2 November 1880
Social Event; Robert and Hannah Peirce Residence, Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory

Robert and Hannah Peirce Home in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Used by permission of Gregory Peirce and the Peirce family.)
Relief Society Pres [Eliza R. Snow] with her two Counsellors [Zina D. H. Young and Elizabeth Ann Whitney] and Secretary [Sarah M. Kimball] [. . .] rode Six miles to Mill Creek by invitation of Mrs Margarett [Margaret P.] Young to visit her Father Robert Pierce [Peirce] aged 84 Years, He came from Lancaster County Pennsylvania in the early days of Nauvoo and was familiarly acquainted with the Prophit Joseph Smith. [. . .]
Sister E. R. Spoke in tongues and prophesied, Sis Zina D Young interpreted
The party returned feeling that the day had been pleasently and proffitably spent
[. . .] [p. 20]
Source Note
General Relief Society, Record (1880–1892), p. 20, CHL (CR 11 175).