August 1912

1 August 1912 • Thursday


Weather cloudy My health same.

I attended weekly Council meeting in Temple from 10.30 to 1 P.M. Had my appointment with Pres. [p. 269] Francis M. Lyman to Millard Stake Aug. 10th confirmed.

Attended to some business down town.

2 August 1912 • Friday


I suffered almost constantly with my head. Had treatment. Prohibited from reading & writing much.

3 August 1912 • Saturday


I spent the day and evening at home.

Word came from Tooele that Jos. M. Dunn had been crushed to death under an ore car. Geo & Edith made ready & went to Tooele on 2.30 train. Alice & I will try and go out to attend the funeral services next Tuesday.

4 August 1912 • Sunday


I am feeling some better. Alice & I attended temple Fast meeting at 10 A.M.

I by request offered the closing prayr.

Attended 27th ward fast meeting and bore testamony. Attended musical under auspices of YM & Y.L.M. of 27th ward in the evening [p. 270]

5 August 1912 • Monday


My head bad to-day.

Alice & I had intended to go out to Tooele on 2.30 P.M. train to-day to be present at the funeral Services of Jos. M. Dunn to-morrow but owing to my sickness we decided to not go out.

6 August 1912 • Tuesday


Am feeling some better.

Alice & I went out to Tooele on 7.30 A.M. train & attended the funeral services of Jos. M Dunn and I was one of the speakers.

Our daughter Nerva & her children returend to Salt Lake with us. Our Son George returned on same train with us. Edith & baby remained at Tooele.

I talked with Dr Stephen over the phone on my return to the City. He advised me to fill no more appointments at present but to keep in the Shade, out of the Sunshine &c.

Called on Pres Lyman in the evening on his invitation.

7 August 1912 • Wednesday


Feeling about same. Free from stomach trouble & head about same.

I spent the forenoon at home & [p. 271] at 3.30 P.M. attended a religion class meeting of the General Board.

At 6.15 P.M. attended my circle meeting in the temple. There were 21 of the brethren present.

8 August 1912 • Thursday


My head was very bad in the morning but cleared up some during the day.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10.30 to 2 o’clock. Called at Z.C.M.I. & paid my bill for mdse for July $29.95

Received a long looked for letter from Pres E J Wood of Cardston, Canada on land matters. <Answered.>

9 August 1912 • Friday


Warm to-day. My head was quite bad all day.

Uncle Willard, Aunt Sarah & Aunt Asenath called in afternoon.

10 August 1912 • Saturday


Hyrum Lee phoned in from Tooele that his wife Estella gave birth to a 10 lb. girl at 9.30 A.M. to-day. My daughter Alice Minerva’s birth day anniversay.

I spent the day home nursing [p. 272] myself. My head still bad.

Mamie who has been having throat trouble is feeling better.

11 August 1912 • Sunday


Warm Am same.

Went up to Geo. & LeGrand’s in the evening.

12 August 1912 • Monday


Nerva & children went home this morning. Alice & Ray accompanied them to Tooele where Alice went to nurs[e] Estella for a few days. Mamie went to the canyon with Stephen L. and Nina returned from Emigration I spent the day home & kept cold pack on my head.

13 August 1912 • Tuesday

Home all day.

14 August 1912 • Wednesday

I think my condition is improving slowly.

I attended directors meeting of the U.I.V. Co. at 2 P.M. & my circle meeting at 6.15 P.M. Some rain fell at night & atmosphere changed.

15 August 1912 • Thursday


Weather moderated I am gaining slowl[y] [p. 273]

Attended regular weekly Council meeting of the First Presidency & the Twelve in the Temple from 10.30 to 3 o’clock.

I was released from filling the appointment made for me at the Jordan Stake conference next Saturday & Sunday on account of ill health. Due to exposure to the Suns heat on the 13th–15th ult. I am suffering with pains in the head. The doctor advises me to remain quiet & keep the shade & cool as much as possible.

16 August 1912 • Friday


Cool weather. I think I feel some better.

I considered some communications from the Portland Cement Co of Portland, Ore. where in they propose a reorganization of the company & exchange of stocks on certain plan. I wrote the Prest. Aman Moore in Answer. Took wife & children for car ride to Wandamere

17 August 1912 • Saturday


Pleasant. My health about same.

Remained at home until about 1.30 P.M. when I left [p. 274] home with Mama, and the four youngest children, LeGrand & Mercedese & Edith & Josephine and went up Emigration canyon as far as the car runs. Returned arriving home at 5.15 P.M. Mama remained down town shopping for some time.

I did not feel so well last night after car ride and do not feel so well this evening after my canyon trip. My head is all out of order.

The others are usually well.

18 August 1912 • Sunday


Cool after a splendid rain storm this early morning. I put on my heavy suit when I dressed. I think the cool weather favorable for my head trouble. I wrote to Joel while the folks were at School.

In the afternoon Alice & I took the four youngest Children and went over to my Sister Asenaths and spent an hour or two with her. Later I attended the 27th ward sacramental meeting. Home missionaries, Jas. Hammond & Jos Howell Jr. were the Speakers. I offered the benediction. [p. 275]

19 August 1912 • Monday


My condition remains the same. My head is quite bad this A.M.

After noon I went down town & bought a croca Set for $2.50 at Salt Lake Hardware Co.

I arranged for a renewal of the loan of $1500. at the Utah State National Bank for 3 months when present loan matures on 24th inst. This relieves me of considerable anxiety.

