October 1913

1 October 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather.

We have been having some of the most beautiful sun sets of late and this evening was no exception. This day my daughter Lucena went through the temple and had her endowments. Her mother went through with her for company and was endowed for Isabella Gill. I handed in the record and then went and attended the dedicatory services of the Sea Gull Monument on temple grounds just east of the Assembly Hall. Aunt Emeline B. Wells unveiled the monument. W. W. Winter and Pres Jos. F. Smith were the Speakers and the latter offered the dedicatory prayr. A great throng of people surrounded the monument, the choir sang and the band played. A huge success.

I went to the temple at 12:15 and got out about 3:30 P.M. We did some sealing. Alice & I were sealed for thirteen couples and were proxy for parents in sealing a number of families, children to parents.

I attended General Board Meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. at 5:00 P.M. and my Circle at 6:30 P.M. and spent the evening on temple sheets &c. [p. 174] Among the sealings of this day in the temple we had Uncle Will Longstroth and a baby brother sealed to their parents.

I also stood for a brother Fife in receiving his [2 words redacted related to a temple ordinance].

2 October 1913 • Thursday


Pleasant weather.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 3:30.

This day we decided to hereafter administer the sacrament quarterly as it is administered usually in our meetings. I spent some hours recording temple, baptisms, listing work &c.

I wrote to my brother Fred at Logan & to Aunt Lottie Longstroth at Mendon.

In the early evening Alice’s sister Sarah came from Georgetown, Bear Lake, Idaho, the first time she has been down for four years.

3 October 1913 • Friday


Weather stormy at night.

I spent the day at home studying, visiting with friends who called &c.

Alices Sister Sarah took her little boy Cecil to see Dr Baldwin, he having had trouble with his teeth & probably a fractured jaw & now has a running sore on the neck.

4 October 1913 • Saturday


Stormy & cool.

Sarah J. Dunn took her little boy to the L.D.S. Hospittal where he was operated upon and several pieces of bone taken from his jaw. [p. 175]

Our semi-annual conference commenced this morning, the attendance nearly filling the large tabernacle. Two sessions held 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. and a general priesthood meeting held in the evening. I attended all these and enjoyed same immensely.

5 October 1913 • Sunday


Weather cool and clowdy.

Attended morning session of conference in the large tabernacle, an overflow meeting was held in the Assembly Hall, Elder Rudger Clawson presiding. For the afternoon Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. was appointed to preside at the Assembly Hall & I at the Bureau of Information, an out of door meeting, to assist me were appointed Prests. Nephi L. Morris, Chas. A. Orme, Hugh J. Cannon & Benj. Goddard.

Attended 2:00 P.M. Out Door meeting as per appointment and as per record made I spoke briefly at closing.

In the evening I attended the Sunday School Union meeting and between these two meetings I attended a meeting of the Patriarchs in Bps. Building.

6 October 1913 • Monday1


Pleasant day.

I attended the conference meetings of the day. Excellent meetings. Spent the evening at home. Called on Geo & Edith & LeGrand & Ina. The latter are moving out of their home & Joel is taking possession to day by purchase. [p. 176]

7 October 1913 • Tuesday


Fall like weather All usually well.

I did some trading down town including the purchase of a pair of shoes for my self at Z.C.M.I. These shoes will likely last me 18 mo. or two years.

Attended special priesthood meeting in the Assembly Hall which lasted from 10:00 to 1:45 o’clock. Pres. Smith asked me if I had any thing I would like to say and I accepted the invitation & made remarks on what statistics of the Church show with reference to people at large, 11,000 of them & how improve this condition. 28,000 men & boys holding the priesthood have no public activities. How give them something to do. The average number of families visited by ward teachers in the stakes of Zion each month last year was 30%. In the stakes the per cent ranged from 1% to 89%. How get this work done. Reduce the districts to 8 families each and give two teachers to each & have them visit two families one evening each week four weeks in the month & there would be 16,000 families visited weekly, 64,000 families visited monthly &c.

Attended missionary meeting in the temple annex from 2:00 P.M. to 4:20 P.M. I set apart six missionaries as fol.

