12 March 1868

Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Relief Society; Thomas Ellerbeck Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

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Sister E. R. Snow being present by special request from President Mrs [Marinda N.] Hyde. she was called upon by the President to make a few remarks to sisters present. 

She arose and said that she felt happy for the priviledge of meeting with us. she was glad to see the sisters engaged in so good and noble a work, and knew that the angels of God was watching over the meeting and noting down all the proceedings, also that by the sisters looking after the wants of the poor it took quite a responsibility off the hands of the bretheren. She said that these Societies were after the pattern of Heavenly things and was glad when President [Brigham] Young spoke of again organizing them. Also the responsibility resting on the Visiting Committee, that the wants of the body were not all the poor needed, that the sisters visiting their respective blocks, could speak a word of kindness, to some drooping or desponding soul, that a word spoken thus to cheer the spirit, is worth more than a purse of gold. Sister Eliza also spoke of the good done by the Nauvoo Society, and that acting in a united capacity and their prayers being one, they should have power with God. for Father hears the prayers of his daughters as well as his sons, when they are united. She felt as though the Lord had opened the way for the sisters to do a great work, also spoke of the emigration, how their hearts would be made glad both spiritually and temporally. also advised the Visiting Committee to look after those who need comfort, that a sister will tell a sister her troubles. For the Visiting Committee held high and responsible positions in the Society. and hoped they would do their work well. She said that the spirit of the meeting was good, and that angels watched over us; she also blessed us as a sister her heart felt glad to be with us. she thanked God and President Mrs Hyde for inviting her to come, and blessed us in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. [p. 69]

It was moved and seconded that Sister Snow read the record of the organization of the Nauvoo Relief Society. Unanimously passed. Sister Snow thereupon arose and read the minutes. They were listened to with great interest by all present, and we were all glad to have her voice mingle with ours, in this great work. It was moved by Mrs E. A. [Eliza Ann] Felt and seconded by Mrs. G. [George] A. Alder [Lydia D. Alder], that the Society tender a vote of thanks to Sister Snow, for her kind instructions and advice. Passed unanimously. [. . .] [p. 70]

Source Note

Seventeenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1856–1973), vol. 2 (1868–1871), pp. 68–70, CHL (LR 8240 14).

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12 March 1868, Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Relief Society; Thomas Ellerbeck Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/03/1868-03-12