4 January 1881

Rockville Relief Society; Rockville, Utah Territory

Reced [Received] a visit from Sisters E. R. Snow Smith Zina [D. H.] Young & Manerva [Minerva W.] Snow after Singing Prayer was offered by Bro A [Anson] P Winsor. When Sister Snow Proceeded to organize the R. S [Relief Society] Sister Ellenor [Eleanor R.] Morris was electe[d] President Sister Lizzy [Lizzie] C Smith First Counseller Sister Margret [Margaret L.] Brundage Second Fannie P Slaughter Secretary & Ster [Sister] Hannah Jennings Treasurey Sister Snow said she was glad now that she had the Privelege of addressing an Organized Relief Society.

Which was first organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith The bible spoke of the Sisters as being helps to the bretheren & this R E Society was begining to be a power among the Saints Said that Elect Ladies were those who were called to Preside

Joseph often met with the Sisters & told them how to conduct their meetings told the Sisters to bless each it was a great deal better to have a Spirit of blessing than of cursing A President Should always preside as long as they Preseided with dignity They Should always consult the members when entering [page damaged] business transactions [n.p.]

[. . .]

Said she had been called to Preside over all the Relief Societies will not lifft her up above her Sisters but made her feel like She was Servant of all in the Society was at all times Subservient to the Priesthood.1

The Society is not alone to help the poor but to help the Bishops. Have not ill feeling against each other. We are all Sisters & each of us have our parts to perform Be alway present at meeting & be alive & doing The duties of Teachers is very important. They should always have the Spirit of God when they went teaching, & they were to meet the sicknisses & Sorrows of the heart They Should never ask for any thing unless they were sent purposely.

It is their places also to wash & anoint the Sick. There Should Always be Two Sisters go togather.2 The duties of the Secretary was to keep a history of the Society Said there was now upward of 300 Societies Organized in the church.

Sister Zina Young arose Said she wished us all a happy New Year. Whilst Sister Eliza was speaking She thought about a revelation given to Emma Smith which She then Proceeded to read in the Book of Covenants [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Rockville Ward, Zion Park Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1972), vol. 1 (1868–1880), n.p., CHL (LR 7583 14).

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4 January 1881, Rockville Relief Society; Rockville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 10, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/01/1881-01-04


  1. [1]See “Priesthood, Relief Society, and Women” in Historical Context.

  2. [2]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.