29 September 1880
Glenwood Primary; Glenwood Meetinghouse, Glenwood, Utah Territory

Glenwood Ward, Sevier Stake meetinghouse. (Courtesy of the Church History Library.)
Minuts of a special meeting held at the meeting house by sister Eliza. R. Snow and sister B. [Bathsheba W.] Smith. sister Snow spoke a short time [. . .] [p. 33] [. . .] sister E R Snow spoke encoraged the boys to come more regular to these meeting and spoke of l[e]arning how to sing, asked some few questions and spoke of the childrin having a fair she spoke for some time and then <she> showed them Joseph Smith watch and asked some good questions [. . .] [p. 34]
Source Note
Glenwood Ward, Sevier Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1973), vol. 1 (1879–1885), pp. 33–34, CHL (LR 3227 18); Theda J. Buchanan, Secretary.
See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 11 (1 Nov. 1880): 84.