May 1914

1 May 1914 • Friday

Great Falls.

Am well.

Arose before 6 o’clock & after making my toilet & breakfasting, read & studied until time to take train 9:45 A.M. for Raymond. Arrived at Raymond Canada 7:00 P.M. We were met by Pres. Allen at Station and taken to his home where we staid for the night excepting Sister Emily S. Richards who went to Sister Carters.

On the trip from Salt Lake I read “Corporal Cameron” by Ralph Connor One of the M.I.A. reading course books of 459 pages. A good book for young people to read as well as for all classes.

2 May 1914 • Saturday

Raymond. Canada

Beautiful morning.

Am well & happy.

Attended 10:00 A.M. Conference meeting which under the new arrangement was a Reliefsociety conference. I occupied 15 minutes by request in concluding the meeting. Subj Outline study, Storing grain, Pure Religion Read hymn. A poor way faring man of grief & commented. Recited “Let each hour be full [p. 52] of sun shine” &c

Took dinner with my cousin Phoebe Longstroth Evans.

Attended a meeting of the Conference at 2:00 P.M. and a meeting of the High Council at 4:30 P.M. and a meeting of the Priesthood in the evening. I spoke upon the subject of rearing of the temple.

3 May 1914 • Sunday


Am well.

Stormy day.

Attended 9:00 A.M. Primary officer’s meeting and spoke briefly at close.

Attended regular conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. Sacrament administered. I spoke first while sacrament was being passed on subject of sacrament & atonement occupying about 40 minutes.

Went to dinner with brother James Ellison who married my cousin Jane Watt. At afternoon meeting I was the last speaker and occupied about 25 minutes. Subject. Be ye doers of the word. Related what I saw at theatre, “A woman’s way.” Glass houses. We are living in glass houses. We should consider the above scripture as applicable to us as much as to the world. The Laws of God given for our guidance are as perfect as are the laws by which the universe is governed and when obeyed perfectly as Jesus obeyed them brings order grace Salvation.

After meeting we ordained three patriarchs we had agreed upon & sustained and instructed them as to [p. 53] their duties.

I ordained David F. Fawns of Raymond a Patriarch and set him apart to labor in the Taylor Stake. Bro McKay ordained John L. Gibb a patriarch & set him apart. He is from Magrath.

I ordained Samuel Francis of Tabor a High Priest and a Partriarch and set him apart to labor in the Taylor Stake. Later in the evening we set apart a number of officers. I set apart J. Urban Allred stake Supt. R. Classes.

At evening meeting under auspecies of Reliefsociety & Primaries, I spoke briefly on play, games &c.

We in Council released B. S. Young from his bishopric of the Lethbridge ward and agreed on a brother Green for bishop. We had him before us & he promised to accept of the office & magnify his calling.

4 May 1914 • Monday


Am well.

Wind, rain & cold!

I wrote up my journal after breakfast. And spent the forenoon visiting, took dinner with bro. & sis. Knight. Attended Raymond 1st ward Primary and addressed the meeting for about 15 min. Subj. work. At Pres. Allen’s a social was held in the evening for Primary workers & some of their friends. I addressed this gathering on Primary work. We also set apart a number of stake primary workers. An enjoyable evening was spent and new friends made. Retired at 12:30 A.M. [p. 54]

5 May 1914 • Tuesday


Am well.

A cold after storm wind blowing. I went with others in Auto to See Pres. Allens farm & Ray Knight’s farm riding about 15 miles and later Pres. Heber Allen Elder McKay, Pres Snow, Lucile Allen, a little girl & I went in auto to Lethbridge a distance of twenty miles and attended a special and well attended meeting where the ward bishopric was reorganized. S. B. Young Bp. & counselors released, the former contemplating moving to Salt Lake & asked for a release. Geo. W. Green was ordained a bishop & set apart to preside over the Lethbridge ward by bro. McKay. David H. Elton ordained H. Priest & set apart First Counselor by myself and Hjalmer Ostlume was ordained an High Priest and set apart second counselor by D. O. Mc. I spoke about 30 minutes on the importance of the people supporting the Bishoprick and attending to their religious duties, fasts, offerings, tithings &c. We returned after a late meeting reaching Raymond at 12:20 A.M. A cold ride. After the meeting we consecrated a bottle of oil and administered to a sister and a young brother at the meeting house.

6 May 1914 • Wednesday


Am well.

Cool weather.

