July 1892

1 July1 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant I had a full force of hands at work Took Steven to the depot. [p. 38]

2 July 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

We continued the haying full force put about twenty loads into the Stack, I made a key to lock inside my safe. I made out and mailed to Abram my June Report & a letter. Raked hay and superintended the hay hauling. J. H. Kelley called on me towords evening.

3 July 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I accompanied Prest. H. S. Gowans to Batesville where we attended school and meeting and spoke to the meeting people. I was mouth in consecrating a bottle of oil and in ordaining Jos. or Thos. E. Taylor an High Priest. Took dinner with Bro James Wood at his new house. Returned home early, wrote up my Journal from June 29th read the paper &c.

4 July 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather hot.

We celebrated the 4th in good style All attended the meeting in forenoon and went to ball ground in afternoon. Children’s dance in afternoon and dance for grown people in evening. I remained home in evening and retired early.

Made ice cream in afternoon.

Made Quarterly Report of County Treasury. [p. 39]

5 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather, hot intersperced with showers and gusts of wind We finished the haying except ten or fifteen loads left in the field for J. C. DeLamar. Retired early.

6 July 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I greased two wagons, did the chores. Wrote to Abram, issued bills to parties owing us. Did some business at Court House &c. Not feeling well.

7 July 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy & Sunshine alternating hot. I had an attack of Diarhea. All right while resting. Not able to do much work. Did some business at Court House & Stores. Others Well. <Attended Fast meeting Blessed our Ruby.> Spoke & administered to Bro. Babs.

8 July 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather about as the day previous. I had J. C. DeLaMar helping me and we finished hauling the hay left in the field Put three loads on the stack. Plowed furrows in lucern for irrigating. Broke singletree & Doubletree. Took J. C. DeLaMars Application for a $1000.00 life policy. [p. 40]

9 July 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant but warm.

I cleaned up about the yards, went in cart and got some potatoes after going to three places. Paid F. D. Horman $53.50 for fencing on my McKendrick’s lots. Shaved, bathed and retired early.

10 July 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Pleasant.

I attended School & taught Alonzo’s Stookey’s class of Young ladies. After School I assisted in confirming Sid Vowles, Wm Elkington’s Son and was mouth in confirming [Eries?] Bost. Apostle Lyman & H. S. Gowans were present & Bro Lyman spoke in school. Written at noon.

In the afternoon Alice & I went to meeting Apostle Lyman & I occupied the time. I spoke freely for twenty minutes. Alice and I went over to our lots and back after meeting.

11 July 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I hoed the grape vines. Took Alice down to Marshalls and got raspberries towards evening. In the evening I attended a School meeting where we voted to bond the District for $5000.00. Met with Trustees [p. 41] after school meeting.

12 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather a little windy I hired a carriage and took all our familiy to Garfield where we met Stephen, Sven & others from Salt Lake. Had an enjoyable time took a bath and returned in the evening.

13 July 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant I made checks [in] favor of work hands and went in cart and delivered same Kept my accounts Straight. &C. I went up and saw Bro Parker and with him looked over a part of his land that is for sale with a view of buying. Repaired some fence.

<School Trustees met at Prest. Gowans office with Mr Penhale and sold him $5000.00 worth of school bonds. wer[e] up until 1.30>2

14 July 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had Chas. Pocock hoing in my lots. I hauled rocks, manure &c and with them repaired sluices near Dunn’s lots. Repaired fence, hauled lucern leaves ground to cattle.

15 July 1892 • Friday

Tooele. Weather pleasant I finished repairs on sluices, repaired south field fence, washed Jumbo. The County Safe was broken but not opened the previous night. [p. 42] I went down and finished breaking the safe door and affected an entrance. Moved Safe out into Hallway. Learned Combination of Vault.

16 July 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather windy. I made and ironed singletrees, sawed off broken and dead limbs and hauled them off. I shaved bathed and went to Lake Point where I attended a grand Rally of Republicans Took A J Stookey with me & Georgie. Had a good time splendid Speaking.

17 July 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I attended School and meeting at home, offered the closing prayr in School.

At meeting Moroni England, Bros. Hunter & Lee from Grantsville were the speakers. I attended a meeting of the Ward teachers after Meeting.

