24 February 1875

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society; Fourteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Two-story, brick building surrounded by women, men, and children, with a sign above the entrance reading “Groceries & Provisions”

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, circa 1892. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Pres. Mrs. M. I. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne said:

I should like to say a few words in regard to the work. I have invited the sisters here this afternoon. We have long talked of having Sr. Snow down to cut a set of Endowment Clothes, that we may have a correct pattern. We shall do but little work but spend the time in talking, & I hope we shall have a spiritual feast.

Sr. B. [Bathsheba W.] Smith [. . .] [p. 298]

[. . .]

I watched the Temple all the time & had great joy in its progress, & I thought what pleasure Sr. Snow would enjoy working there, as there is so much more room there, than in the Endowment House.

[. . .] [p. 299] [. . .] [p. 300] [. . .]

Sr. E. R. Snow, who said:—

I have felt very much edified by hearing the sisters speak. We occupy a very high position: the question is, are we filling it to the best of our ability? Are we just what the Lord our God wishes us to be?

The children of this world, when they have an object in view, bend every energy to accomplish that object. Do we who have eternal lives at steak [stake], exhibit as much energy & wisdom as they?

We have many weaknesses to overcome, & I sometimes think if we were just what the Lord wishes us to be, our lips would drop with wisdom & our minds be filled with truthes eternal.

We all have many duties both temporal & spiritual, & I sometimes ask myself, were we on our death beds should we inquire if we had been first in the fashions & friviolities of the day? would it not [p. 301] rather be, have I so lived that God will approbate me?

I think if we can get through the world without a spot upon us, with no stain upon our garments, happy will we be.

God requires nothing of us ’tis said, that we cannot do. He has implanted within us the germs of knowledge & exaltation, but have we brought forth the fruit?

I do not wish to be thrown back upon the mill to be ground over again, but I wish to bring myself into subjection to the law of God.

We wish to wean ourselves from the earth & so subdue ourselves that we can overcome all things. We want to so live as saints of God, that we can go straight back into His presence, not be thrown back upon the mill to be ground over.

I feel that the sisters of the Relief Societies occupy a much higher position, not only than the noble & exalted of the earth, but even than others in this kingdom, & I know they will be able to do much good & be blessed of the Lord.

She then related a vision which Br. Solomon Angel [Angell] had while in St. George, also read a dream or vision which some brother had; continued through three nights which was very interesting.

[. . .] [p. 302]

Source Note

Fourteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1864–1957), vol. 3 (1867–1885), pp. 298–302, CHL (LR 2972 14); Elmina S. Taylor, Secretary.

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24 February 1875, Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society; Fourteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 24, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/02/1875-02-24