June 1914

1 June 1914 • Monday


Beautiful morning.

Rained in afternoon

I arose at 5:00 A.M. and at 7:00 A.M. Rega Lucena & I went out with Pres. Quinney in his auto for a ride. We went through Hyde park & Smithfield up to the Cemetery &c and to the Ry. Station I took train at 8:30 and arrived in Salt Lake at noon.

Received call from Pres. Lyman and went down town to his office and inspected a record of 52 P.M. by M. F. C. prior to 1904. Several of same parties had it duplicated. Record in hands of Pres. J. F. S. Pres. L. has copy. In the evening Alice & I attended a gathering in Bp’s Bldg. in honor of Pres. Brigham & Joseph Young.

2 June 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home, mailed checks in payment of bills. Wrote my Son LeGrand in Holland.

Attended a missionary meeting held in the Temple Annex at 2:00 P.M. and [p. 70] took part in setting apart and instructing the missionaries. I set apart the fol.

Joshua Smith Gibbons of St. Johns. Ariz to Cent. States

Jane Fern Green of American Fork to N. States

Mara Ina Leigh of Cedar, to Central States.

I wrote to my Niece Nannie Ashcroft in answer to one received from her inquiring about temple work and enclosed to her a check of $5.00 as a gift.

3 June 1914 • Wednesday


All well.

Stormy day.

I attended a reading Course Committee meeting from 10:00 to 12 o’clock and a meeting of the Religion Class board at 3:30 P.M., a YMM Bd. meeting at 5:00 P.M. and my Circle meeting at 6:30 P.M.

I presided at the R.C. meeting.

4 June 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Stormed during the night and a part of the day.

I attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3:30 o’clock. I attended to business at Pres.’ Office, at Bp’s. office and bought 40 ft of garden hose at 15¢ at Z.CM.I.

I received the appointment with Pres. J. W. McMurrin to Oneida Stake for next Saturday & Sunday and to Fremont with Pres. J. G. Kimball the week following.

I read the life of Mary Alice Cannon Lambert, by Geo. C. Lambert. One of the Faith Promotion series stories.

Studied until about 10:00 P.M. [p. 71]

5 June 1914 • Friday


All usually well. Stormy & cold.

I spent the day until 3:30 P.M. home studying & writing and took 4:15 train for Preston accompanied by Pres J. W. McMurrin & Sister R. K. Thomas. Pres. McMurrin & I were met at station by Pres. Joseph S. Geddes and taken to his home where we made our stay while in Preston. Read “Fair God” on train.

6 June 1914 • Saturday

Preston, Ida.

Stormy weather.

Am well.

Attended Reliefsociety Conference at 10:00 A.M. and addressed the conference for about 25 minutes of Subject of Relief work. Took dinner with Pres. James Johnson. At 1:30 P.M. attended the funeral services of Christian Monson held in Preston 2nd ward. I occupied about 30 minutes.

Attended afternoon conference meeting in the Opera House also a meeting of the Relief societies in the evening at the Academy building.

Between afternoon and evening meetings the following ordinations took place.

1 Henry J. Bodily ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over the Preston First ward, by myself.

2. Ossian Leonidus Packer, set apart First Counselor to Bishop Bodily by Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin

3. Heber C. Nelson set apart Second counselor to Bp. Bodily by Pres Joseph S. Geddes.

4. Daniel T. Thomander, ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over the Mapleton [p. 72] ward by myself.

5. Daniel P. Stephenson, set apart First Counselor to Bishop Thomander by J. W. McMurrin

6. Henry L Bennet, ordained High Priest and set apart second Counselor to Bp. Thomander by J. S. Geddes.

7. Brigham Bosworth, set apart, ward clerk of the Mapleton ward by Pres. James Johnson.

8. Samuel M. Lee ordained a bishop and Set apart to preside over the Clifton ward by myself.

9. Elmer Vernon Howell, Set apart First counselor to Bp. Lee by James Johnson of stake Presidency.

10. James Williams, ordained an High Priest and set apart second counselor to Bp. Lee by Taylor Nelson.

11. James S. Geddes, ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over the Banida Ward by myself.


7 June 1914 • Sunday


I had severe headache this day.

