December 1908

1 December 1908 • Tuesday


I worked on Commentary until about 3:30 P.M. when I got ready and went to Hunter ward. Bro. Martin Christopherson drove [p. 200] me over from 19th So. ten miles.

Pop. of Hunter 271. Attendance 8. Bro. Christopherson occupied about 15 min and I about 60 minutes. Got home at 11:40 P.M.

2 December 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple also weekly meeting of Religion Class Genl Bd. And Circle meeting in the evening. 17 present. Our Council meeting lasted from 10 A.M. to 3:20 P.M. The Presidency and most of the Twelve were photographed at 10 A.M. on the East steps of the temple.

Several important matters were considered at our Council meeting. One of which was that the Seventies meet at same time as the other quorums of Priesthood instead of Sunday mornings. The Council decided thus and will meet the First Council and lay the matter before them for their indorsement. I received an appointment to Oneida Stake for next Sat & Sund. with Elder Heber J. Grant

In the evening after Circle meeting, Alice Joel, Ruby, Rhoda Robinson Pearson, Frank Robinson and his bride went to the Sunday [p. 201] School Concert and fair. I paid for all.

Weather mild.

Our health good.

Cheerful Spirits and Thankful hearts.

3 December 1908 • Thursday


I attended a meeting of the Twelve held in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. where we considered the Outlines proposed for the Priesthood quorums. Attended a meeting of the Geneological & Temple work Committee of Richards family. Levi W Richards and myself were appointed a sub Committee to arrange with Bro. Willis or some one else to get out list of names for the temple to do work for them; To get a new record and have all necessary recording done.

I attended a special meeting of the people of the Forest Dale ward in the evening. President Lyman also in attendance. I spoke first and occupied 55 minutes. Read from Gen. 2:1–5 P of G.P. 12; Gen Rev 12:7 and P of G.P. 19. Subject obedience Showed how the world was created out of elements which are eternal How the elements obey God Heb 11:3 Man alone of all Gods Creatures [p. 202] disobeys him. This on account of his agency for the exercise of which man is responsible.

Pres Lyman occupied 45 minutes. We had a talk with the Bishopric before meeting.

4 December 1908 • Friday


I attended a meeting of our Council in the temple from 10 until 2:20 P.M. Considering outlines of work for the quorums of Priesthood, then hastened home to get grip and start for Preston, Idaho to attend the Oneida Stake Conference. Elder H. J. Grant and I left Salt Lake on 3:55 OSL train and reached Preston about 9 P.M. Had a pleasant visit with Pres. G. E. Ellsworth of Northern States Mission and Pres. McRae of the Western States mission who were going to Logan.

We were met at the Station by Prests. Parkinson and Goasling who took us to the former’s home where we spent a comforable night. Weather mild. My health good.

5 December 1908 • Saturday

Preston, Ida.

I attended the 10 A.M. meeting, present 399. Academy building.

We had reports from the Stake S School Supt. and Y.M.M.I.A. Supt, after [p. 203] which Elder H. J. Grant spoke 30 minutes. I then spoke 35 minutes closing at 11:55 Had good liberty and occupied the time with a consideration of the subjects Be ye doers of the word and Care for the poor. Winter now approaching see that none suffer. The people should pay liberally their offerings that the B[ish]op may have something with which to bless the poor. Read D.&C. 56:14 . . . Mosiah 4:16. Elder Grant and I took dinner with Bro Giddes of the Stake Presidency.

At 2 P.M. meeting we heard from Pres Geo. Parkinson and four recently returned missionaries. I occupied about 32 minutes followed by Elder Grant who occupied about 15 minut[e]s closing at 4 P.M.

I read the first 8 verses of Lect 6 D&C. Also 27 & 28 verses of Sec 103. Sacrifice. This a Gospel of Sacrifice but it pays. We are in a school of sacrifice. We should be apt students Greater requirements may be made of us later. That which we are now doing prepares us to do more.

