18 October 1883

Lehi Relief Society; Lehi, Utah Territory

[. . .]

There were present on the stand Bishop T [Thomas] R Cutler Coun Whm [William] Winn and other brethren also Sisters E R Snow Smith R [Rachel R.] Grant E [Emmeline] B Wells and Sister Zina [Y.] Williams

[. . .] [p. 74] [. . .] [p. 75] [. . .]

Pres E R Snow Smith said Pres Brigham Young once said in addressing the sisters from this stand, Who am I addressing¿ and said you are a congretation of Eves. We want to understand what we are doing. When I went into the waters of batism I covenanted to leave everything belonging to the world behind and it will take all my time to live my religion untill I die and throughout all eternity. What would the women of Zion have been to day if the Lord had not orgenized [organized] these Societies. W[e] should have been a dead set. Every wife should be a counselor to her husband. Then what kind of women should we be if we hold this position. We do not presume to be the head, but we should be a counselor and a blessing in the family. Woman was created a helpmeet to man. These Relief Societies should be a self rigulated [regulated] society and if there are any difficulties between the sisters that can not be settled by their President they should be taken to the Priesthood. As It has been remarked home should be the first place but if there is any one needs her soul refreshing it is the mother and it is these women who fill these posttions [positions] the Rest and when she goes home her face glows with the Spirit of God, and these are the women who encourage their husbands to go on missions and attend to their duties. In regard to our children I like to see them at meeting and it never annoys me. Do our mothers encourage our children to attend their Primaries for it is there where they will be tought the principles of the Gospel. Every mother should know what hour their childrens meetings are for it is there the Spirit of love is inculcated [p. 76] We have now in Salt Lake City a great chance for the sisters to obtain at Sister [Elvira S.] Barneys a good medical instruction at very reasonable rates. I wonder if there are not 3 or 4 sisters who could attend. I should judge some of you could to judge by your Relief Society Hall but perhaps if you were to start out in another direction you would not have another Br Beck to help. There are many sisters needed in this direction. I should think my sisters could go on such missions as well as their husbands can go on theirs. We want to be up and doing and if there are any sisters who do not attend their R S [Relief Society] Meetings why not take hold of them and be Saviores to them, for I believe the women are responsible for the state of society. Then how much watchfulness and care is needed in this direction, we are responsible in part for the state of society and we should be careful and set a good example to those we come in contact with, we should not allow rude or low talk in our presence, we can stop this to some extent. If we are not a President or counselor it devolves on us to do good as much as they, no matter how humble our position is there is no one but what can do some good. We expect to be in company with our Father and God some time if we are faithful than let us draw nearer to him every day so that we can gain a little more of His Spirit. It is true we have many vexations to encounter and it requires a great effort to overcome these things. If we live up to every word that God reveals and if we honor every principle the time will come when if needs so we shall be enabled to stand at the head of a world the same as Eve did.1 I pray that this may be the happy lot of my sisters and that God will bless you which I ask in the name of Jesus amen.

Mrs. Zina Williams [. . .] said she was thankful Sistera [Sister] Eliza was with us and knew she was upheld by the saints [. . .] [p. 77]

Source Note

Lehi Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1892), vol. 3 (1882–1892), pp. 74–77, CHL (LR 4817 14).

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18 October 1883, Lehi Relief Society; Lehi, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed January 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/10/1883-10-18-a


  1. [1]See “Eve and the Fall” in Historical Context.