The following ordinations were performed.

12. Ether Esplin of Banida was ordained an High Priest and set apart First Counselor to Bp. J. S. Geddes by myself.

13. John W. Casperson, ordained an High Priest and set apart second counselor to Bp. James S. Geddes of Banida ward by myself.

14. David T. Edwards of Preston was set apart an Alternate high counselor by myself.

15. Hyrum D Jensen of Glendale ward set apart Stake Superintendent of Religion classes of Oneida Stake by myself.

At 8:45 attended prayr circle meeting in Second ward meeting house and instructed the members.

Attended conference meeting at 10:30 and occupied about 30 minutes. Subject, Honor thy father & thy mother. Why? & how? Story Abram & Zimri. attendance 1100 [p. 73]

At afternoon session the attendance was 1243. I occupied 48 minutes with good liberty. Subject obedience & applied it to card, playing, immodest dress, mutilation of the garments, word of wisdom &c. One of the best efforts I ever made I think.

At close of the conference we met with the bishops & counselers & High Counselors & I instructed them.

We took 4:50 P.M. train for home and arrived in Salt Lake at 10:05 P.M.

Returning I read from “The Fair God.”

While away Edna & Estella both contracted the mumps.

8 June 1914 • Monday


Children & mumps improving.

I spent the entire day at home studying and writing. Recorded temple work and listed other names for sealing. Seventeen couples and a number of families for sealing children to parents. Spent the evening home working on subject, “Sons of Perdition.” Correlated scriptural evidences of their resurrection and the nature of their punishment, the second death, which is a spiritual death, a separation from the presence of God for ever and a consignment to a lake of fire and brimstone. Following are some of the passages bearing upon these points.

D&C 29:26, 41; 88:25–32; 63:17 <18>; 76:32–39; I Cor. 15:21,22; John 5:28; Rev. 20:6,12–14; Alma 40: Put up new blinds to [illegible].

9 June 1914 • Tuesday


Edna & Estella getting better of the mumps. [p. 74]

I made a trip down town, filed record at temple for tomorrow’s sealing work. Attended to other business. The remainder of the day I spent at home studying, writing &c. Read some more manuscript of Faith Promotion Series by Geo. C. Lambert. Wrote a lengthy letter to my son LeGrand answering his questions as to Sons of Perdition.

10 June 1914 • Wednesday


All pretty well. Pleasant day.

Alice, Alice Grover & I went to the temple about 11:45 and did not get out until 3 P.M. Mama & I were sealed for seventeen couples and we had children of several families sealed to parents.

Attended for a short time the directors meeting of the U.I. & V. Co. Attended the Y.M.M. Bd. meeting and a social or dancing exebition after.

A sister Paxton Adelaid Paxton of Kanosh, Utah called & talked genealogy & temple work. She said her mother Mary Ann Richards Tippett was born in or near New Southampton, England and that my father had assisted her folks in doing temple work. That a Richards, Tippett record is in existance and she wanted to find same.

Had trees trimmed at back.

11 June 1914 • Thursday


Warm day. All usually well.

I attended council meeting from 10:30 to about 3:00 P.M. and attended to committee work the remainder of [p. 75] the day with Pres. Lyman at his office Showdahl was before us. also Chief of Police B. F. Grant as accusing witness.

12 June 1914 • Friday


Beautiful weather.

Oliver has the mumps this A.M. Edna & Estella are about well of their mumps.

The YM. & Y.L. & Primary Conferences convene this morning for a three day’s conference.

I attended the conjoint officer’s meeting of the Y.M. & Y.L.M.I.A. held in the Assembly Hall in the forenoon and in the afternoon attended a meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. officers in the Assembly room of Bps Building. from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. and afterward attended a contest on oritory for about an hour & became so tired that I left before the exercises closed and went home where I could be more comfortable and rest while working.