I wrote home to my good wife and wrote up my journal for yesterday and to date. [p. 55] I read from “John Halifax” and went to Ray Knight’s to dinner and from there to the home of my cousin Phoebe Longstroth Evans’ and from there to the home of another cousin, Ena Watt OBrian and her sister Jane Watt Ellison was there and we had a good visit until train time. I took train at 6:50 P.M. for Cardston 40 miles distant with Elder D. O. McKay & Sister Ella Capener. Sister Zina Y. Card & Sister Emily S. Richards having preceded us the day before. We were met at the station by Pres. E. J. Wood who took Elder McKay & me to his home where we were made very comfortable and after supper & a bath I retired & had a good night’s rest.

7 May 1914 • Thursday


Am well & happy. May the Lord be praised for ever.

The sun is shining but there is a Canadian breeze blowing which is searching and finds the marrow of the non acclimated.

I spent the day at Pres. E. J. Wood’s home reading & studying.

8 May 1914 • Friday


A warm day.

Am well & happy.

Pres. Wood took Elder McKay, Sister Wood & two children over to his ranch at Glenwood 15 miles thence to Spring Hill Ward five miles farther via Glenwood Ward. We went across the quarter section of land on which I have made two payments. Took dinner with [p. 56] brother Henry Grow & family at Spring Hill. Returned to Cardston at 3:30 P.M.

Attended a conference of High Priests at 6:00 P.M. and Elder D. O. McKay & I addressed them. I occupied about 35 minutes. Subject. High Priests, their responsibility & work. Gradation of priesthood offices from Deacon to H. Priest The boy from 8 to 12 yrs. should be on probation and should be looked after and when ordained a deacon he should still be on probation and be looked after. He should be free from bad habits and should give evidence of his appreciation of the Priesthood before being promoted. These should be given work to do wherein they can magnify their priesthood. They should be taught all there is pertaining to the office they hold. When the boy has passed up through all the grades of priesthood in this way to that of H. Priest he should be expert at teaching others. He should be a good ward teacher and if not called especially he should constitute himself a teacher by precept and always be by example a teacher for good.

I attended a meeting of the stake officers at 8:00 P.M. and was one of the speakers. Subject. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. Do you believe it? Now we are the most blessed people in the world, why? because of the sacrifices we have made. These officers should be examples of sacrifice to those over whom they preside in your work of service Each organization and Quorum should [p. 57] be known in the contributions to the temple. &c.

9 May 1914 • Saturday


Am well.

A beautiful morning.

After breakfast I wrote up my journal, before going to conference meeting.

Attended 10:00 A.M. meeting which was a Reliefsociety Conference in the New tabernacle and by request spoke briefly at conclusion. Commending work done by the reliefsocieties, an example the world might well emulate.

Elder McKay & I went to Joseph Card’s to dinner also Aunt Zina & Sister Capener.

At afternoon meeting the speakers were Pres. Duce, Elder McKay 53 min & myself remaining 15 minutes. Applied an incident related by Elder McKay of a lady assisting a man with wet feet to a pair of gum boots to paying off the $20,000 on the meeting house, the building of the temple, missionary work &c on the principle that to aide the whole is the equivalent of doing an individual act of Charity Paul sows, Appolos waters & God gives the increase. After many days the bread cast upon the water will return.

After meeting Pres Wood took us by team several miles to see the fox ranch.

Attended Primary social at 5:00 P.M.

Bro. McKay and I administered a blessing to Sister Zina Card Brown who is nearing confinement.

Between meetings we met the three Stake patriarchs and gave them instructions [p. 58] In the evening we attended a concert given by Cardston people.

10 May 1914 • Sunday


Am usually well.

Stormy looking this morning. Storm blew over.

Bro. McKay & I set apart the bishopric of Cardston 2nd ward as follows.

Thomas Wm Duce ordained a bishop & set apart to preside over Cardston 2nd ward by myself. Zebulon W. Jacobs set apart 1st counselor by Elder D. O. McKay. Walter E. Pitcher set apart 2nd counselor by Self. Later in the day while Elder McKay was in meeting with S. School officers I in a High Council meeting set apart counselors to Bp. Brown of Cardston 1st ward Chas. W. Burt 1st counselor & Hugh B. Brown 2nd Counselor.

At 10:00 A.M. meeting I occupied 30 min. on subject of Motherhood, this being Mother’s day. Honor motherhood by doing our full duty. Children honor mother How. recited “A Mother to her Son.”