Tithing was required of anscient Israel who were greatly wanting in faith. Consecration was required of the former days Saints who had no greater blessings than we [p. 204] except that the gifts of the Spirit may have been more manifest as a result of Stricter obedience to the Law. As faith is strengthened by living the law and through faith miracles are wrought. &c. Compared Annias and Sapphira’s experiences with some of our tithe payers who would have their Bishop to know believe theirs to be a full tithing when it is not. Some remain away from tithing settlement because they are ashamed to meet their record. Some neglect to pay their tithing until the close of the year and then they can not We should pay it as it comes in & thus avoid the greater temptation which comes when we let our tithing accumulate.

After meeting one Sister Condie called on us at Pres. Parkinsons home for advice concerning a seven yr old girl who has hip trouble, her husband being on a mission.

I wrote up my journal for the day. [6 lines blank] [p. 205]

6 December 1908 • Sunday

Preston, Ida.

Weather pleasant, Health & Spirits good. I attended Conference meeting in the pavillion Attendance 859. Sacrament administered and Elder Grant occupied 65 minutes closing at 11:50.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was eleven hundred twenty four (1124). The Authorities were sustained and I occupied 42 minutes with good liberty Subject being, Duty of Parents to Children.

Elder Grant occupied 30 minutes Indorsed heartily my remarks and spoke upon the subject of temperance and closing the Saloons.

After meeting we went to Pres. Goaslind’s to supper having fasted all day.

The general sentiment so far as I heard it expressed was to the effect that we had had a splendid conference.

At the evening Conjoint Mutual meeting of the young people, I occupied about 20 minutes. Subject following the Supt. Elder Hart. Science as observed in the creation of the earth, wireless telegraphy, telephone, phonograph or graphaphone, the lightning process of photography [p. 206] or moving pictures, air ships &c. What may not God do. We dare not say any thing is impossible with man, in view of what he has already done, how about God’s power? All these things of which we have been speaking bear testimony of God. They all are his creations See Moses 6:63. All things are created and made to bear record of me See text.

Our Father expects us to have faith in him without which faith we can never go where he is Heb. 11:6 For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder. To go where he is, is to have celestial glory.

Elder Grant spoke about 30 minutes in conclusion. Temperance. Read from magazine.

7 December 1908 • Monday


Elder Heber J. Grant and I left Preston at 7 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 12 noon. Found folks well.

I spent afternoon and evening working on my loose leaf Commentary.

8 December 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home working on Scripture Commentary. At 2 P.M. Attended Missionary meeting at [p. 207] Temple annex where 40 missionaries were set apart and instructed. Four companies were formed and I assisted Pres. Lyman and was mouth in setting apart the following.

Wm H. Wilcox of Preston Ida. to Western States

Henry LeGrand King of Farmington to Western "1

Don Carlos Van Dyke of Ogden to California

Mrs. Orrin Orlando Barrus, Fair View Wyo. to S. States

I addressed the missionaries.

Went to Farmer’s ward meeting house at 6 P.M. where I met the Bishopric & Elder Bradford of the High Council. We held a meeting until 7:30 when the Special ward meeting commenced. Attendance 248. Elder Bradford occupied about 15 minut[e]s and I followed for 65 minutes with good freedom but with deliberation. Subject. Set your house in order and teach your children. Read 93:36–49 D&C 68:25 P of GP. p 34. Mentioned donations for Amusement Hall. Tithing &c.

9 December 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the temple, Religion Class Bd. meeting & circle meeting. Also after Circle attended Family meeting, 2nd of a series.

10 December 1908 • Thursday

Home. [p. 208]

I called on my mother, worked on my commentary &c. Patriarch John Smith and I and my wife went to Centerville and attended ward Reunion, having been appointed by the President.

11 December 1908 • Friday


I left Salt Lake for Bear Lake Stake on 1 P.M. train. Pres C H Hart joined me at Cache Junction. We were met at Montpelier depot by Bp. Wilford Clark and taken to his home where we spent the night.

12 December 1908 • Saturday

Montpelier. Idaho

Pres Hart & I with Bp Clark drove over to Paris where we attended the Stake Conference.

At morning meeting the Speak<ers> were in order as follows.

Pres Shepherd, Princeple Bramwell of the Fielding Academy and my self. I occupied about 25 minut[e]s Generalities & get acquainted talk this being my first visit to this Stake at Conference.

After noon the Speakers were Pres. Rich, Bp. Wilford Clark, Elder Wright, recently returned missionary and Pres. Hart.