Alice & I went to the L.D.S. Gym in the evening where we attended a social for the M.I.A. officers. Sarah assisted with the Serving I left them at the Gymnaseum and took train after 11: P.M. for Rexburg Ida, on the train for same destination was Pres. J. G. Kimball, Sister Crismon & Beatie.

13 June 1914 • Saturday

Rexburg, Ida.

Pleasant weather.

Am well.

Our train was about 40 minutes late and we arrived at about 10:40 A.M. We were met at Ry station and taken [p. 76] to the conference meeting there in progress and presided over by the Reliefsocieties Sisters. I made a talk of about 25 minutes in this meeting.

At the afternoon session Pres. Kimball spoke and in course of his remarks stated that he had offended Pres. Smith by something he had said. That the law of the Lord is the same to high & low &c which made me feel very badly & after he had closed. I spoke & said as much at which Pres Kimball asked in what particular & I told him & the people that it seemed from his talk that he had a difference to settle between himself & Pres. Smith and that it ought not to have been brought to this conference; that any defense he might make was but weakening [t]he hands & influence of the President of the Church. Pres. K. asked for the privilege of making a statement which was granted & he said he had no such intention &c. I spoke after about 15 minutes in praise of the integrity of the personel of the Councils of the General Authorities and at the conclusion of the meeting I invited Prests. Kimball, Austin, Blake, Miller & Lloyd to meet with me at the stake administration building where the others were asked if they had drawn the same conclusion as I & found that they had, though Pres K. could not admit the justification for it. I think perhaps had Bro K. been sitting by me I might have asked him to set himself right which would have no doubt been better. [p. 77] After meeting Pres Austin took us for an Auto ride and we had the usual puncture.

14 June 1914 • Sunday

Rexburg, Ida.

Am well.

Fine day.

Attended Religion Class officer’s meeting at 9: A.M. and spoke. Attended 10:30 Conference meeting and spoke for abt. 30 min Subject Religion Class work.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting attendance 1509 and spoke for about 30 min. Subj: Obedience. At 6:30 P.M. meeting R Class work made prominent. I spoke about 30 min. Subj: Honor Parents.

Between meetings Pres. J. G. Kimball and I called on my cousin Newel K. Whitney.

We took 8:24 P.M. train for home. I sat up until 11: P.M. reading, visiting &c.

15 June 1914 • Monday


Warm day.

Am well.

Reached Salt Lake at 10:15 A.M. and went direct to the Bps. Building where our council was in Session. We heard the Dr [last name redacted] case. The Doctor made full & frank answer to all questions and told a straight forward story of confession He was disfellowshipped by our council. I cut and sprinkled the lawn back & front. My brother-in-law. L. J. Robinson called and later he & Ruby went to S.L. Theatre

16 June 1914 • Tuesday


Oliver getting better of mumps.

Alice has two injured fingers, one from cut while carving bread and [p. 78] the other from a blow of the hammer while hammering down nails in a shoe on the last.

This A.M. 3:00 o’clock our neighbor P. A. Droubay died suddenly.

I went down town with my son George and saw desk he is having repaired to give to me and directed in style of finish &c.

Attended a missionary meeting at 2: P.M. and assisted in setting apart missionaries and instructing them. I set apart.

1. Thos. M. Argyle of Wood’s Cross to Great Britain.

2. Hyrum Leroy Frisby of Provo to " "1

3. Geo. Sanford Pincock of Sugar City to " "

4. Henry Lloyd of S.L. City 24th ward to " "

I took 4:15 P.M. train with my wife & little boy Ray, the others having gone out on an earlier train. Had supper there and Joel treated us to several of the attractions of the beach. We returned to Salt Lake on train leaving Salt Air at 8:45 P.M.

