13 July 1879

Garden City Relief Society; Garden City Schoolhouse, Garden City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Pres’t [Ann E.] Cook presented the folloing Sisters from Salt Lake present for the purpose of instructing us namely Sisters Snow, Horn [Mary Isabella Horne], Haywood [Serepta M. Heywood] and [Sarah M.] Kimball

[. . .] [p. 11] [. . .]

Sister Horne said [. . .] [p. 12] [. . .] I will give way as I know you all are anxious to hear from Sister Snow.

Sister Snow Said Although I man am not personly acquainted with the Sis here I feel that we are one, or should be. I want you all to lift your hearts on high and call down the Spirit of God <upon> us here this afternoon. I am pleased to see the Brethren, but I think they should be here and feel as much intrest in what is going on as the Sisters. In the World man has one intrest and woman another but with us it is not so, we have but and it can not be separated who can strengthen the husband as well as his wife, and who can encourage the wife as the husband. Many of you here are just commencing life and should commence in the right way, and keep right. You are settling a new place here for the purpose of making yourselves homes. Your objects should not be all self, the kingdom of God should be first. Joseph [Smith] said when the Church should become perfect, Woman’s mission would be to give stamp to Society and as the child recieves its first impressions from the Mother so is it the duty of the Relief Society to give form and influence to the Society of this place, and is this as well as in training the children, do we not need the support of the brethren I want the aid of the Priesthood, and to know that they sanction every step I take. In your meetings you should have every thing that will refine and elevate our course through life should be onward and upward obtain the Spirit of God and it will teach you all things. Some think there is no necessity of comming to meeting if they donate but we do not want your donations if we cannot see your faces, and hear [p. 13] voices, if we are Saints we cannot live alone, there is no such thing as a lone Saint, the blessings we recieve must be by the Spirit of God, and we cannot obtain it by staying at home when we could come to meeting, the spirit we obtain in our meetings carried to our homes, will help us to do our work and bring Joy with it in commencing life lay the foundation by the spirit of God The Presidint & counsellors are not expected to do all, in the midst of counsel there is safety. Nothing should be I, but We. It is the duty of all to feel a responsibility, all our littles should be thrown togather, it is by our labors we are known. The business of the teachers is to teach and advise, they should be in posession of the Spirit of the Lord to such an extent that when they enter a house, they can tell Just the spirit that rules there, and should be able to say words of comfort to the distressed, all the good they can do will never be told here, but a record of their deeds will be kept on high. I would advise the Sisters to store grain. You could raise white beans here, they would be nise stored. I believe as so you could raise the Mulbery tree here and furnish work for those who come from afar. Encourage home Manufacture. Make straw hats and see if the brethren will were them if you will live up to your privileges and you can help the Lord to remove the curse from the Earth prayed that the blessings of the Lord might be with us She was glad to know that <Sister Cook> was President as she had known her for several <years and knew She was a faithful Sister in the Church>

[. . .] [p. 14]

Source Note

Garden City Ward, Bear Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1879–1972), vol. 1 (1879–1885), pp. 11–14, CHL (LR 3095 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 5 (1 Aug. 1879): 36; “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1879): 61; and “Women Workers,” Deseret Evening News 28, no. 27 (6 Aug. 1879): 425.

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13 July 1879, Garden City Relief Society; Garden City Schoolhouse, Garden City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/07/1879-07-13