Met with Bps & ward clerks and later with Stake Presidency and [p. 209] Bishop Clark of Montpelier.

In the evening I attended an entertainment given by the School Students. Slept at Pres Shepherds. Visited with my Brother Wilford and ate Supper with him.

Weather pleasant

13 December 1908 • Sunday

Paris, Ida.

Attended Conference meetings at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. and Conjoint Mutual at 6:30 P.M. Present <1145>

The 10 A.M. meeting. Attendance 1145 Sacrament administered. Speakers W. W. Richards of the Stake Presidency. Stake Supt R. Classes and G. F. Richards I occupied 50 minutes with good freedom & good energy. Subject Obedience.

At 2 P.M. Meeting attendance 1222 Authorities Sustained. A Returned Elder spoke in forenoon and the R.C. Supt this afternoon. Pres C. H. Hart occupied about 35 minutes and I followed for about 35 or 40 minutes Subject. Necessity for faith in God. Repentance, Baptism & Holy Ghost Individual responsibility & official life. One Salvation for all who live alike the law.

At 6:30 meeting an excellent lecture by a young lady entitled [p. 210] Conscience and another by a young man were intensely interesting. I occupied about 25 minutes with considerable satisfaction. Had a good command of language. Pres. Hart occupied about 20 minutes.

At my suggestion the following arrangement was agreed upon for tomorrow.

Pres. Shepherd & Pres. Hart to hold a meeting in Liberty at 2 P.M. and another in Montpelier in the evening. W. W. Richards and myself to hold meeting in Bennington at 2 P.M. and one in GeoTown at 7 P.M.

Weather mild. My health good. I have enjoyed my visit and the Conference meetings and feel they will be profitable. Especially am I pleased with my talk of Sunday morning.

14 December 1908 • Monday

Paris, Ida.

I left Paris with my brother Wilford about 11 A.M. for Bennington in a sleigh, sleighing not very good. Took a lunch at Bp Wright’s and attended the meeting at Bennington at 2 P.M. The ward population is 315 the attendance 150.

My brother Wilford of the Bear Lake Stake Presidency spoke about [p. 211] 20 minutes and I followed occupying about 70 minutes. Had fair liberty. Subject. Faith vs. Atheism.

We drove over to Georgetown and attended the evening meeting. The population is 505. Attendance 158. My brother Wilford spoke about 20 minutes and I followed occupying 60 minutes. Subject. Apostasy. My brother and I staid at Brother Wm. Dunn’s and in the evening until nearly 12 P.M. we labored with him or rather talked to him, (missionary work) Had a good visit with my Sister-in-law Sarah J. R. Dunn.

15 December 1908 • Tuesday

Georgetown, Ida

I did not get much sleep last night. Arose at 6 A.M. Wrote up my journal and made ready to Start for home. Am well & happy. Bro. Wilford W. Richards drove me to Montpelier, 12 miles where I got train for McCammon at 10:20 A.M. At McCammon, the train due there at 1:15 P.M. was 1¾ hrs. late. We reached Salt Lake about 8:30. It had been Snowing since I left home and during the night it showed more.

I found all well except the baby [p. 212] who has cold & cough. LeGrand and I administered to her and Alice put mustard poultices on her and otherwise doctered her and she had a good night’s rest there after, free from cough. May the Lord be praised.

16 December 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 to 1 P.M. Received the appointment with Elder Heber J. Grant to attend the Fremont Stake Conference next Saturday and Sunday and take steps in dividing the Stake following up the work of this Conference with a new Stake organization of that part cut off from Fremont Stake.

I called at my Son George’s home into which he moved yesterday a block East of Eaglegate on State Street. Went home to dinner and at 4 P.M. Attended Religion Class Board meeting at BeeHive.

Wrote letters of Condolence to Pres. Peter M Hansen of Elwood and Mrs Charles L. Anderson of Los Angeles, also wrote to S. O. Bennion of the Central State’s mission Attended Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. [p. 213] in temple 17 present.

17 December 1908 • Thursday


I attended a meeting of the Twelve and First Council of Seventies held in the temple from 10 A.M. until 3:40 P.M. where the subject of changing the time of the Seventies meeting from Sunday Morning until Monday night of each week was considered An adjournment was taken until 10 A.M. Tuesday Dec. 22st.

