25 January 1878
Silk Association; Council House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
[. . .]
The Chairman [Zina D. H. Young] said we could not do the buisness which was intended to be done at this meeting owing to the committee not been able to see Pres [John] Taylor Miss E R Snow said she had seen Pres Taylor and he seemed to think there was no need for a permanent organizati[o]n at present a Committe[e] of three were appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature [p. 61] asking for an appropiation to purchase Machinery and promote the raising of Cocoons, on Motion the Pres[i]dents of Relief societies and Young Ladies Mutual I A [Improvement Associations] throughout the Terittoy [territory] act as local vice Pre[s]idents Miss E R Snow as nominated as first Vice President in place of Anson Call, Carr[i]ed
[. . .] [p. 62]
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25 January 1878, Silk Association; Council House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed January 25, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/01/1878-01-25