Attended a seventies meeting of 121st quorum and gave instructions and set apart a clerk of the quorum.

Took dinner with my wife’s sister Mamie Robinson Steed.

At afternoon meeting I occupied 55 minutes. Subject The works we should do, necessary to be done in order to obtain salvation. Man is that he may have joy. Faith is the power that moves us to action. We need faith. How promote by observing nature, by tradition, by attending meetings, reading scripture [p. 59] by prayr & otherwise seeking for it.

At Evening meeting I occupied about 15 minutes on subject of Primary work. Sat up at Pres. Wood’s until about 11:30 visiting.

11 May 1914 • Monday


Am well.

Fine weather.

I arose at 5:00 A.M. Shaved & otherwise arranged my toilet and wrote up my journal before breakfast and took train for home 7:30 A.M. I read from “John Halifax” while on train. Arrived in Gt. Falls at 6:10 P.M. and put up at the Rainbow hotel, D. O. McKay, Emily S. Richards, Ella Capener and I. Sister Zina Y. Card remained in Cardston, Canada.

I wrote to my daughter Nerva; also telegraphed my son Joel at his expense as per his request and received word the first since leaving home, that the folks are all well. Retired at 9:15.

12 May 1914 • Tuesday

Great Falls, Mont.

Am well.

I arose early.

Made ready & left Great Falls on 9:05 A.M. Gt. Northern train arriving in Butte at 3:55 P.M. Sisters Emily S. Richards & Ella Capener staid at Butte to attend an evening meeting of the Sisters & Elder McKay & I came on home arriving in Salt Lake at 7:50 A.M.

I found my folks all well the weather ideal and trees, grass & flowers as beautiful as I have ever seen them. On the way home I finished reading “John Halifax” a book [p. 60] of 485 pages by Miss Mulock.

13 May 1914 • Wednesday


All well.

On arriving home I took a bath, wrote up my journal & other records, attended to correspondence &c. I went down town and attended to some business, met the train, Mother & I and assisted my daughter Nerva & children who came in from Tooele.

I attended my Circle meeting last evening. 1658 miles to Cardston & return.

<90 miles additional by Auto.>

14 May 1914 • Thursday


This is the birth day anniversary, the 50th of my wife. I had as much more gold added to her band engagement ring, made in to a ring suitable to receive a diamond and had a diamond set in it and gave to her The diamond is guaranteed to be a perfect one. I hold the guarantee. It is a 50 or 1/2 Karrot.

Attended regular weekly council meeting of the Presidency, the Twelve & Patriarch from 10:30 to 2:30 o’clock. After meeting I went with Pres. Jos. F. Smith & Elder Heber J. Grant in auto up to the latter daughter’s near the hospittal and administered to Sister Augusta Grant who is going to the hospittal to undergo an operation.

At our meeting to-day Cousin Levi W. Richards’ family were allowed $30.00 per month by the Church for their maintenance. [p. 61]

15 May 1914 • Friday


All well.

I left home on 8:00 A.M train for Driggs, Teton stake. Rode in the day coach and made the acquaintance of Sister Jos. Hyde of the Relief. Board & Sisters Kerr & Milan of Primary Board who got off at Oxford going to Bannock Stake.

Arrived at Ashton at 6:30 P.M. and staid over night at Ashton hotel. Met Sisters E. B. Wells & Amy Lyman from Reliefsociety Board.

16 May 1914 • Saturday


Took 7:15 A.M. train for Driggs 37 miles distant arriving there at 10:20 A.M. and Conference opened at 10:30. At this meeting I was one of the Speakers and occupied 40 minutes. Subject. Sacrament & obedience.

2:00 P.M. Reliefsociety Conference. I did not talk. I afterward met with Stake Presidency and also attended Primary Social.

17 May 1914 • Sunday


Stormy weather.

Light attendance. A busy day. I spoke at 10:00 A.M. conference meeting 20 min. Sub. Love & obey God & parents How show it.

At 12:00 noon attended a Stake Priesthood meeting and occupied about 40 minutes on ward teaching statistics. At 2: P.M. meeting I occupied about 40 minutes. Subject, Obedience. What the Gospel is. Order follows obedience in the creation & universe. Confusion follows disobedience. The law given of God for our guidance is as perfect as that by which the universe is governed & like results will follow obedience to same. [p. 62]

At evening meeting I occupied 15 minutes in conclusion on Reliefsociety & Primary work. Accomplishment of the R. Societies much of which can not be estimated. This is Pure religion & undefiled before God & the Father.