I phoned to Pres. Thos. E. Basset at Rexburg, Idaho at a cost of $2.40 for 6 min. on Stake business.

Alice and I attended the theatre at night.

18 December 1908 • Friday


I went down town, called on the way at my mother’s. Made some Xmas purchases, called on Presiding Bps. Office & Pres. Office. Spent remaining portion of day and evening at home working on loose leaf Commentary of Scriptures. Made preparation to leave for Rexburg to attend Fremont Conference. With Pres. Seymour B. Young I left Salt Lake for Rexburg on 10:45 P.M. O.S.L. Train, And arrived in Rexburg at 10:30 next morning. [p. 214]

19 December 1908 • Saturday

Home Rexburg Ida.

Arrived at 10:30 A.M. an hour late and were met at depot by Pres. Basset and went directly to the First ward meeting house where conference was assembled. Pres. Heath had made opening remarks and Elder Pincock, recently returned missionary was talking. The choir sang a hymn and I spoke about 35 minutes. Read Moroni 7th chapter, Mat. 15:31–end. Subject Charity. S. B. Young occupied the remaining time of 25 minutes Subject. Life of the Prophet Joseph from birth until the Book of Mormon was delivered to him for translation.

Present 109. I had good liberty but spoke deliberately and felt well after

At 2 P.M. Attendance 204 same place. I spoke first continuing Subject of charity & Fast offerings occupied about 25 minutes followed by Pres Smart from Uintah Stake whom we met on train and invited to assist us in the conference. He occupied about 45 minutes. Subject Tithing.

Pres. Mark Austin followed for 15 minutes and Bro Dalby Principal of the Ricks Academy occupied about 17½ minutes Subject. Gifts. The Father gave his son. The Son gave him self. We should give our selves with each gift. Love the motive. [p. 215]

I was in council with the Stake Presidency between meetings also from 4 to 7 P.M. Attended general Priesthood meeting at 7 P.M. It was decided to divide the Stake on the lines suggested. the Stake officers residing in what will be the new stake were released and others sustained to fill their places after which I presented the matter of the New Priesthood movement which was accepted by vote of the meeting, unanimously. There were present 17 of the 24 bishops and in all 124 members of the priesthood.

After meeting we had further consultation with some of our brethren proposed for office.

Weather cold. My health good. The conference work of this day highly satisfactory except that the attendance was very light. The cold weather assigned as a cause. Small pox is reported in four of the wards and many have been exposed, one student having been sent home from School by the doctor.

20 December 1908 • Sunday


Very cold weather. Good rest & sleep [p. 216] last night. Health & Spirits good. Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting in Flam’s Hall. Sacrament administered. I made a talk on stake division and presented the question of division on lines indicated, 12 wards in each division The action was unanimous in support of the proposition.

Pres. Seymour B young occupied 75 minutes on the life of the prophet over running the time 25 minutes.

Between the meetings we were in council at Pres Bassetts home. I catechised Bro. John Donaldson on his course of life he having bein selected to be a High Counsilor, and received his promise and assurance that he would keep the word of wisdom.

At 2 P.M. meeting. Attendance at Flam’s Hall was 595 and at the overflow meeting 105 approximately Prests’ Austin and Young went to the Academy and had a good meeting.

At the Hall the Authorities were sustained, announcements made as fol. Special meetings to-morrow at 1 P.M. at St Anthony and at Teton. Agreed that I go to the former & Pres. Young to the latter Meetings for new Stake organiza[p. 217]tion as fol. At Parker Ward Friday, Jan. 8th at 1 P.M. in meeting house. Sunday Jan. 10th 9 A.M. in Parker ward meeting house both of above General Priesthood meetings these to be followed by meetings for the public at 10: 2: and 7 o’clock Sunday 10th. After the above announcements were made we had a song and Pres Wm Smart spoke 67 minutes Subject. W of wisdom, Stake division and support of the Stake Presidency an excellent discourse.

Pres Basset followed for about 20 minutes and I made a few concluding remarks leaving my blessing with the people.

