17 December 1881
Salt Lake Stake Primary; Salt Lake City Council House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Salt Lake City Council House, built in 1849. Photograph taken in 1869. (Courtesy Church History Library.)
[. . .]
Counselor Sister [Caroline] Raleigh of the 19th ward [. . .] Would recommend Sister Snows book to all the associations.
President Sister [Emma P.] Toone of the 20th ward [. . .] I find Sister Snow’s [p. 24] book a great help to us. [. . .]
President Sister [Ellen S.] Clawson requested those not having Sister Snow’s book to get it, then asked Sister Snow to address the children.
Sister Snow gave some good instructions to the children and asked questions concerning the presiding officers. Spoke of the Prophet Joseph [Smith] being in prison and the children praying for him. I ask the Lord to pour out hiss [his] blessing upon you.
[. . .]
President Sister Louie [B.] Felt [. . .] told them to remember what Sister Snow had said about [p. 25] faith [. . .]
Benediction by Sister E. R. Snow the children repeating in unison [p. 26]
Source Note
Salt Lake Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 2 (1880–1896), pp. 24–26, CHL (LR 604 18); Vilate R. Young, Secretary.