26 May 1885

Mill Creek Primary; Mill Creek Meetinghouse, Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory

Single-story, stucco building with stained glass windows

Mill Creek meetinghouse, circa 1915, Salt Lake City. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow Smith said she felt as though all the primary children belonged to her

much pleased to see so many little faces and if they were all obedient to their parents and those who were placed over them, they would grow up to be wise and good. The primaries are helping to prepair the boys to go on missions, and preach life and salvation, to those who are in the darke<ness> made some good remark on truthfulness. Said improvement is our motto, then teach the children to have faith in God. for he has said put not your faith in the arm of flesh boys and girls keep in mind the great work which is before you; for this work will [p. 13] soon roll on to your shoulders; then let not one meeting pass without learning something. Then interested the children by showing them a watch which the prophet Joseph Smith had worn a number of years. [. . .] [p. 14] [. . .]

Sister E R. Snow Smith. said order was heavens first law, and she was pleased with the good order, which had prevailed. When the children learn peices they should learn those peices which have good morals.

Said if the mothers wanted their children to be great and mighty they should lay the foundation of truth and honesty in their youth. [. . .] [p. 15]

Source Note

Millcreek Ward, Cottonwood Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1880–1949), vol. 3 (1880–1901), pp. 13–15, CHL (LR 5570 18).

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26 May 1885, Mill Creek Primary; Mill Creek Meetinghouse, Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 6, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/05/1885-05-26