1. Melvin Earl Phippen, Albion, Ida. to Central States

2. Grover Nichols Arrington, Twin Falls, to Eastern States

3. Archie Quayle Hale, Oakley, Ida. to Northern States

4. Wm Ellis Pratt of Albion Ida. to Eastern "2

5. Geo. W. Jones of Enoch, Iron Co. Ut. to Southern "

6. Thos. J. Eynon of Kemmerer to Central "

I also addressed the meeting. [p. 177]

In the evening Alice and I attended a reception given by the First Presidency to the General Church Authorities & Stake Presidencies & their wives at the Bps. building.

8 October 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather. All well except Mama who is having Sciatic troubles.

I attended a meeting of the Twelve & mission presidents, an annual & semi annual meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 6:15 P.M. except one hour’s intermission for lunch from 3 to 4. I also attended my Circle meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 o’clock.

I spent some time in the evening working on temple records.

9 October 1913 • Thursday


Snowed several hours. Ray is not very well.

I was in the temple at weekly Council & lunch from 10:30 to 3 P.M. and in committee at Pres. Lyman’s office until 5:45 P.M. Spent the evening at home reading & writing &c.

I obtained permission of Pres. Smith to perform the marriage ceremony for my son Joel & his intended & my daughter Lucena & her intended next week.

10 October 1913 • Friday


Pleasant day. All usually well.

I went with my son to the Presidencie’s office where he reported date on which he expects to start for Holland about Nov. 13th I called on F. S. Richards & considered with him the matter of searching for genealogi[e]s of Richards fam[p. 178]ly in England &c.

I met my Sister Asenath and Roscoe Grover’s widow Amy E. Bigler Grover at the temple at 12 o’clock and I stood for Joel and Roscoe in their receiving their [2 words redacted related to a temple ordinance] at the hands of Elder [blank] Madsen. Later I went through the temple for Richard Bentham & Amy went through for Mrs Elizabeth Gill. In the evening Alice and I attended a reception tendered by the Ensign Stake Presidency in the 11th ward hall to stake & ward workers.

11 October 1913 • Saturday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home studying & the afternoon working on the lawn back & front. I raked the leaves off, cut the grass & washed it with hose and water.

My daughter Nerva & her two children, Alice & George Franklin also Estella Lee & two of her children came in from Tooele on the afternoon train. We all took supper at Geo. & Edith’s home.

12 October 1913 • Sunday


Beautiful weather. All usually well.

Mama, Nerva & Estella Lee each having two children with them took 10:00 A.M. train for Farmington to spend the day visiting Alices sisters, her sister Sarah J. Dunn being down from Bear Lake and now in Farmington.

I attended 27th Ward S. School and offered the benediction.

I attended the funeral services of Bro. John Shepherd held in the 27th ward [p. 179] at 3 P.M. and was one of the Speakers. Attended evening sacrament meeting in 27th ward.

13 October 1913 • Monday

Home Beautiful day. All usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home, swept the leaves off the lawn and otherwise prepared for the wedding reception of our daughter Lucena to Orson Rega Card and at 11:15 A.M. we went from home to the temple and at about 12:10 P.M. I performed the marriage ceremony making O Rega Card & my daughter Lucena husband & wife for time & eternity My sons LeGrand & Joel were witnesses & besides these there were present Mama, Sister Z. Y. Card & her daughter Zina Brown & a friend Sister Fulmer and my daughter Nerva. After the marriage ceremony we returned to our home where later we had a splendid supper. The folks received a number of nice presents. I bought for Lucena & Rega also for Joel & Georgina each a set of dishes, dinner set of China 104 pces. Regular price $42.65 per set. They gave me 20% off so that I got them for $34.12 ea. Georgina and my daughter Nerva aided me in selecting the dishes. We held a reception at our home for the family and had a nice supper, the table holding about 18 at a time and set twice. Present Regas mother, his sister Zina, his cousin Mr Jacobs & wife & a miss Fullmer. Alices Sisters Sarah & Estella & all our children & their companions & a number of children. Rega & Lucena went to Hotel Utah to sleep. [p. 180]

14 October 1913 • Tuesday


Beautiful weather. All usually well except that Mama has some cold and is troubled some with sciatica.

