11 August 1880
Manti North and South Primaries; Manti Tabernacle, Manti, Utah Territory

The Manti Tabernacle, built in 1878–1882 by William Folsom, the architect who also build the Manti Temple. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)
[. . .] [p. 51]
Sister Snow, arose spoke how delighted she was, said to say she was delighted was saying to[o] little, for she did not expect to hear them do so well, said she felt proud, and if we would still continue to be punctual and attend our Primary Associations and Sunday Schools we would still improve, and it was very necessary for us to improve because some of the boys will be sent to the nations of the earth to preach the Gospel; and the and the girls also would have a great work to do; said she felt pleased to think we had such good Presidents, and wished us to be always good to them, told how Erastus Snow first commenced to preach the gospel when he was only 16 years of age, and also asked some questions; spoke how the angels were seen both on the top and in the inside of the Kirtland Temple, and there will be angels seen in this temple when it is finished, made a few remarks on administration, spoke of a Fair she attended of the Primary of Farmington and how well pleased she was, wished us all to preserve our Essays, for after a while we will want you to write to our papers, Prayed that God would pour out his blessings upon us and always let his good spirit abide with us
[. . .] [p. 52] [. . .] Sister Eliza R Snow made two requests—1st to get all the little boys to come to our meetings we could 2nd
2nd to be sure and get our Fathers and Mothers to visit our meetings, for if they will come they will learn something,—
Sister [Mary Ann P.] Hyde [. . .] spoke how greatly <greatfull> we ought to be to sister snow and sister [Emmeline B.] Wells, for coming so far to visit and instruct us [. . .] [p. 53]
Source Note
Manti North Ward, Sanpete Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1973), vol. 1 (1879–1883), pp. 51–53, CHL (LR 5251 18); William Reid and Annie Shand, Secretaries.
See also “Visit to Sanpete—Notes by the Way,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1880): 44–45.