“Feed my lambs.” That is what the Primary workers are doing. They are putting the children in a position to bring honor upon parents. Ex. my children in dist. school & L.D.S. “Recited A mother to her Son.” Also Abram and Zimri. Had good liberty. 620 miles to Ashton & return.

18 May 1914 • Monday


Am well.

Spent the forenoon visiting with Sister E. B. Wells except that before she arose went with Pres. Don C. Driggs over in town & inspected his store, the Winger Hotel &c. Left Driggs on 1:05 P.M. train in company with Sisters E B Wells Amy Lyman & Ella Capener for home. Arrived at Idaho Falls at 7:00 P.M. and all went to a Caffe to Supper. Returning to our car we visited until after 10 P.M.

19 May 1914 • Tuesday

Rained hard. Arrived in Salt Lake at 10:15. At home found all well. Spent the day working on my records, correspondence &c.

20 May 1914 • Wednesday


All well.

I spent the day until 4:00 P.M. at home writing, reading &c and went with Alice down town about 4:00 P.M. shopping. Attended circle meeting at 6:30 P.M. Retired early. [p. 63]

21 May 1914 • Thursday


All at home usually well. Word comes from my cousin Mrs Spillsbury of Toquerville that her 12 yr old girl had died of dyphtheria and the mother is down with the disease. I attended 10:30 A.M. Council meeting and received appointment to River Heights for Sunday May 31st to attend the dedication services of the new meeting house held in that ward. Spent the remainder of the day and evening at home. I cut the lawn back & front and put wire screen on sewing room windows with the purpose in view of making it a sleeping room. Have bought a nice sanitary bed to put in that room.

22 May 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather.

I spent the day until 2:00 P.M. at home studying & reading and after that time Mama, Estella, Ray, Aunt Nerva & baby & I went up Emigration Canyon. Found every thing as we left it except that a mouse or mice had eaten holes in the hammock. Returned arriving home at 6:00 P.M. Walked from E.C. Ry.

23 May 1914 • Saturday


Pleasant day.

All usually well.

I remained home all day and worked about the place. Repaired hose, put new screen cloth on front screen door and hung same. Transplanted grass sod from rear to front where killed out and sowed lawn seed where grass is thin. Dug dandelions from out the grass. &c. [p. 64]

24 May 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

Pleasant day.

Alice & I on invitation went to Kaysville on 9:00 A.M. train and attended the dedication of the new meeting house which cost about $38,000. My sister Minerva also went and Pres. F. M. Lyman of the General Authorities.

We attended forenoon services and I made a talk of about 23 minutes, Subject. We are all happy today, Why? The beautiful sunshine & trees, grasses, flowers, fruits &c Grateful to God. Also happy in the successful accomplishment of a very important labor the building of this beautiful and comodious edifice. Thanks to parents who with the Lord’s help did it. We should love & honor them. Ex. 20:12 Honor thy father & thy mother,” how? being good & obedient also in being good to others brothers & sisters Ex. Abram & Zimri Told the story which seemed to please & many spoke of it after to me. One lady said she would never forget that story.

Alice & I also Pres Lyman & others took dinner at Bp. Blood’s.

At afternoon session Pres. Lyman spoke also others & the former offered the dedicatory prayr. He commenced at 3:35 and closed at 4:20 I offered the closing prayr.

We returned home on train leaving Kaysville at 5:26 P.M.

Spent the evening at home writing &c Irrigated lawn & had music on Amberola. Oliver fell on picket fence just before our return & hurt him self quite badly. [p. 65]

25 May 1914 • Monday1


All well.

Fine day.

I did usual work on lawn morning and evening. Wrote letters to my son LeGrand, to Thos. L. Speirs about Cemetery lots, to James J. Steed & to Nat. Real Estate & Inv. Co. I went down town and attended to some business. Received manuscript of a book to be published as a Faith promoters series by Des. News Co. which I have been appointed by the First Presidency to read.

I read the minutes which I kept in a book of the proceedings of the Council of Twelve in 1909 in our examinations of people relative to new cases of Plural marriage and turned the book over to Pres. Francis M. Lyman. I discontinued keeping minutes of those investigation meetings when Geo Q. Cannon was called in to take a stenographic record of same. I worked on manuscript what spare time I had.

I wrote to Geo. L. & Nerva.

My son George & his little girl & Joel & Georgina called in the evening.