After meeting we set apart some officers as follows

John Donaldson blessed and set apart High Counselor by G. F. Richards

Geo. W. McKinley. Set apart Sec’y High Priest’s quorum by G. F. Richards

Geo. A. Pincock Set apart Stake of Religion Classes by G. F. R.

Henry D Pincock Set apart a member of the Religion class board by Seymour B. Young. Some absentees to be set apart later.

Later at the home of Pres. Basset I blessed and Set apart Bro. Jesse [p. 218] M. Baker First Assistant Stake Supt. of Religion classes and after the evening meeting I set apart Fred J. Heath Second assistant Stake Superentendant of Religion classes.

At the Conjoint Mutual in the evening the attendance was large. The two presidents of mutuals reported and a young lady read a paper after which I spoke for about 35 minutes. Subject. Joseph Smiths mission. Tests by which we may know he is a true Prophet. Read Mat. 7:15 By their fruits ye shall know them. True scriptural doctrine are evidence. All that Jesus and his Apostles taught, Joseph taught That which proves the truth of Mormonism proves Joseph to be a prophet. That which proves the Book of Mormon true proves Joseph true.

Pres S B Young occupied 15 min. on Life of the prophet.

21 December 1908 • Monday


I took train for St Anthony Ida. accompanied by Pres. Basset and Elder Dalby. We were met at the Station by Bp Fogg and his counselor Bro. Spires. We went to the [p. 219] latter’s home & got dinner thence to meeting. The speakers were in order as follows, myself, Pres. Basset & Bro. Dalby. I occupied about 35 minutes. Spoke of Stake division also on home life. We should continue to court our wives after marriage. Should we love them less because they have born our children, washed our dirty clothes ironed cooked our meals &c for years. There is often much deception before marriage but we show our true character after. The boy or girl in his home shows his true character. His spark should know how he is there. Boys & girls should be in their homes what they would have others to believe they really are. 1st Set the home in order, 2nd Try to improve the Ward as a home, then the Stake, then the Church, then the world. As we court our Sweetheart so we should court the Church, the Lord; the Holy Ghost. Seek to please. This Subject grows into that of obedience. then Sacrifice.

Parents & children.

At the meeting at St. Anthony I met a number of old friends who had come from Parker [p. 220] and Wilford Wards.

Pres. Seymour B. Young and the two Counselors in the Stake Presidency Austin & Heath went to Teton ward. Pres Young & I returned on night train arriving in Salt Lake at 9:20 A.M.

22 December 1908 • Tuesday


I reached home from Fremont Stake at 9:20. Attended a meeting of the Twelve and Seventy in the Temple from 10 to 3 and again from 5 to 8:40 o’clock. The discussion was on the question of changing the Seventies meetings from Sunday morning to Monday night to Conform with the other quorums of Priesthood. Adjournment was taken until Monday Jan 4, 1909.

23 December 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 until 3:20 at which Elders Whitney and H M Smith were severely reproved by Pres. Lyman & Pres. Jos F. Smith for not standing in with the Twelve after a decision was reached by the First Presidency & Twelve on the matter of changing time of Seventies meetings. When we took the matter to the Seventies. [p. 221]

I attended a brief meeting of the Religion Class Board at 4 P.M. and between five and 6 P.M. Alice Oliver and I went to the Lion House where we met the Vermont party and had an enjoyable evenings entertainment. Oliver received the Same consideration as all the other members of the Party. He behaved him self like a man.

24 December 1908 • Thursday


I spent most all day down town making Xmas purchases &c. Called at Mother’s home and walked with her over to our home. We spent the evening and until 2 A.M. fixing for Christmas, tree, decorations, parcels &c.

We had all our children and Grandma with us.

25 December 1908 • Friday


Christmas. A beautiful Sun Shining day. Good sleighing. We had a nice Xmas tree and more decorations and more presents than ever before. Notwithstanding it was 2 A.M. when we went to bed, we all arose at 6 A.M. and about 20 minutes later we entered the front room [p. 222] where the tree was and for a full hour I was handing out presents from on the tree, under & about the tree. All were made happy. I remained home all day.

26 December 1908 • Saturday


I went to Kaysville on S.L. & O. Ry 8:30 A.M. train to attend Davis Stake Conference. Elder John Henry Smith & Bp David A. Smith were also in attendance.