I went to the temple at 1:00 P.M. and was baptized & confirmed for one hundred of our ancestors. Called at office of Primary Board and conversed with Miss Anderson & Miss Nebeker on questions of Primary interest and spent the forenoon & evening working on temple records listing names for baptisms & endowments.

Mothers sisters Maria, Anna, Sarah & Estella are with us to-day also my daughter Nerva, her husband & three children.

15 October 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

At about 10:10 A.M. I solemnized the marriage of my son Joel and Georgina Spencer Felt in the Salt Lake Temple. There were present, my wife, my son LeGrand, my daughter Nerva, my sister Asenath, Sister & Brother Chas. B. Felt. Bro Felt and my son LeGrand were witnesses. My son-in-law Geo L. Tate was also present. Alice & I went down to Felts 1650 So. State and took dinner and again in the family evening our whole family attended a reception at Bro. Felts and remained until Joel & Georgina left 11:15 P.M. for Ry Station to take train to California.

I attended General Bd. meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. and my Circle. Many valuable presents were given to the newly married couple. [p. 181]

16 October 1913 • Thursday



I attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3:00 o’clock. Alice & I by invitation spent the evening at Aunt Zina Y. Cards with Rega & Lucena & others. Pres. Smith & Aunt Julina & Rudger Clawson & wife were there. Pres. Smith dedicated her new house.

A splendid supper was served.

A a meeting of our Council of the First Presidency & the Twelve today Pres. Smith stated in realtion to ordaining to the Priesthood that when a person receives his first ordination to the Priesthood if it be the Aaronic priesthood the priesthood is first conferred as it was upon Joseph & Oliver by the Angel John and then ordain him to the office for which he was sustained. The same with respect to ordinations to the Higher priesthood. Of course if a man has the Melchisadek priesthood conferred upon him and is ordained to the office of Elder he would not thereafter have the priesthood conferred with later ordinations. Pres Smith said in answer to a question by Bro. Clawson that if men ordain otherwise God may respect it because of their ignorance.

17 October 1913 • Friday


Pleasant weather. Mama & Mamie have colds, others usually well.

I spent the forenoon home writing working on the lawn &c.

In afternoon went to the temple [p. 182] and was endowed for Anthony Smithson.

Called on my Cousin Levi W. Richards and administered to him and to his wife Perses who are sick the latter with pneumonia.

Later I went to the Granite Stake House on invitation and attended a reception for the officers of the auxiliary associations of that stake & the wards. I was guest of the primary Presidency being a member of the Advisory board or rather Advisory member of their Board. I offered the closing prayr at 11 P.M.

18 October 1913 • Saturday


Pleasant weather. I staid home all day

Cleaned off the lawn front & back.

Did some studying & writing & reading. Mama is not very well having a cold &c. Studied until about 10:00 P.M.

19 October 1913 • Sunday


Pleasant weather. Mama & Mamie suffering from colds.

I attended Liberty Stake Conference held in the Large tabernacle at 10:00 A.M. & at 2:00 P.M. and the ward sacrament meeting of 3d Ward in the evening. Pres S. B. Young companion. The time of the forenoon meeting was taken up with presenting the authorities and reports of officers of Stake auxiliaries, songs &c.

Attendance 952.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I occupied [p. 183] 50 minutes read from Literary Digest clipping Sep. 20th number Dan Crawford on idle churches &c and spoke of the perfect orger [order] of Church organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. How well the people are cared for &c. Pres S. B. Young followed for 45 minutes on a number of topics. 1700 Present.

At evening meeting in 3d ward I occupied 55 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Sacrament. Atonement First principles &c calculated to magnify the name of our Redeemer.

Between afternoon & evening meetings I took Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith with me and visited Cousin Levi W. Richards and we blessed him. His wife Persus was taken to the hospittal yesterday for treatment having pneumonia.

