6 June 1878

Salt Lake City Second Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in two different sources. Both versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From the Relief Society minutes

[. . .]

Sarah wheeler made a few openeing remarks was pleased to see sister Snow and others present gave the meeting in to the hands of the sisters to speak to us

Sister E. R. Snow. said we dont take this meeting to ourselves but inasmuch as sister wheeler has asked me to speak I will do so and I would like your faith and prayers, by what I have heard to day you are doing good. we are trying to become saints and we are endowed with to occupy offices in the church Sister wheeler said she believed we had the faith of some of the saints it is but one interest for in the kingdom of god, there is no inspection between mens selvation and womens. we are to be one for that is for the salvation of the kingdom of god. said the relief societies is for the relief of the bishop and it is not only for the benefit of him, it is to extend through the earth. when I was on my tour I was asked how we got along with our poor and I told them, we should keep the interest of the kingdom of god on our minds for we meet with a great many perplexities. I was very much pleased with the minits [minutes] of your meeting. I wonder if all of the sisters are reported in these minits, there are some think that, such, and such, ones can do the work, but they who attend the meetings will be the ones that will be called on to do the work of the lord who could zion be with out clean dishes. we think all we are here for is to receive the comforts of life spoke some of the meetings they had been holding in some of the settlements when I come to ce[a]se my careers here upon the earth [p. 132] there will be nothing of use only that <to> know that I have been <a> faithful laterdaysaint [Latter-day Saint]. it requires a great deal of energy and humility of heart to become a saint I would like to see a saint that has no will and can be trus[t]ed any way. I made up my mind that what ever I was called on to do I would do it. I will ask my young ladies if they ever refuse I want each one of you that has doubt to do it now there are subjects for discussion in your meetings do not let any one do all the work I dont want any one to do the work for me for I think evry one should be Judged according to their works I see you are fulfilling one mission and that is to get something to put your grain in for famine will come for the lord has said so and his word never fails look at the famin in wales I feel to congratulate you on your energy my sisters how much have you done for home industry I am almost afraid to call a vote I would wish <ask> the sisters to think how much of your clothing is home made for that part that isnt you are slaves to Babylon it will not do to pray for Babylon to fall yet it has been ascertained that it takes more to clothe ourselves in woolle [woolen] goods than it does in silks the lord could shut out evry thing that comes from Babylon in an hour we have one hat manufactory of straw in salt Lake City and how many is there that sustains it we have no time to spend in idleness. there is things for the women to do at all times. the most importance of the meetings lay on the mothers. we must not think of stopping till we reach perfection. she then made some very Interesting remarks to the young ladies and closed by asking god to bless one and all if <of> the sisters in the name of Jesus Amen

Mrs E. [Emmeline] B. Wells then arose and made a few remarks said the presidentss has invited me to speak to you to day but I think we have had quite a sermon from Sister Eliza. it seems to me that there is not many that lived in the days of Joseph [Smith] but Sister Eliza and others have been called to go and visit the people. Ive no dou[b]t you feel, I do we would like sister Eliza to live. there certainly is a great work to perform here upon the earth. [. . .] [p. 133] [. . .]

Sister Snow then made a few closing remarks

[. . .] [p. 134]

Source Note

Second Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1882), pp. 132–134, CHL (LR 8214 14); Sarah McGregor, Secretary.

II. From the Woman’s Exponent

On THURSDAY, June 6, we attended, in company with Miss E. R. Snow, the Relief Society Meeting of the Second Ward. [. . .] Miss Snow spoke impressively to the young upon Celestial Marriage, and urged upon the young people the necessity of entering into these holy covenants; exhorted them above all things to hold this principle sacred, and never upon any account speak evil of it. [. . .] [p. 12]

Source Note

Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 2 (15 June 1878): 12.

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6 June 1878, Salt Lake City Second Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 28, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-06