June 1894

1 June1 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I finished spraying trees, made May report, issued bills to parties owing, wrote letters to Abram & Stephen. Retired early. Visited Emil Fellows family a[t] the Phister home and administered to her baby, called at Father Meiklejohns & at Father Gee’s. I made appointments for the Home missionaries of this Stake & mailed to them.

2 June 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather very warm.

I did some so work on ditches in south field. Shaved, bathed went to Meeting house to attend Stake Priesthood meeting which failed for want of attendence. Took team & with Alice & Estella went up to S. F. Lee’s to see him before burying him. Attended his funeral Services at Meeting house and Prest. H S Gowans & I were the speakers. Went up to the Cemetery and drove about a little to take folks for a ride. After supper I called on Bro. Gee, Sister Smith and [p. 295] Bro. Lewis Bowen all of whom are very low & sick. Administered to each of them. Called in a Republican meeting after 9 P.M All are well. Wrote to Abram & others.

3 June 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended school and two meetings.

After afternoon meeting gave to Thomas Martin a Partriarchal blessing, copied & recorded same.

4 June 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

George & I rode in the canyon all day. God Got all of our horses & brought down and took out five head.

5 June2 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm I administered to Bro. Lysander Gee Got black mare shoed & went & took the horses up in the canyon, attended funeral of Sister Anna A Smith & dedicated the Grave. Took the family for a ride & attended Rep. meeting in evening.

6 June 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant (cloudy) Written from memory June 16th 1894.

[4 lines blank] [p. 296]

7 June 1894–14 June 1894

Written from memory June 16th 1894 Thursday 7th Geo. & I took Birdie & sorrel colt in canyon. Found other horses.

Saturday 9th went in canyon & took horses

Thursday & Friday rained pretty well.

Sunday 10th went to Clover with Prest. Gowans & attended & spoke at school & meeting Administered to Bro. Lysander Gee in morning & evening.

Monday 11th Had Pocock working on the fence on Parker field. I hitched up team & got 207 lbs. wire from Wm Nelson & took up to him. Sold school lumber to Ekenstam Met Wm S. Marks & showed him through the new School building & in the evening met with Marks & Trustees & engaged him to teach.

Tuesday 12 Sprayed trees in forenoon and in afternoon took family up in the canyon Sunday school celebration. Administered to Br. Gee

Wednesday 13. Had Pocock mowing. I sprayed trees & repaired headgates. Thursday sprayed trees, Attended Relief Conference in afternoon & Farmers meeting in evening. Administered to Bro Gee

15 June 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I finished the tree spraying, hauled [p. 297] sods for head gates &c. Attended Young Ladies Conference in the evening & closed the conference by Prayr.

16 June 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

Commenced hauling hay with one team. Commenced the Cutting on the 9th but laid off three days on account of Sunday & Storms. Joseph Henson is irrigating and work progressing nicely. All are well & happy.

A letter from Fred speaks of a Contemplated visit with us soon. I answered encouraging the visit.

173 June 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very windy I took team & buggy and went to Grantsville where I put up at Wm. Clarks and attended the funeral services of Joshua Clark’s son Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans were present & the former preached the funeral sermon which was very good and comforting. A special tribute was paid to the ladies. Visited Bro. Gee in the evening and administered to him. All are well.

[4 lines blank] [p. 298]

184 June 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy. I ground three mower knives, raked & bunched hay & directed the other labor Had mower running and one team hauling hay. Georgie & Loue Bowen took horses up Middle canyon. All are well. I wrote to Abram, Mother. & White & Sons.

19 June 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Commenced to rain at 6:30 A.M. and rained hard for a time & rained off & on all day. I did the chores, called on Bro. Gee (sick) went to store, post office & Court House Attended to some business at School lot, sold lumber &c In the evening took the folks for a ride & later attended School Trustees meeting. Ruby’s eyes are badly swollen to-day cold or a bite from some poisonous insect cause.

20 June 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Heavy rain in forenoon. Pleasant in afternoon. I attended to some business down town. Had a call from Mr Lyman of the Utah Implement Co. Measured land plowed by Bp. JG shields & settled with him for plowing <$78.00>. Measured land plowed by Atkin Bros &c. Did some writing in the evening. Ruby’s eyes are better to-day others all well. [p. 299]

21 June 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had team mowing. I took horses in the canyon, Georgie went with me. Were gone all day.

22 June 1894 • Friday

Weather windy

Tooele I raked hay, ground mower knives &c. Got water certificates from I. Co.

23 June 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cloudy.

I raked hay, irrigated, ground knife &c

24 June 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended school & meeting at Batesville. Spoke at both places and after meeting gave Sister Jane Dykes a Patriarchal blessing. Took dinner with Orson Bates. On my return home did some writing &c.

15 June 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I continued the haying with one team, I raked & put up hay and in the evening visited and administered to Bro. Lysander Gee.

Attended Farmers meeting in the evening and presided at the meeting. Adjourned for one week to elect officers.

All our folks are well Legrand still lame. [p. 300]

[p. 301 blank]

My mother was born April 15th 1828.

Joel Grover " "5 Mar. 11th 1849

Willard Richards Died Mar 11 1854. [p. 302]

[end of third volume]

Price $1.35

Book I.V.

June 26, 1894


Dec. 1, 1895. [p. [0]]

26 June 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele City

Positions of Trust and Honor at Present.


Patriarch in Tooele Stake.


Second Counselor to Prest. H. S. Gowans in Tooele Stake.


A member of the County Board of Examination of Teachers for Tooele County.


A member & Chairman of the Board of School Trustees Dist. No. 1 Tooele Co.


A member of the Board of Directors of the Tooele City Water Works and Treasurer of the Company.


Watermaster of Kelsey Ditch.


Vice President of Civil Government class.


Chairman of a meeting called to organize the Farmers now in course of organization.

July 2

Elected President of the Tooele City Agricultural Society.

Am still in the employ of A. F. D. the 7th year.

Member of the Stake Board of Education. [p. 1]

26 June 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold and quite heavy rain after 6 P.M.

Commenced full force haying consisting of 8 men, three teams, boy & horse. Visited Bro. Lysander Gee & administered to him. Retired to bed early. All well excepting some colds among the children & Legrand’s lameness.

27 June 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Did not work in the hay as it was not yet dried from yesterdays rain. I visited Bro. Gee twice and prayed with the family. Bro. Gee died towards the evening. Visited Bro. Lewis Bowen and administered to him. Notified haying hands to come to work in morning. Drove over to Lake View and bought large cedar posts to put under granary. Got honey & cherries from Bro. Craner. &c. Mr Sampson Butcher of Salt Lake called to see me about the purchase of some muttons. J. M. Isgren called in evening and figured with me on a granary. 16 ft x 24 ft. x 9 ft.

28 June 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant but warm. Worked in the hay full force of hands. Received letter from Abram and answered same. Received written proposition of J. M. Isgren to to build my granary complete for $30, everything furnished. Did some writing in the evening. [p. 2]

29 June 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather hot.

I was working in the hay haying and attended the funeral of Lysander Gee and spoke at the meeting. My wife and I took a walk over to my Main st. lots towards the evening and located granary. Folks usually well.

30 June 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather. very warm.

Continued the hay hauling. I did some work on my monthly report. In the evening, Alice & I went to Batesville and attended a meeting addressed by D. M. McCalister on temple work.

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June 1894, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1894/1894-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and writing “June”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and writing “June”.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “16” before writing “7” over the “6”.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “17” before writing “8” over the “7”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “was born”.