11 June 1868

Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville Tabernacle, Kaysville, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister Snow being on a visit here for the purpose of instructing the Sisters arose and addressed the meeting, expressed her pleasure at meeting with the sisters and by the request of Sister [Ann B.] Smith she read the minutes of the first organization of this Society in Nauvoo by President Joseph Smith, as rules for us in our future labours in building up the kingdom of God. That this order is the order of God established by His servants for the temporal as well as spiritual ministry. Gave particular instructions to the teachers, in their callings enjoy the spirit of God, that it may go with you and that you may detect every spirit that is false, that you may meet with in your districts, uphold your presidentess [Ann B. Smith] in all your deliberations. The duty of the counsellors is to be one the Presidentess, teaching the ignorant, showing light and intiligence to all look after the poor thus relieving your Bishop [Christopher Layton] of this burden be united in all things and you shall have power over the adversary, and the gift of healing will rest upon you. And the Queens of the earth will yet donate of their substance for the benefit of this society. Hoped that this society be not excelled by any around in faith and integrity. Sister Snow also made a few remarks on silk culture advised the sisters to read the articles of Prevost on that subject published in the Telegraph some time ago. She then said I bless you in the name of the Lord and by the authority I hold I bless you.

[. . .] [p. 5] [. . .]

A few remarks were then made by Bro [John] Ellison in regard to securing straw for hats in the season thereof in order <that our> daughters can learn to manufacture hats &c. in the schools that intended to be got up in the Wards. A motion was made by Sister E Snow that a commitee be appointed for the purpose of gathering straw for this purpose of bra[i]ding.

[. . .] [p. 6]

Source Note

Kaysville Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Record Book (1868–1878), pp. 5–6, CHL (LR 4531 24).

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11 June 1868, Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville Tabernacle, Kaysville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/06/1868-06-11