26 May 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather.

I wrote to my daughter Lucena & her husband, to my brother Fred and to Bp. Olson of River Heights ward, Cache Stake. I finished reading Geo C. Lamberts manuscript for Faith Promotion Book, which had been put in my hands. Later Bro. Lambert exchanged leaving me 29 pages legal cap which I also read. It seems that this installment [p. 66] plan is to be followed indefinitely. Read morning & evening papers. Settled my life insurance premium with Columbian National Life Ins. Co.

Last night the Hatch Town dam gave way and the flood which resulted was disastrous.

Alice and I spent the evening at my son George’s home.

27 May 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Pleasant day.

I spent the day home studying &c until after 4:00 P.M. and then went down town. Attended M.I.A. Gen. Bd. meeting from 5:00 to 6:30 and my circle meeting after.

My son George called in the evening and spent an hour.

28 May 1914 • Thursday


Beautiful day.

All usually well.

I phoned my daughter Nerva and wrote my daughter Lucena & Bp. Olson of River Heights. Finished reading manuscript of Thos. Brigg’s life Story. Attended weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 2:00 P.M. At that hour met Alice at Main St and accompanied her down to my Sister Minerva’s on her invitation. This is her daughter Marcias 26th birthday anniversary We staid there until 8:30 P.M.

29 May 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Warm day. [p. 67]

I spent the forenoon home studying. Phoned my daughter Nerva at Tooele that Geo & Edith, Mama, Ruby and three of the youngest children & I would be out there this afternoon. Bought flowers and took out with us to place on the graves of our children and on the grave of my mother here in City.

When we reached Tooele, my son George hired a horse & buggy and he & I went down west and located the three corners of the half section on east side. We later went to the Cemetery and later I went with Bp. J. C. Orme to see the New Meeting house in Tooele North ward. In the evening my daughter Nerva had a house warming and had present about 25 or 30 of her friends. An enjoyable time was had & the people did not disperse until after mid night. The 30th is Geo L’s birth day anniversary.

30 May 1914 • Saturday

Tooele. I arose at 4:00 A.M. and walked to Ry Station and took 5:12 A.M. train for Salt Lake. Arrived home at 7:00 A.M. Took flowers and put upon my Mother’s grave, sprinkled lawn &c. After taking a bath & shave had a nap and took 4:15 P.M. Ry train arriving in Logan at 7:45 P.M. I was met at Station by Bp. Olson of River Heights & Bp. Johnson of Logan 8th ward with auto prepared to take me to the formers home. By request they drove up to my daughter Lucena’s. Not finding her at home we drove down to the Tabernacle square and found Lucena, Rega & his mother. Lucena, Sister Card & I [p. 68] were then driven to the former’s home where I spent the night.

31 May 1914 • Sunday

Logan, Utah.

Pleasant day.

All well here.

I arose early and after breakfast Lucena, Rega & I went with Bp. Johnson in his car to River Heights ward where we attended 10:10 A.M. S. School prayr meeting & 10:30 A.M. S. School Conference in the New Meeting house. A splendid program was given and I spoke for about 20 min. Subject obedience to Parents & told story of “Abram & Zimri”. Attendance 174

Took dinner at Bp. Olsons.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting attendance 231 Ward population of souls 212. Some visitors. Bp. Olson made report and I spoke and offered the Dedication prayr occupying 40 min. The prayr was reported in short hand.

I went home from this meeting with my brother Fred & had supper and with him took Lucena & Rega home

Attended evening services in River Heights and was first speaker occupying 60 minutes with freedom but deliberation Subject Obedience. Recited “A Mother to Her Son” & applied it to our religious work. Let your light so shine. The Master & Servant

After meeting Bp. Johnson took me to my daughter Lucena’s in his Auto, his wife & Bp. Olson & wife & little girl went along.

The River Heights ward was organized May 4, 1908. I assisted the Stake presidency in the organization and ordained & set apart the Counselors & Bishop Eric Lehi Olson. They [p. 69] then had 27 families & 127 souls. By the following Feb. they were holding meetings in the basement of the building and in two years from time of ward organization they were meeting in the main Auditorium. The house cost $8819.85 of which the Trustee-in-Trust gave $2500. Nearly all the work was done by ward people. Rag carpets on stand & Isles &c. All the organizations contributed, the amounts ranging from $20. to $100. One non church member Abraham Lundberg gave $50.00

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May 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sunday” before crossing it out and writing “Monday”.