18 November 1879
Payson Young Ladies; Payson, Utah Territory
[. . .] Sister Eliza <R> Snow: said the sisters need not be afraid of perfecting themselves to fast said he or she that lacketh wisdom let them ask of God but ask in earnest this half way buisness will not answer spoke on plural marr[i]age said she hoped there were these who would think they were preaching Hypocracy for they were firm in the preaching of plural marrage hoped there wer none who ever would speak Lightly of it prayed that we might all understand our position and never shrink a duty.1 said we had better have been born in heathens lands than to object the gospel now it is in our midsts, spoke of puting away jealousy and being united. she then spok[e] in tongues and Sister Zina [D. H.] Young interpreted2 spoke again said she felt that they needed encouragement both the boys and the girls, and she felt to encourage them. [. . .] [p. 133]
Source Note
Payson Ward, Utah Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1873–1891), vol. 1 (1873–1884), p. 133, CHL (LR 6814 17).
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[1]See “Plural Marriage” in Historical Context.
[2]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.