7 September 1868

West Jordan Relief Society; West Jordan Meetinghouse, West Jordan, Utah Territory

One-story, red stone building

The West Jordan meetinghouse was built in the 1860s in West Jordan, Utah Territory. It stands today as a museum for the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. This photograph was taken in 2020.

[. . .] Sister [Marinda A.] Bateman Presiding she arose & said she was happy to Meet with the sisters this morning But she did not feel Like saying anything this morning as their was Sisters Snow [Sarah M.] Kimball & [Margaret T.] Smoot here [. . .]

Sister Snow said you ought to be united uphold each other They should act in Union one with another you do not know What good you can accomplish by acting so. What is more Important than a good house Wife a good house keeper A good Mother raising your Children aright &c. do not let them run at large & be Exposed You should asso[c]iate And Communicate one to another. when you meet together Meet for good to improve yourseleves

Our Brethern are improving in the School of the Prophets &c. And we must try to improve also. this society will do more good To Elevate & Refine us than any other thing that i know of.

This Socitety is not only to releive the Poor But it is to help The Bishops &c. &c. The lord will have a tried People But if we have the Spirit of the Lord, our Trials will Diminish & we will walk over our Dificualites [difficulties].

We have A Religion that never wears out we grow happy as we Bring our feelings in subgection. our Experance we will Take Away with us To enable us to fill other Sphers.

We need not covet anything only what we Can Attain to Never let us Call our lots into question. When your Sisters Are around, you must not Symphathise with those that think Their lots hard. you must try & strenthen them tell them They dont know how much they can bear but Father knows Best Your Buisness is not to go around begging But to give A word in due season. if you find any that is weak in The Faith try & Comfort them & strenthen them & impart Knowledge & words of Comfort & act as Saviours upon Mount Zion to them The Sick must be attended to. But those that are able to work It is expected that they will work, & not encourage them in idleness She wished to Correct one erro[r] it has been said that the Society in Nauvoo did more harm than good but it was not [p. 3] So Emma Smith was Preisidentess. She gave it up So as not to lead the society in Erro[r]. The Society did A great deal of good saved a great many lives &c. Joseph Smith was very Particular in receiving members In the society they was to have a reccomend from Two or Three good sisters.

It is nessary [necessary] that you should have a good Account kept of incomes & Disembersments [disbursements] &c. &c. to send in quartly [quarterly] Accounts Joseph Smith said their was no danger of going to fast if we will only go aright &c. the Cultavation of our Children lays more upon our Mothers than in the world Because our Brethern have so much to do &c &c.

I feel to Bless you i feel you have a good society here Your Bishop [Archibald Gardner] seems to take an intrust [interest] in you it is not Expected that he will be able to help you much in your Meetings &c.—she also read the Minutes of the first Organisation of the Society—

[. . .]

Sister Snow arose again & made a few more remarks Cauti[o]ned the sisters to be Carfel [careful] & not to be in A hurry to Obtain Blessings the Blessings will come if we do right we want to be preparied to go back to Jacksons County [Jackson County, Missouri] when the time comes &c When our Brethern become Kings we shall become Preistess so let Us live for it let us go forth & be humble & obedient & we will have all our hearts desire. [p. 4]

Bishop Gardner arose & said [. . .] I do rejoyce to have heard read the minutes of the first Organisation Of This society any one could see that it was from a right source from God [. . .] [p. 5]

Source Note

West Jordan Ward, West Jordan South Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 3 (1868–1938), pp. 3–5, CHL (LR 10051 14); Frederick A. Cooper, Clerk.

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7 September 1868, West Jordan Relief Society; West Jordan Meetinghouse, West Jordan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/09/1868-09-07