26 April 1882
Salt Lake Stake Relief Society; Fourteenth Ward Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, circa 1892. Courtesy Church History Library.
Sister Snow, said; by list[e]ning to the minutes of the various associations, I feel well paid for coming to meeting, even if I were to hear nothing more. There was once a day when there were no more than the minutes from one ward read in our meeting, but now we have a great number.
Gave an account of her visite to the 20th Ward <Primary> Association, also of her visit with the Associations of Davis Co [County].
[. . .]
Sister Snow gave some very good advice to the young girls in regard to qualifying themselves for good nurses, and knowing something about themselves.
Sister Freese [Mary A. Freeze] wished the subject that Sister Snow had just spoken upon, disscused in the Young Ladies Associations.
Sister Furgerson [Ellen B. Ferguson] announced that those wishing to prepare themselves for nurses could attend her class which would be open the first week in May.
[. . .] [p. 9]
Source Note
Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1882–1973), vol. 2 (1882–1890), p. 9, CHL (LR 604 14).