17 November 1877

Grain Committee; Council House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Two-story, stone-brick building with three chimneys and a lightning rod

Salt Lake City Council House, built in 1849. Photograph taken in 1869. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] President John Taylor, Bishop Edward Hunter, Miss E. R. Snow, Mrs. Bathsheba W. Smith, Mrs. Phebe [C.] Woodruff, Mrs. E. A. [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney, Mrs. M. I. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne, and Mrs. Zina D. [H.] Young [. . .]

Remarks by President John Taylor: [. . .]

We want to educate our youth, to a better and more elevated state than they are in at present. A little tact, a little more persuasion will help our young people to do better [. . .] [p. 102]1

Miss E. R. Snow said: “I am pleased to hear the report of what our sisters have accomplished; the subject was new to us, we had many obstacles to meet, but I thank the Lord that we have succeeded as well as we have; still it looks very little compared to what is before us. The Lord never speaks in vain; we can depend on His word, and we know that a famine is coming. We should take into consideration, that we are standing as Egypt formerly stood, that is, preparing for the time when the people of the world will want food. We ought to have at least 50,000 bushels of wheat next year; we have but little time to prepare for the great events that are coming.

We are very thankful for the help we have received from the brethren; in some places they have rendered great assistance to the women in this important undertaking. Yet, in attending to the gathering and storing of wheat, we must not let other important duties be set aside. I consider it as very important to guide and lead the young people in the ways of righteousness and truth, and we have so much to do, and so many duties to perform, that every moment of our lives is called for, either in reflection or action.”

Mrs. M. I. Horne said: [. . .] If we educate and qualify ourselves to be wise mothers, we will elevate the coming generations. [. . .]

Miss E. R. Snow said: “If our sisters will use their persuasive powers, the young brethren will help them to put up the granaries, and I am sure they will feel honored in being solicited to assist in such important business. It has been reported that the wheat has been sold: I hope my sisters will pay no attention to any such story; no one has any right to touch a grain of it, only to see that it is in good condition.”

Mrs. E. [Emmeline] B. Wells said: [. . .] if the sisters will, as Sister Snow says, use their ‘persuasive powers,’ the young men will help in erecting storehouses. I believe that the sisters all feel united to do our best to carry out the instructions we have received. [. . .]

Mrs. E. A. Whitney said: [. . .] Joseph Smith said that the Relief Society, if they followed the counsel of the Priesthood, would be the greatest help in doing good that ever was known on the earth, and would be the means of doing a great work. The teachings we have heard to-day are true. [. . .] [p. 110]

Source Note

Grain Meeting: Report of First Annual Meeting,” Woman’s Exponent 6 , no. 13 (1 Dec. 1877): 102; and “Grain Meeting . . . Continued,” Woman’s Exponent 6, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1877): 110.

See also “First Annual Meeting,” Deseret Evening News 10, no. 306 (19 Nov. 1877): [3].

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17 November 1877, Grain Committee; Council House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 25, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1877/11/1877-11-17


  1. [1]This is the end of the article printed in the Woman’s Exponent issue number 13. The text that follows was printed in the Woman’s Exponent issue number 14 under the same title.