11 December 1879

Lynne Relief Society; Lynne Schoolhouse, Lynne, Utah Territory

[. . .] prests E R Snow and Jane [S.] Richards and other sisters from Ogden arrived later sister E R Snow adressed the sisters she wished the faith and prayers of all she felt some regret at being late she said we should try to do our duty at all times we could keep our house in better order if we attended our meetings and all other duties we would have the spirit of God to be with us to prepare us for higher things than to work from morning till night, said we should prepare the minds of our children for the great events that await them and to keep them from partaking of the spirit of the world and rais[e] them pure they would become great men and women. She said we inlisted in the Gospel for life it would take all our lives in good works to gain our Salvation. She encouraged home industry the makeing of Silk and ect. [etc.] for babylon was going to fall she hoped it would not fall yet for awhile it would leave us so destitute she wished the brethren to help the sisters to get some Land that they may rais some mulbery trees. She encouraged us to store our grain for she felt sure there is going to be famine. She said there was no famly associations out side of the Celestial Kingdom. if we do right in all things we could have the privleig [privilege] of entering into the celestial glory said we should be determined in our minds and actions to do right and be faithful if we did so we should be premited [permitted] to associate with the greatest intelligences God angels and all holy beings. Prst Jane Richards [. . .] was pleased and edified by the instructions sister Snow gave the little Children [. . .] [p. 39]

Source Note

Lynne Ward, Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 1 (1878–1885), p. 39, CHL (LR 6405 14).

See also E. R. S., “A Letter,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 15 (1 Jan. 1880): 117.

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11 December 1879, Lynne Relief Society; Lynne Schoolhouse, Lynne, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/12/1879-12-11-a