17 June 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I attended a special meeting of the Council of Twelve from 10:00 A.M. to 1:30 and from 3: P.M. to 5:30 Cowley case again before us, no action. Took two tourists through temple grounds between 6 & 6:30 o’clock. Attended my Circle meeting at 6:30 P.M.

18 June 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Very warm.

I went to the Bureau of Information and had some literature sent to the two Gentlemen whom I showed [p. 79] the temple grounds last evening one H. A. LaRay of 822 N. Trumbull St. Chicago, A Catholic and one Heimann of 22 Hensner, St. Barnun, Germany a Lutheran.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3: P.M. Received appointment to Lagoon for Fri. 19th with Old folks of the three stakes having head quarters in Ogden. Also appointment to Duchesne Stake for Sat. & Sund. 27 & 28. Wrote to my Son LeGrand &c.

19 June 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Threatening storm.

Rained at evening.

I filled my appointment at Lagoon with Old folks. Went up on 3: P.M. train and returned on train leaving there at 4:45. Prepared to leave on 11:45 P.M. train for Bear Lake. Alice Ray & I left Salt Lake on 11:45 P.M. train for Bear Lake.

20 June 1914 • Saturday

Arrived at Montpelier at 9:20 A.M.

Phoned to Wm Dunn of Georgetown to meet afternoon train for Anna Steed. A Bro. George of Montpelier took Pres. C. H. Hart, Alice, Ray & me in auto to Paris about 12 miles to conference. We arrived at the tabernacle as the first hymn was being sung. This session was presided over by the Sisters and they occupied the time. Sisters Wells, Hyde & Hunter present I went home from meeting with my sister-in-law Emily Richards [p. 80] and staid at her home while we were in Paris.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting the attendance was 450. I spoke occupying 30 minutes. Subj. Primary work and other auxiliary work.

Sat evening we attended a social and exhibit of dances

21 June 1914 • Sunday

Paris, Ida.

Stormy & cold.

Attended 9:00 A.M. Primary officers meeting and conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. In the latter I spoke occupying 25 Min Subject, Advantage of Primary work to workers. Service in the Church a blessing to the worker as well as to those they serve.

Story the Master & the Servant Castle. What can be said of the Primary can be said of other Church organizations.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I occupied about 30 minutes. Subject. Honor. Parents bring honor or dishonor to children & children bring honor or dishonor to Parents & it extends both ways for generations. The dead are honored as well as the living. God is honored the Same way. “Let your light so shine” &c. 1017 in attendance.

Attended evening meeting presided over by the Sisters who took the time. [p. 81]

22 June 1914 • Monday

Paris, Ida.

Cool & pleasant

Frost last night.

Alice Ray & I took 7:30 A.M. train for Woolley Spur where we were met by Wm Dunn & taken in carriage three miles to his home. I staid 24 hours. All usually well. I commenced to read “The Printer of Udall’s.” a book of 346 pages by Harold Bell Wright.

23 June 1914 • Tuesday

Georgetown, Ida.

I have some cold.

I took train for home at Woolley’s Spur at 8:40 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 4:50 P.M. On train I read from the ‘Printer of Udalls.’ on my way home and finished it after I reached home. Found the folks all well.

A surprise awaited me for in my absence my Son George had put in my home a fine writing desk. Office desk, one he had used but had fixed up. This for a birthday present. I spent the time until 10:00 P.M. moving my things into the desk. I have been wanting a desk for a long time and appreciate this gift very much.

24 June 1914 • Wednesday


I arose at 4:30 and after sprinkling the lawn for an hour, blacked my shoes, shaved, bathed and went up to my son George’s before breakfast. I have quite a severe cold to-day. [p. 82] I went down town in forenoon and bought a lamp for my office desk & engaged an Electrician to put it in i.e. to wire for it. Arranged to have my high backed office chair fixed up at Dinwoodeys Attended the Richards’ family Reunion at W. B. Richards’ home. Left home at 5:45 and returned home at 9:10 P.M. Had a nice time.

