16 June 1880

Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Relief Society Hall, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister [Elizabeth A.] Howard said no doubt the sisters will be pleased to hear Sister’s Snow & [Emmeline B.] Wells. Sister Snow will now address us

E R Snow I am very thankfull to see so many of the Bretheren with us we want them to see that we wish to be a help to them in the Priesthood We have duties to perform that we have to do our selves. I cant edify you only by the spirit of God. Are any of us saints I hope so to be saints we must obey every princip[l]e of the gospel. We are not here to build up homes only but to carry out sertain measures to establish the work of God on the earth I hope we are waking up. The time has come for us to be enerjetic in performing our duties. We should be above the things of the world and above the people of the world I find the Gents & Ladies that come here & convers with me are in the dark & some of our own people are just like them [p. 501] They will go where there are no fam[i]lies ties no children no wives no Husbands & with out such thing’s there can be no happiness if we dont want to belong to such let us wake up and examine what course of life we are walking in the spirit of God will not dwell in a bosom that is full of complaints. The spirit of God is one of light and happiness & will reveal to us past present & future that will be to our benefit we can attain to a fullness but we cannot do it through idleness we must work we are a community of workers We have silk machinery to manifacture all we can use for years to come we want mubberry’s planted out & all the leave utilised. The word of the Lord is given to us in this dispensation do we realise that we are to establish the kingdom of God here on the Earth. I am proud of the Labors of my sisters I would like to see them come forward & work as a unit. Look on the youth of Zion how many of them know that the gospel is true. It is very inportant that we should develop the spiritual faculties of our children we want them taught mighty faith. I hope the Bp [David B. Brinton] will take intrest enough in the children to have a primary organization in this place. We want them to drink into the spirit of God and they will we thought our children would grow up to heirs but we find they have to ask & obtain for themselves the knowledge of the truth I pray that the people will seek unto the Lord let us not ask the Lord to humble us let us humble ourselves.

[. . .] [p. 502]

Source Note

Big Cottonwood Ward, Granite Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1948), vol. 1 (1868–1882), pp. 501–502, CHL (LR 712 14); Elizabeth A. Howard, Secretary.

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16 June 1880, Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Relief Society Hall, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/06/1880-06-16