20 August 1912 • Tuesday


Pleasant weather I took a bath when I got up and after breakfast soaked my feet in hot mustard water while I had a cold pack on my head. This seemed to give me relief from the headache in a measure so that this was one of my good days.

I had two men here in the afternoon making some changes in our Kitchen sink. I put new screen wire on front & back screen doors.

Alice & I called at George’s & LeGrand’s in the evening. [p. 276]

21 August 1912 • Wednesday


Warm My head about same as for some days back. I spent the day at home and in the early evening attended Circle meeting in the temple.

22 August 1912 • Thursday


Very warm Am same.

Attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to 2 P.M. Called at Dr. S. L. & G. G. Richards’ office and consulted them and comparing my symptoms with those given in the book became convinced conclusively that my trouble is what is termed “Heat Exhaustion” and the cause same as I had attributed it to.

23 August 1912 • Friday


Very warm My condition no worse, I think it improved.

I did some reading & writing during the day and felt no bad effects from same, perceptibly.

24 August 1912 • Saturday


Warm My head about the same or better near as I can tell. [p. 277] I went down town in the forenoon and renewed a $1500. note at the Utah State National bank for six months @ 8% int. payably quarterly.

About 9 P.M. I received a request to address the Parents class of 27th ward Sunday School tomorrow and the Subject, “Religion in the home” was suggested as a suitable subject. I consented.

25 August 1912 • Sunday


Warm. My condition is improved.

I attended 27th ward Sunday School and gave a 40 minute address to the parents class. Subj. Religion in the home, During my remarks I read D.&C. 68; 93. & Moses 6:38–61. Had good liberty & held the attention of the class to the end. My wife & two sons Geo. & LeGrand were in the class, the latter presiding.

Alice & I took Bamburger 1 P.M. train to Farmington and attended sacramental meeting. The speakers were home missionaries Bp. Crandall & Bro. Parish and myself. I occupied 30 minutes with good liberty on Faith & trust [p. 278] in God; acknowledgement of his providences & love of him. These please the Lord.

At 4 P.M. Alice & I attended a small gathering of friends at the home of Sister Katie Knowlton at her home in honor of her 48th birthday. Afterward we attended the evening meeting a musical and returned to Salt Lake arriving home at 10.45 P.M.

26 August 1912 • Monday


Very warm. I have some head trouble yet but am improving.

This day I wrote Aman Moore Pres. of Portland Cement Co. Consenting to a reorganization of the Company on the plan proposed in a letter of Aug 2nd and Signed forms 1, 2, 4 & 5 and enclosed in letter to him.

Alice, LeGrand, Ina & I went out to Saltair on 5.45 P.M. train and took a bath.

27 August 1912 • Tuesday


Rained some My condition improving but not fully restored

I spent the forenoon at home studying. Attended a missionary meeting at temple Annex [p. 279] at 2 P.M. where Pres S. B Young, Jos F. Smith Jr & I set apart and instructed seventeen missionaries and instructed them. Later at Presidents Office Elder Jos F Smith & I blessed Brother Geo. Green and his wife Susannah for a trip to England to procure genealogies. I blessed the former. The following are the names of those I set apart alone.

Adolph C Olson of Ephraim to N. States

James Alena Banks of Minersville to "1

Ezra J Nelson of Minkcreek to Cent States

Parley E Harris of Union Ore. to Cent "2

Neil J. Jensen of Providence to S. "

I called at Cousin Levi W. Richards’ home & saw him who is convalescing from a long illness and surgical operation & is now able to walk about the house. I also called at the home of Uncle Samuel W. Richards widow & visited briefly with her and her two daughters, sister Prucock and Spellsbury, the former of Idaho & the latter of Toquerville Utah.

In the evening I did some writing. Oliver Dunn of American Falls & Miss Lowe of Seattle came to our home intending [p. 280] to get married tomorrow at the temple.

Little Josephine is quite sick with Summer complaint and the Dr. suggests the canyon for her. Norene is also out of order. Letter from Joel. Good report. I walked eighteen blocks coming home.

28 August 1912 • Wednesday


Same Same

I spent the forenoon home studying and in the afternoon went with my son George & his family up Emigration canyon where he had rented a house and having seen them nicely located and after looking about some I returned to the City arriving home about 9.45 P.M.

This day Oliver Dunn & Miss Lowe were married in the temple.

29 August 1912 • Thursday


My condition not much improved the past two days. I have had considerable headache but not much dizzyness.

It is cooler to-day and some rain fell.

I attended weekly council meeting from 10.30 to 3.45 o’clock. [p. 281] Returned home and made preparations to go to the Canyon.

Received to-day an appointment to Union Stake Conference on the 8th of Sept.

I wrote to Pres. E. J. Wood of Cardston Canada about land. Wrote my daughter Alice Minerva at Tooele.

30 August 1912 • Friday


Alice, the four youngest children and I went to Emigration Canyon where Edith and her babe are located, upper division and remained there until Tues. Sept 3rd

During that time George came & went to City. All the girls came up and visited us Monday, Labor Day My Son Geo. & I bought a lot, very choice for $300 terms $50.00 in directed work and $10.00 per month. Size of lot 56.5 feet x 134 feet.

While in the Canyon Ray had a very sick spell caused by teething. George lanced his teeth and he soon got right again. Josephine is improving nicely.

While in the Canyon I read the “The Winning of Barbary North[”] a book of 511 pages one of the M.I.A. course. It is a good book but [p. 282] there are too many swear words used representing the typical plains men & westerners of earlier days.

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August 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “N. States”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark here and in next line for “States”.