22 June 1872

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Music Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in two different sources. Both versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From Retrenchment Association Minutes

[. . .]

Coun Miss E R Snow said When I heard it announced that the Lord had spoken from heaven and a record had been brought forth I was deeply interested I prayed unto the Lord to Let me know if the work were true covenanting with him if he did so that I would <ever> praise his name in the congregation of the saints. When I was in Kirtland O. [Ohio] for three months I attended five meetings a weeks: We were called upon to speak I dared not refuse for I had promised God I would ever praise his name in the congregation of the saints. We were not called upon to be baptised but had to ask the privilege. When I went to meeting for the purpose of asking permission of being baptised I had to battle very strongly with the powers of darkness. The evil one brought forth many strong arguments against my joining the Church, and it was with difficulty that I overcame them I finally commanded Satan to depart from me. Then my mind was again enlightened and filled with the spirit of God, and I had firmness sufficient to ask for baptism. I have never had occasion to doubt the truth of this work. I have nearly now reach arrived lived out the time that has been allotted to mankind but if God sees fit, in his wisdom, for

me to live and retain my facult[i]es so that I may be able to accomplish good I am willing to do so. Too [To] a Saint death is not a terror, I would request the sisters to take upon them the responsibility of washing and annointing <and confirming> the sick more frequently. I have seen great power manifested through this ordinance.

Mrs [ Elizabeth Ann] Whitney said The Lord has renewed my strength to permit me to come here today. I can bear my testimony to the healing of the sick [n.p.] through the ordinance of washing and annointing. I have been healed many times. Sister Snow and I have have traveled together with the gospel for forty years and it grows brighter and brighter. [. . .]

Coun. Miss E R Snow Requested the names of those who donated to assist in emmigrating the poor.

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Minutes of the Senior and Junior Co-operative Retrenchment Association (1870–1880), n.p., CHL (CR 100 904); Maggie Mair, Secretary.

II. From Woman’s Exponent

[. . .]

IN THE general Retrenchment meeting held in this city, June 22nd, the President, Miss E. R. Snow, recommended each Society to have a Secretary and assistant Secretary, so that in case of indisposition or other hinderances occurring to prevent either one from attending a meeting, the other might be there and the minutes be regularly kept. This rule is a good one for Societies outside this city to adopt, as well as the different Ward Societies in the city.

[. . .] [p. 21]

Source Note

Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 1, no. 3 (1 July 1872): 21.

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22 June 1872, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Music Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/06/1872-06-22