12 November 1881

Goshen Relief Society; Goshen, Utah Territory

Especual [Especial] Meeting of Relief Society and Y. [Young] Ladies Visitors Sisters E. R. Snow Smith & Louie [B.] Felt from Salt Lake City [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow then address[e]d the Meeting said in addition with being pleased to see our sisters here to night to see so many of the Brethren. We know if our Brethren meet with us, they will know we are working with them. we all work for the interest of each other. We find our labours incressing [increasing] our Mission here is <quit[e]> as important as the bretheren. The Relief Society is not only to relieve the poor but it is also to save souls. The Prophet Joseph [Smith] organized the Relief Society after the pattern of the church. He wanted us to become business women; and be saviours. Our Socities are increasing we now have stake organizations and we find they are doing a great deal of good.

When I was called to forward a report to Phil[a]delphia I found we had disburst between 2 or three thousand dollars. we began with only a few carpet rags but the Lord blesses us and increases our store. Some of the sisters used to have the idea that our husbands were going to save us; but we have found out different now. We must work out [p. 389] our own salvation, for the idler cannot share with the worker; our society means work. In the beginning women was made for <a> help mete [meet] for man but now we are also a help mete for the church. We should always be on hand when duty calls and never shirk a duty.

The key to success is never neglect a duty. never think anything to[o] large to perform. She also spoke on the Celestial law, tithing and sacrament. Be not weary in well doing give your whole heart to God.

Unless we keep the laws of God we cannot receive the blessings. I am pleased to learn the primary children are paying tithing here.

also spoke about Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and told us many good and instructive things which will benefit all who heed them said I pray God to bless you all with his holy spirit so that you may increase in nobility and all things which is good is my desire.

Sister Luie Felt said [. . .] sister Snow has said many things to which I can bear my testimony.

[. . .] [p. 390] [. . .]

After which Sister Snow arose and said she felt to bless the sisters in the gift of tongues she then spoke in tongues by the gift and power of God.

Sister Mary [F.] Dodds Gave the interpretation which consisted in blessings [. . .] [p. 391]

Source Note

Goshen Ward, Santaquin-Tintic Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1971), vol. 2 (1870–1881), pp. 389–391, CHL (LR 3259 14); Louisa Taylor, Secretary.

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12 November 1881, Goshen Relief Society; Goshen, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/11/1881-11-12-a