Rega & Lucena left on O.S.L. 1:45 P.M. train. I went to the Station and saw them off.

I feel very happy this evening after my days work & worship. The Lord must have assisted me and filled my soul with exceeding peace.

LeGrand & Ina who have been staying at her Mother’s for a week or more came up & spent several hours with Mama.

20 October 1913 • Monday


Pleasant day All usually well.

I filed record sheets 101 names at temple to be baptized for tomorrow. Had an interview with Sister Harriet A. W. Taylor wife of diceased Joseph E. Taylor [p. 184] whose maiden name is Dewy and learned that she has a record of Dews for whom temple work has been done.

I called at Historian’s office and attended to some business with the Historians. Made some purchases, bank deposit &c.

I went down to my brother Willard B. Richards’ and labored with him to get him to assist in procurring genealogies of the Longstroths & Gills and doing temple work for same and told him I thought he should give $100.00 to the cause. I left it with him. He did not say he would or would not. Rode up town with him & Aunt Louie in Auto to Templeton building. Returning home I worked on temple records listing remaining names for baptisms & Endowments. In the evening I went to the tabernacle accompanied by my wife and heard Madam Schumann-Heink sing.

21 October 1913 • Tuesday


Mild weather, clowdy. All usually well.

I cleaned the lawn of leaves back & front and sprinkled same.

Went to the temple and was baptized and confirmed for 101 of our ancestors, Longstroths & Gills. Attended 27th Ward M.I.A. meeting in the evening.

We are having our hot water boiler attached to the furnace this day, a very necessary improvement which will give us hot water night & day during winter when furnace is operating [p. 185] without expense after first cost of installing.

22 October 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home studying &c. Hung cellar door &c.

Attended missionary meeting in temple annex from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. I set apart the following:

1. Walter A. Peterson of Salt Lake, to Sweden.

2. Wm Herman Green of Kanesville, Utah to Hawaiian

3. Leland Eardley Snarr of Murray to "3

4 Wm Warner Stephenson of Nephi, to "

5 Emil August Rooesche of Salt Lake to Swis & German

I ordained Wm Herman Green of Kanesville, Utah, a Seventy & set him apart a member of the 54th Quorum.

I attended Mutual General Board meeting and my prayr circle meeting, 21 present.

23 October 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Pleasant Weather.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3:00 P.M. including lunch taking. Went home and studied. My sisters Asenath & Nerva were here assisting Alice with her quilting in the afternoon & took supper with us. Alice & I accompanied Asenath home in the evening.

LeGrand & Mercedese staid over night with us. Ina & the other babies are to come tomorrow and remain here until time to leave for Holland, three weeks from to-day. [p. 186]

24 October 1913 • Friday


All usually well. Beautiful weather.

I arose at 6:30 A.M. and spent the forenoon at home studying.

Alice, Aunt Asenath & I went through the temple in the afternoon and later Alice & I stood for five couples sealing wives to husbands. I also stood proxy for sealing a son to parents. Returning home I recorded 100 baptisms in temple records. Spent remaining time reading & studying until 11:00 P.M.

25 October 1913 • Saturday


All are usually well. Indications of change in weather which has been ideal of late. I commenced work on my books at 7:45 A.M. and worked all day. Joel & Georgina returned to the City from California on Western Pacific at 7:00 A.M. and went direct to Felts home where they spent the day packing their presents and had them moved to their home on S St. and came up in the early evening and took supper with us after which I assisted him in moving his trunk &c from our house to his own home and assisted him in setting up bead stead, moving furniture &c.

26 October 1913 • Sunday


All well. Fine weather.

I took 8:05 A.M. R.G.W. train to Provo & was met at Provo depot and taken by Pres Amos N. Merrill of Stake Presidency to the stake tabernacle in good time [p. 187] for the opening of the Utah Stake conference. Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith was on the stand he having gone to Provo Saturday. The speakers at this session were Presidents Keeler & Merrill. Pres. Wm Knight absent from town. Took dinner and staid with Pres Jos. B. Keeler

At afternoon session the authorities were sustained and Pres Geo. H. Brimhall and I occupied remaining time I occupied about 60 minutes on temperence, worship & ward teachers work. At Conjoint meeting in the evening the speakers were Sterling Taylor, Geo Brimhall, H. G Smith & myself. I occupied 15 min. Subject Gospel restored in fulfillment of prophecy and our responsibility to preach it. The responsibility rests on our young men & the M.I.A. undertakes to prepare them for that work.

