8 November 18811
Payson Primary; Payson Meetinghouse, Payson, Utah Territory

Payson Tabernacle built near the center of the old fort for use by the Nebo Stake. Payson, Utah Territory. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)
Meeting called to order by E. R. Snow of Salt Lake City, who was requested to take Charge of the Meeting.
[. . .]
Sister Snow asked who is the President of Primaries of Utah Stak. who Presides over all Primaries of the world ans, Zina. Y. Williams first, Louie [B.] Felt second, then made some remarks [p. 12] About the singing. of the children Spoke of the Indians going to hear the Prophet Joseph Smith. Preach. refered to her visit to Thistle Valley and what she saw there. said they Organized a Primary Association. questions were read and answers were Read by Sister Snow & [Emmeline B.] Wells the children repeating after them.
[. . .]
Sister Snow spoke of children assisting to Emigrate the poor
Refered to the Fair at the city
told what children could do
[. . .]
Sister Snow prayed and the children followed repeating her words. [p. 13]
Source Note
Payson Ward, Utah Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1878–1891), vol. 4 (1880–1891), pp. 12–13, CHL (LR 6814 18); Millie Stark, Secretary; Susan Crandall, Recorder.
See also “Here and There,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 12 (15 Nov. 1881): 93.
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[1]The Primary minute book provides the date of 9 November 1881, but according to the Woman’s Exponent, this meeting occurred on 8 November, in the afternoon following the Payson Relief Society meeting.