23 April 1868

Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Society met—a large number present roll called minutes of the last meeting <read>. Sisters E R Snow Zina [D. H.] Young [Presendia L.] Kimball and Sister [Fannie M.] Huntington met with us [. . .] Sister Zina spoke a few moments to us— [. . .] urged upon us to unite ourselves in the bonds of love and affection that we might gladden the hearts of those around the hearthstone. Said if we could only realize the responsibility resting upon us realize that a new Era is opening before us. Closed her remarks by telling us to be united and the blessings of God would be with us and his angels around us [p. 29]

[. . .] [p. 30]

Sister E R Snow said her heart was filled with joy and thanksgiving Said we were laying the foundation for a great and mighty work Said by being united we could accomplish what by undivided efforts we could never accomplish Said the smallest mite was accepted of by God as much as though accknowledged by the nations of the earth urged us to let confidense exist among us Told us to uphold our President and her council said the visiting comitte [committee] were appointed to look after the spiritual welfare of those who by neglect had lost the Spirit of God Said to live near the Lord and be faithful that our goods might multiply and increase urged us to be punctual at the time appointed for our meeting. Said by doing as we were told it would create within us feeling indescribable said that angels would be near and with us. also that it belonged to this church and should exist with it To provide homes for the homeless To give them employment would be more satisfactory to those needing assistance than any other way [p. 31]

[. . .] [p. 32]

Turn every thing to advantage set an example worthy of imitation She felt to bless <us> in the name of the Lord and to say that his angels should be with us and meet with us

The qualifications of the young Ladies were not what they should [be] She was nevertheless proud of thim Closed by again blessing us one and all. Sister K [Sarah M. Kimball] made a few remark thanking the sisters who met with us Said how long they had known and loved each other. Sister [Rebecca B.] Jones suggested that as all could not speak that would like to. That they return a vote of thanks to those Ladies who had spoken so kindly to us Carried by vote Singing

Dismissed by Sis E R Snow [. . .] [p. 33]

Source Note

Fifteenth Ward, Riverside Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1968), vol. 1 (1868–1873), pp. 29–33, CHL (LR 2848 14); Harriet C. Jones, Secretary.

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23 April 1868, Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/04/1868-04-23