Jas. S. Richards was elected president and C C., S L. & Lee G. vice presidents. Willard Smith secretary & treasurer Joseph Nelson extended the invitation to the family to spend the day one year hence at Salt Air. He to arrange the transportation free.

25 June 1914 • Thursday


Weather warm & threatening storm.

Attended weekly council meeting from 10:20 to 2:45 P.M. Made ready & left for Roosevelt, Duchesne Stake on 4:50 P.M. train.

Received letter from Mamma of Georgetown, Ida. & wrote her at Logan. I have severe cold.

On train with me were Patriarch H G. Smith & Isabel Ross of the Primary Board. We were two hours ten minutes late leaving the R G. Depot Salt Lake and after 11: P.M. reaching Colton where we staid the night at Marble Hotel.

26 June 1914 • Friday

Colton, Home.

My cold some better.

We left on auto for Theodore or Duchesne at 7:30 A.M. Jacob Kroupa [p. 83] driving the car. Arrived in Duchesne 53 miles at 1:30 P.M. Took dinner at Hyrum Nickle’s and continued our journey to Roosevelt with another car & Monte as driver. From Grants Station the car was so crowded I held on my lap for 35 miles a young lady named Grant. She had an older sister with her. There were nine adults in a five passenger car.

Arrived at Roosevelt 85 miles from Colton before night and bro. Smith & I put up at Pres. Smart’s home. Roads dry & dusty, weather very warm. I took a tub bath and retired early.

27 June 1914 • Saturday


My cold better.

I attended a Reliefsociety Conference meeting at 10:00 A.M. and Stake Con. 2:00 P.M. I occupied 20 minutes in the morning, subject Reliefsociety work. W. of W. Dress, art & architecture. Attendance 110 & 146 At 4:30 Attended Primary Social and danced and at evening meeting of Reliefsociety & Primary was present.

28 June 1914 • Sunday


My cold better

Very warm.

Attended Primary officers meeting at 8:45 and Conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. I occupied 30 mins Subj: Ward teaching. At 12:30 attended a seventies meeting and assisted in ordaining the fol.

Melvin J. Benson of Ioka ordained a Seventy & set apart member of 162nd quorum of Seventies & a President [p. 84] by myself. Harlin Gines of Lake Fork ordained Seventy by H. G. Smith.

David G. Evans of Bennett, Utah, ordained Seventy by myself. Douglas M. Todd Jr. ordained Seventy by H G. Smith.

At 2 P.M. meeting I occupied abt. 60 minutes Subjects Primary & Relief work & Build cities & towns. Advantages Spiritually, Socially & intellectually. After meeting Pat. Smith, Pres. Smart & I administered to Sister Smart & her daughter. The Patriarch anointed & I sealed the anointing in both cases.

Sister Alice Merrill Horn and her little daughter Zolah came over from Vernal and was with us in the Duchesne conference in interest of the Reliefsocieties. The with Sister Ross & Bro. Smith & myself made the company returning. We went by Auto 35 miles to Theodore where we held meeting. The four of us spoke. I spoke last & read from III Nephi 11: and commented on same.

Bro. Smith & I stayed at the home of Hyrum Nickles & the others at the home of bishop Billings. A warm buggy night.

29 June 1914 • Monday


My hoarseness about gone.

We continued our journey to Colton. I sat in front seat with the driver and talked gospel to him the same young man who drove us over. We had several hour’s wait at Colton & I read from “The Fair God.” by Lou Wallace. We got train at 7:05 & [p. 85] and arrived in Salt Lake at 11:00 P.M. A warm night. Mother & Ray in Logan Ruby & Mamie in canyon.

30 June 1914 • Tuesday


Warm day.

I went into the temple at 10:00 A.M. and did not get out until 6:00 P.M. had lunch in the temple. Quarterly conference of the Twelve. In the evening I wrote up my journal from my notes. Wrote in my records &c.

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June 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1914/1914-06


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “Great Britain.”