food for the body. she exhorted the sisters to be aware of false sympathy, and at all times acknowledge the hand of God. She exhorted the sisters to attend the Society Meetings and do all in their power that would tend to good she asked. What manner of women should we be, to stand at the Head of the world, our children is to become as polished stones. Woman led out in the first place & it is now our duty to lead out for good. The Lord as blessed us with this world[’]s goods insomuch that at times we neglect our spiritual duties, through which our sons and daughters are apt to go astray. Mothers should, she said understand Phisiology and study the temperment and teach the principles of truth & health and develope the spiritual faculties & not leave these duties to the father <she advised the> sisters to be strict in paying Tithing and their children would follow the example [p. 24]

The actions of parents were more or less imitated by their children & more especially does this apply to the Mother, much depending on her in this direction.

The Prophet Joseph Smith confirmed upon the sisters the privelege of administering to the Sick. Now sisters be faithful attend your meetings and you will feel blessed let it not become fashionable to destroy life with our people as it seems to be with the Gentile world. Bro Peregrine Sessions lately told that he had travelled 6000 Miles and saw only 6 Nursing babes, She felt pleased in seeing the sisters look so happy.

She recommended them not to forget the Young Men & boys, get them good and useful Books, and never in their hearing speak against the principles of the Gospel, the finest flour must be ground the hardest In speaking on Polygamy she remarked that when she entered <embraced> it, she doubted if she would be considered an honorable wife, even by our own people

Sister [Jane S.] Richards said she had been edifyied & had she the ability of Sisters Snow & Young, she could do Justice to her feelings in expressing her ideas. [. . .] [p. 25]

Source Note

Hooper 1st Ward, Hooper Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1973), vol. 1 (1871–1893), pp. 23–25, CHL (LR 3894 14); Elizabeth P. Gwilliam, Secretary.

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3 December 1873, Hooper First Ward Relief Society; Hooper, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/12/1873-12-03