14 August 1880

Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Snow said what a great blessing it is to be assosiated with those that has a desire to serve the Lord we each of us have our duties to perform and each of us will get our reward for what we do, if we are saved each of us have to work out our own salvation let us always remember that, the gospel of Jesus unites us and draws us together and we all have a mission to perform, the question is how can we fulfill that Mission there is only one way that we can and that is by living so we can have the holy spirit to dwell in our bosom, she spoke to the young about the nessissity of attending to their meetings and to remember that they are the children of God, Joseph Smith said that if the saints would carry out the Counsels given us we would become the most glorious principle people upon the earth, the Lord has indeed blest his children very much, let it then be our aim to live so that he can be pleased with us she encouraged the sisters to sustain home industry espesially to raise Silk to set out mulberry trees and to get silk worms so that we can get to manufacture our own silk dresses she also put us in mind of the nessissity of saving up our grain for there will be sure to come a famine

let us be energetic in what we undertake to do [p. 196] let us be faithful and live so that we may not only be saved but also gain an exaltation in God our Fathers kingdom, if we have trials here let us remember that our Fathers hand is in those trials, and that he have said that he want a tried people, she felt to bless us let us live so that we can get to associate together throughout eternity.

[. . .]

Bro [William] Tunbridge said we have a very good time here today, with having our good sisters Snow and [Emmeline B.] Wells here to visit us and instruct us in the principles of our holy religion [. . .] [p. 197]

Source Note

Levan Ward, Juab Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1970), vol. 2 (1874–1887), pp. 196–197, CHL (LR 4850 14); Hannah H. Hendrickson, Secretary.

See also “From Sanpete to Juab County: Notes by the Way,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1880): 52.

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14 August 1880, Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 6, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/08/1880-08-14-a