The 10 A.M. meeting was a conference of the High Priests. Bishop David A. Smith presented the matter of the New movement of Priesthood quorums in the wards. I also spoke briefly indicating difference in the quorums. High Priests quorums are limited only to geographical boundaries i.e. the Stake boundaries. One quorum only in a stake be there many or few High Priests. Others quorums are limited to numbers forming quorum but not to number of quorums. The number of Seventies quorums indefinite. There are now about 151 quorums. In a stake the Elders quorums may be one or many but each quorum must be confined to the Stake and is presided over by the stake President. [p. 223] The lesser Priesthood quorums may be many but are confined to the ward and they are presided over by the Bishop as a whole but the Teachers & Deacons have their own presidents. No quorum should be organized with less than a majority of the number designated to fill the quorum.

I also spoke upon the subject of calls to office & by same authority calls to be released and we should be equally submissive in either.

The afternoon meeting was for the general Priesthood and there were in attendance 325. The New movement was presented by Bp. Blood who is a member of the General Committee and by Bp. David A. Smith.

I spoke briefly & Elder John Henry Spoke briefly.

We returned home in the evening and I attended the theatre with my wife at night. Play-“Paid in full.” It was an excellent play.

Grandma still with us. Weather moderate, yet good sleighing.

The health of the family good. We have occasion to be thankful Praise the Lord. [p. 224]

[end of eleventh volume]

27 December 1908 • Sunday

[p. [0]]2

Book XII

From Dec. 26, 1908

to Nov. 7, 1909.

Geo. F. Richards

1010. Third Ave.

Salt Lake City

Utah. [p. [0]]3

[p. [0]]4

Home S.L. City

Am well and happy. Folks well.

Weather pleasant.

I went to Kaysville on 9:30 A.M. O.S.L. train accompanied by J. Golden Kimball where we attended the Davis Stake Conference. Pres. Ben E. Rich being present he was called upon to speak at each of the meetings. Pres. Kimball and I spoke at each of the meetings also. At 10 A.M. meeting I occupied 40 minutes. Subject Seventies calling & work, mission work &c. At 2 P.M. meeting made a few concluding remarks leaving my benediction with the people. At the evening meeting held at 4:30 P.M. I occupied about 40 minutes Subject. Charity, the pure Love of Christ.

I took dinner at Bp Blood’s and supper at Dr Grants. Returned home on the S.L. & O. Ry. train leaving Kaysville at 7:20 P.M. Reached home about 9 P.M. and retired to bed early. Mother who has been with us since Thursday last went home with Asenath this afternoon.

28 December 1908 • Monday

Home. I spent several hours down town mailed letters to all the stake Presidents asking how many of their wards had not been visited by one of the General authorities to attend meeting during the year 1908.

Had my shoe repaired at Z.C.M.I. shop. Attended to some business at the Utah National Bank and at the Presiding Bishop’s office &c. [p. 1]

29 December 1908 • Tuesday


I worked on Loose leaf Commentary until about 3 P.M. when I made ready and went to Farmington on 3:55 P.M. O.S.L. train. Called at Sister Welthy’s, Jos. S. Clark’s, Jos. E. Robinsons and at James Henry Robinson’s. Found my wife Alice there she having preceded me to Farmington on 9:30 A.M. train. We went from there to my Sister Nerva’s where I attended to some business with her for Mother. Had a good visit & supper and returned home with my wife on the 8:21 P.M. train. Arrived home at 9:10 o’clock & found all well. Bathed and retired to bead about 10 P.M. Health good.

30 December 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in temple, also Board meeting of Religion Classes and Circle in evening.

31 December 1908 • Thursday


I spent the whole day and until nearly 10 o’clock in the evening at home working on loose leaf Scriptural Commentary and then attended a social for Sunday School workers in our ward house. There were about forty in attendance, a programme was had, dancing, luncheon &c. We saw the old year out and the New year in. Of our family there were in attendance, my wife, Geo. & Edith Geo L. & Nerva, LeGrand, Joel, Sarah, Ruby, Lucena. LeGrand had his girl Ina Ashton there also.

LeGrand is the Ward Superentendent of S. Schools. A very enjoyable time was had. [p. 2]

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December 1908, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “States”.

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