Attendance 10:00 A.M. meeting 1415.

" 2:00 P.M. "4 1521.

" 7:30 " "5 1292.

Stake population 12,625

% of attendance 10 a.m. 11.8.

" "6 2 P.M. 12.6.

<Mexican election this day a farce.>7

<I ordained Wm Varley of Vineyard a Bishop & set him apart to preside over Vineyard ward.>8

27 October 1913 • Monday

Provo. Home.

Pleasant day. Am well & happy.

Attended & visited the B.Y.U. during the forenoon and addressed the Students & faculty more than 1000 enrollment . Subject. Incentive to study & Special incentive to L.D.S. who believe that they take their knowledge with them beyond & [p. 188] that knowledge means to them power and salvation; Social advantage of associating together in such a school resulting in many instances in alliances of the sexes for all time & eternity. Marying those of like faith is conducive to happy unions & alliances of pure virtuous persons also &c. I came home in the afternoon, read the paper, wrote up my journal &c. Resisted the temptation to go see a wrestling match between Mike Yokel & Jordon the Greek for the world championship formerly taken from the former by the latter, this time Yokel the Dutchman retrieved his losses. LeGrand & I returned from a two days visit at Tooele.

28 October 1913 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant. All usually well.

I spent the forenoon home and read and studied five chapters or lessons in the Senior M.I.A. manual and two in the Junior manual.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and assisted in setting apart and instructing a company of missionaries. I set apart the following:

1. Clell Hyrum Cox of Ferron, Utah. to S. States

2. Alvin McKean, City to Central "9

3. Frank Stephen Griffin, Byron, Wyo. to So. "

4. Oscar Rasmussen of Ferron, Ut. to So. "

My son LeGrand & I called at Pres. F. M. Lyman’s office where the latter gave certain instructions to my son LeGrand pertaining to his approaching mission.

I attended the 27th ward mutual in the evening and took part in their discussions. [p. 189]

29 October 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well. Pleasant day.

I spent the entire forenoon cleaning off the lawn back & front, burning leaves & sprinkling the lawn.

Went to the temple in the afternoon & was endowed for No. 67 Christopher Langstroth. Attended Y.M. Gen. Bd. Meeting and my Circle meeting. At the latter meeting twenty members were present and my Son LeGrand who is about to leave for Holland was presented with a $20.00 hand bag. I worked on my temple record at night until after eleven o’clock.

I asked mr. Spencer of O.S.L. Ry for a pass for my wife to Logan & Return & got one.

30 October 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Mild weather.

I was in the temple in council from 10:00 A.M. to about 2:00 P.M. Attended to some business down town and prepared to take train for Logan to attend Cache Conference and Alice is going to accompany me to visit the folks in Logan. We took train at 4:15 P.M. and arrived in Logan about 8:00 P.M. took street car and went to Rega’s & Lucenas home 645 East, Fifth North and surprised the folks who were glad to see us, Alice, Ray & I.

31 October 1913 • Friday


All well. Pleasant day.

Rega went to school [p. 190] Lucena, Mama, Ray & I left their home about 2:30 P.M. and walked down town and called on my brother Fred and his family and Aunt Esther Robinson and family and returned home to 645 E. 5th N. about 7:20 P.M.

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October 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1913/1913-10


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sund” before crossing it out and writing “Monday”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark here and in next two lines for “States”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark in this line and the next for “Hawaiian”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Attendance” and “meeting”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Attendance”, “P.M.”, and “meeting”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “% of attendance”.

  7. [7]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 188.

  8. [8]This insertion was written in the right margin of page 188.

  9. [9]Ditto mark in this line and the next two for “States”.