18 July 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I grubbed sages along the front, propped up shed, pruned some grape vines and repaired South yard fence near stacks. Went down street towards evening. Four Young Ladies called me to sign a petition for postponement of Examination of Teachers. [p. 43]

19 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot south wind.

I pruned grape vines and at 3 P.M. started to Garfield with horse & buggy took Alice, Nerva & baby. I boarded the train at the beech and went in to town, took Nerva to See the Doctor but failed to See him. bought pants & lap robe and returned to beech where Alice & I took a bath and then started home arriving at 12 Mid night.

20 July 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot.

I dug out dead evergreens and had the boys carry them off. Grubbed sweet clover from among the street Poplars and plowed some among them. Did some business at Court House and Store.

Wrote to Wm. Glasmann and A. S. Robinson

213 July 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot.

I cleaned out Barrington ditch, finished plowing among Poplars Attended a School Trustees meeting in the evening

22 July 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm to excess.

I cleaned out the ditch from Kelsey ditch through yards to front. Took Alice and Sarah & baby Ruby in buggy to Basin pasture, called at Pocock’s and at H. [p. 44] Marshalls’. Took subscriptions for Election Campaign raised $30.00.

23 July 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather hot.

I took Alice, Nerva & baby (Ruby) in my buggy to Grantsville to Quarterly Stake Conference held at the Pavilion. There were present as visiting brethren in fore- and afternoon Apostles F. M. Lyman Anthon Lund and Dr Carl G. Maesar In forenoon Prest. Gowans, Bps. Wrathall, Atkins and St. Jeor reported and Apostle Lyman delivered a humorous sermon. Took dinner at Prest C. L. Andersons and in the Afternoon, Apostle Lund and Dr Maesar occupied the time Dr Maesers Sermon on proper education of our children was super-excellent. A meeting being called for the brethren to be held in the evening in the Academy building I staid & attended, sent Alice home with my buggy Alice Clark from Farmington accompanying her and I rode home with Bp. Atkin after meeting. Prest’s Cannon & Smith came in afternoon in time for evening meeting. I offered the benediction in afternoon.

All are usually well. [p. 45]

24 July 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot.

I took Alice Clark and George F. Jr. back to Grantsville to Continue attendance at conference. In forenoon Jos. F. Smith occupied the time I offered the opening prayr. In the Afternoon the Authorities were presented and sustained and Prest. Cannon occupied the remainder of the time. Georgie & I returned in the buggy arriving home at 4:30 the afternoon meeting having been from one to three o’clock to accommodate the Speakers in their return home.

25 July 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I engaged in the 24th Celebration with my folks also.

26 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot.

I repaired dump cart and prepared for rock hauling off lucern in South field &c.

27 July 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot.

I went over to St. Johns where I met Bros. C. L. Anderson, Wooley, Wrathall, Bates and Gillispie of the Stake Presidency and High Councis [Council]. We looked over their water troubles and tried to affect a settlement. [p. 46] I took my wife over and she staid at Bro. J. D. McIntosh’s At the hearing of the case I was made Chairman. We returned in the evening. Had Geo. Gee hauling rock in my stead and at my expense.

28 July 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot.

I had Gee [George?] Gee hauling rock in my stead in forenoon and he went with me to the Basin in the afternoon where we plowed on either side the Rail Road track as protection against fire Paid Gee $2.00 for the days work. In the forenoon I attended to business at Store and Court house.

29 July 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather continues warm. I hauled rock.

30 July 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather do.4

I attended a meeting of the Republicans of the County and organized a central league Club of Tooele Co. I was made treasurer and also one of the executive committee. Witnessed ball playing between Tooele County team and fort Herrimen boys The former beat by odds.

315 July 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm as ever. I attended School and meeting and spoke in both. Bro Gowans present at meeting. [p. 47]

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July 1892, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1892/1892-07


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “June” before crossing it out and writing “July”.

  2. [2]The last two sentences are written vertically in the left margin.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “22nd” before writing “21st” over it.

  4. [4]“Do.” is an abbreviation for “ditto”.

  5. [5]Richards originally wrote “30” before writing “31st” over it.