6 February 1879
Ogden Stake Relief Society; Union Hall, Ogden, Utah Territory

Union Hall, Ogden, Utah Territory. Later became Union Opera House on 3 July 1879. (Courtesy Museums at Union Station Collection, Union Station Division, Ogden City, Utah.)
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Sister Jane [S.] Richards, arose and said she was pleased to see so large an assemblage, that we were strengthened and blessed by the presence of Sister Eliza R. Snow, Sister Zina Young Williams, Sister Emeline [Emmeline B.] Wells to talk to us about Washington [. . .] Sister Eliza’s health was poor still [p. 21] [. . .]
Sister E. R. Snow, arose & said, she was pleased to meet with us once more, felt as if she belonged to us, was thankful that the Brethren honored us with their presence, back in the world they talk [p. 22] about womans cause,1 but here there was no such thing, as we were one if we were living in accordance with the Covenants we had taken, which reminded her of Sister Emma Smith & herself visiting Gov [Thomas] Carlin in the interest of Joseph Smith the Prophet, they were recieved very cordially said he thought Bro Joseph was innocent and should have his protection, but while they were there as his guests he was plotting their ruin, she was glad Sister Wells & Williams had been to Washington they had done their duty, the Lord required they should seek justice from the judges, was our duty to do all we possibly could, but where was our help coming from? from Washington? No! our help was to come from God, and that depends on our own selves, he has promised if would keep his commandments he will protect us, but unless we do this we have no claim on him, the question is are we devoting our whole lives, minds, & strength united as the heart of one, working for one point, living day by day, as the Saints of the most high God, our future depends on this, are we putting from us every evil thought, every Jealosy, do our tongues speak evil one of another, are we full of the love of God, do we esteem the favor of God above all earthly things, do we love the Kingdom of God or ourselves, are we putting our means out in building temples, sustaining the poor establishing Zion? if we do all we can, all he requires of us “Give me thy heart,” where our affections center, the Lord has given us the right of franchise, that we may assist in Sustaining the work of God, Some think very lightly of this privilege She had never missed voting Since she had the right of franchise, felt it as necessary to vote as to say her prayers, Would I vote in opposition to the will of God’s <the> kingdom of God was Order, Perfect Order, was up at Evanston at the time of voting a Sister voted the opposite ticket because she did not know the difference, the act stood out against her, and she would have to meet it, should be careful in opposing the Priesthood of God, be one & vote on the right side, [p. 23] let none miss it, unless we maintain our rights we shall be driven from place to place, we have a number of missions given us. To support home industries, wanted the Sisters to support every home industry they possibly could, spoke of the Straw factory in particular, why not do as the Lord had commanded us to do that Zion might be independant, we sing about Zion being free, while we are Slaves to Babylon, be united & we could accomplish anything, Oliver Cowdry [Cowdery] wanted revelation the Lord told him he should have s[t]udied one in his own mind then he would have the Spirit of the Lord to tell him whether it was correct or not, thought we could do better than we have done these divisions frightened her, she had seen the result too much, that was what drove the Saints from Jackson County [Missouri] their own acts drove them forth, should watch any tendency to split, and be not afraid of anything abroad, but watch ourselves, let us keep the Commandments of God and all will be well, God is the majority, let us support the Straw Factory. was present when the house was dedicated, let us store our grain, every Saint should consider it important, the Lord had said sickness & famine should cover the face of the earth, saw that since the sisters had taken the grain business in hand the Bretheren had shirked their duty, Sister Wells was Prest. of the Central Committee, said she was going to talk to the Brethren about working together & accomplishing something, Spoke of a vision of a young man in the 14th Ward Salt Lake City, now was the time, if we had the faith in our hearts we once had, we want the faith of a Daniel for the time was coming we should need it, we want the Holy Ghost continually in our bosoms, at the begining of the year she renewed her determination to live nearer to God & try to do more good than in the year past, wanted us to [p. 24] come together often & warm our hearts with the spirit of God. Said She had never spoken against one order of the Priesthood, all we do for the Kingdom of God will be recorded to our credit, what we do for the world will perish, she wanted to find something to her credit when she steps into another world, was proud of the Sisters & their labors, felt anxious that we should be surely a peculiar people.
[. . .]
Sister Eliza, Proposed the 4 wards meet together every month, bring minutes, & read them &c,
[. . .] [p. 25]
Source Note
Ogden Second Ward, Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1968), vol. 2 (1879–1880), pp. 21–25, CHL (LR 6392 14).
See also Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1968), vol. 8 (1879–1888), pp. 1–2, CHL (LR 9970 14); “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 19 (1 Mar. 1879): 203; and Donald G. Godfrey and Kenneth W. Godfrey, eds., The Diaries of Charles Ora Card: The Utah Years, 1871–1886 (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009), 107–109.
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[1]See “Political Activity and Women’s Suffrage” in Historical Context.