February 1903

8 February 1903 • Sunday

Administered Patriarchal blessing to Wm Frank Atkin. Gave him 2.00 to aid him on his mission to New Zealand. Gave Lewis G Bowen 2.00 for same purpose & E Lougy 1.00 He goes to Sandwich Isles. I attended prayr Circle Read to family from Juvenil[e]s & Contributers back Nos.

<Quarantined Town no meetings>1 [p. 117]

9 February 1903 • Monday

I copied blessing for W. F. Atkin and recorded same with two others. Read from Uncle Tom’s Cabin to family in evening <consecrated a bottle of oil at Prest Gowans office.>

10 February 1903 • Tuesday

I by request of Prest Gowans went to Grantsville took my team & sleigh where with Bro Thos Williams S. T. Clerk examined Annual Ward Reports returned from City. Made necessary corrections, additions and explanations. Brought reports up here and arrived at 8:40 P.M. Prest Gowans went to Sanpete and Prest Anderson in New York

11 February 1903 • Wednesday

I went to Lake View where I inspected tithing property. H Lee accompanied me in sleigh. I assisted R Warburton on ward reports and sent them all off by Bp Thos atkin to City this day as per request. Snowed nearly all day. I posted accounts, wrote in journal, wrote Geo. & Legrand &c.

12 February 1903 • Thursday

Spent most of the day in reading. Hyrum & Estella spent the afternoon and evening with us. We read aloud from Contributor.

13 February 1903 • Friday

Attended to regular work and read aloud to Family

14 February 1903 • Saturday

Answered several letters. Did some posting &c. Nerva & read from Uncle Tom’s Cabin in evening.

15 February 1903 • Sunday

<Quarantine Raised>2

I took team & buggy and went to Lake View where I attended the funeral services of Elijah Spray and was first speaker. The others other speakers were in order as follows. G A Rimington, J A Bevan, Walter Adamson & Bp. Shields Accompanied funeral Cortege to Tooele Meeting house where the Services over the remains of Ruth M Mills was about to be conducted and there waited and attended the Services and spoke. An uncle of the child was the other Speaker. Accompanied them to Cemetery with my team. Joel took another team and bobSleigh & hauled the family mourners. In evening Nerva & Geo <L> were here and we finished [p. 118] reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

16 February 1903 • Monday

Attended to some business at tithing office & consecrated a bottle of oil for M. England. Attended to some correspondence and did some collecting and other business. What Spare time I have is devoted to reading and studying.

21 February 1903 • Saturday

This day Joel & I with bobs hauled material out of the H. Larson cabin over from field. I traded bobs to John Smith for his family sleigh. H. Lee & I commenced to put tung in Sleigh. Worked 3 hrs.

22 February 1903 • Sunday

By Prest. of Stake designated as fast day. I fasted, attended school & Spoke, attended Afternoon meeting & spoke & gave contribution Attended Prayer Circle in evening & prayed at Alter. I consecrated a bottle of oil at School. & bore testamony in female division of Theological class.

23 February 1903 • Monday

Finished putting tongue in Sleigh and took the Children for a ride. This being my 42 birth day we had supper & invited guests present in evening & had a pleasant time.

24 February 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to business of place, correspondence &c. & in evening I attended Mutual meeting Took family for ride in afternoon.

25 February 1903 • Wednesday

I wrote several business letters & wrote to Mother & Nerva. Attended High Priests’ meeting and spoke. &c. Spent the evening at home. Studying.

26 February 1903 • Thursday

I took team & Sleigh and Alice Nerva & Estella & some of the Small children over to pass to See cut & steam shovels working.

Attended to some business with the Bp. & Bro Craner in relation to selling Coffee at Y. L. & Relief parties. Advised them to put a stop to it. [p. 119]

27 February 1903 • Friday

Attended to the regular business of the place. Bp. Israel Benyon on the way to Conference at Grantsville called and staid all night with us also Jos. Sharp of Vernon. I assisted the former in proving up on his homestead at Benlomand by acting as a witness. I attended the funeral of Sister Sarah Orme and offered opening prayr at service. With my team and carriage took Jos. Orme & family & Sister Gillet to & from Cemetery. Stormy cold day.

28 February 1903 • Saturday

I took my team and carriage and with me Jno. Gillespie B. L. Bowen J. W. Tate and Hyrum Lee and went to Grantsville to Conference. Rough roads & cold drive. I put up team at Bp. J. L. Wrathall’s and took dinner with him. Staid at night with Gustave Anderson and at his expense attended Concert by Bro Giles, Miss williams aged 9 yrs & others at Opera house. Visitors at Conference Apostle Hyrum M Smith, Patriarch John Smith and Elder James Sharp. Meetings held this day in Meeting house.

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February 1903, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1903/1903-02


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 8 February entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 15 February entry.