1 August 1884
Morgan Stake Primary; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory

South Morgan schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory. Used by permission, Morgan County Historical Society.
[. . .] Sister E. R. Snow said she knew some boys that grew up to be men and never had been to meeting, never said their prayers, never preached in the stand nor attended to their duties. Said we should never get discouraged but should pray every night and morning. She told the children of two little boys their father was away and their mother was very sick. the little boy said we must go and get the elders but the older boy said no he could administer to his mother, but the little boy was so scared that he ran for the elders while he was a way the other boy adminestered to her and before the elders got there the mother was well. She then showed the children a watch which Joseph Smith the Prophet had. Ask the Lord to bless all the children.
[. . .]
prayer by E. R Snow. [p. 15]
Source Note
Morgan Utah Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1880–1970), vol. 1 (1880–1906), p. 15, CHL (LR 5777 18); Mary L. Welch, Secretary.