April 1901

1 April 1901 • Monday

S.L. City Came home on train. George met me at train with team & carriage. In afternoon we hauled lumber a car having come out this AM.

Alice & I attended theatre in evening. Green Bushes. Home Troup.

2 April 1901 • Tuesday

Put up attachments delivered one to J. T. Gollaher. Put one on exebition on Sidewalk in front of Co-op Store. Delivered load of lumber to Mill Co. &c. Worked on books at night.

3 April 1901 • Wednesday

Snowed all day.

I put attachments together, delivered an attachment to Edmund Leaves. Made a trip to Ry. Station for lath, Shingles &c and made two trips to Mill with lumber & Shingles.

4 April 1901 • Thursday

Snowed about 6 inches last night & this A.M. I got my gray team shoed & with three teams went to Station & got remainder of lumber & lath. Delivered to Wm Cassity 5 M lath & to Geo. Davis 1000 lath.

5 April 1901 • Friday

I went to Salt Lake City on 8:10 train to attend Conference. Attended two meetings, Attended to some business with Utah Foundry & M. Co. Went to Farmington & Staid all night.

Mother Alice Ann & My daughter Nerva were there.

6 April 1901 • Saturday

At Farmington.

I went to Salt Lake & attended forenoon, afternoon & Evening (Priesthood) Meetings. Met My son George at Station in Morning & he [p. 63] accompanied me to all the meetings & at night we went down to Willard’s where we slept.

7 April 1901 • Sunday

At Willard’s, Sugar House.

Attended the conference meetings and in evening Geo. went home on Special & I went up to Farmington & staid at Nervas.

8 April 1901 • Monday

At Farmington. Went to S.L.C. Attended Special Priesthood Meeting at 10 A.M. Attended to Some business. Mother being sick at Nerva’s I by request administered to her.

In City at Sarah’s administered to Sister Alice Ann. Administered Patriarchal Blessing to My Nephew Roscoe Grover. Staid all night at Stephen’s in Sugar House.

9 April 1901 • Tuesday

Came home by train. Reported Conference news to Prest. H. S. Gowans. Telephoned Dr Stephen about cattle. Visited Edwin Broad who is sickly. Was appointed by the Bishop & so informed by Prest. Gowans to Select help & get up a Ward sociable or some entertainment for Bro. Lyman before going on his Mission to Europe. I invited C. R. McBride & Jos. Orme to assist me in arranging for such occasion & in selecting committees. Wrote letters, wrote up Journal &c.

10 April 1901 • Wednesday

I was busy writing in forenoon and in afternoon put attachments to-gether In the evening I attended committee meeting of Myself C R McBride & Jos. C. Orme. to arrange for a farewell party for Bro Lyman.

11 April 1901 • Thursday

I Took attachment & hand gang down to McBride’s <farm> where I fixed up a gang & tried it. It worked as good as I could expect a gang to work. In evening I attended a meeting of Ward Board by reques[t] During day time I took my team & with me Bro C R McBride & Jos C Orme went to See Committees on farewell party Pro[p. 64]gramme’s, Had add of same put in Transcript. Wrote Bro Lyman a letter informing him of our action. Assisted in Blessing Tillie Henwood’s baby.

12 April 1901 • Friday

Met Nerva at train with team Talked with sundry persons about attachments. Went over to E Seavers Lake View & down to McBrides farm. Put up attachment & #40 plow & sold same to McB. after trying same.

13 April 1901 • Saturday

Went to Grantsville with attachments. Tried same before several parties. Sold attachment, #40 ocplow & two extra lays to Gustave Anderson. 32.00.

14 April 1901 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting. Met with Relief society & attended to matters pertaining to Bro. Lymans farewell party. A stake affair. Assisted Bp. Atkins & Jos. C. Orme in administering to Sister Droubay

<Administered to Mabel S Lee a Patriarchal Blessing.>1

15 April 1901 • Monday

I attended to business pertaining to Farewell party for Bro. Lyman. Went down to McBride’s farm & put up attachment & plow Got some repairs done at shop. Put up plow & attachment for Charles Walters.

16 April 1901 • Tuesday

Went over to Chas. Walters & tried Attachment & brought same home. Read Papers, got Carriage Spring repaired, wrote letters &c.

17 April 1901 • Wednesday

By Special train went to Salt Lake & return. Attended Prest. Geo. Q. Cannons funeral Service. Attended to Some business, Saw Mother at Sarahs. George took me to station & met me at night.

18 April 1901 • Thursday

Devoted most all day to committee work on Farewell Social.

19 April 1901 • Friday

Worked all day on committee Work

20 April 1901 • Saturday

Windy. Attended Conference meetings an[d] Farewell Social for Bro Lyman, who leaves here 20th 22nd for SLC & 24th leaves S.L. City for Europe to preside over that mission. I was master of Ceremonies & all was under my direction. A good time was had and it was a pronounced Success. Bro McBride & I admini[p. 65]stered to Sister Garners baby. Bro & Sister A J. Stookey & Israel & Archie Bennion staid all night with us.

21 April 1901 • Sunday

Attended School & Conference meeting Had 2 hrs. talk with Jas. Tanner of Clover After Meetings I walked up to the Cemetery with Alice & little girls. Retired early. Set Jane Bowen apart as 1st Counseler to Sister Atkin in Relief society.

22 April 1901 • Monday

I finished the business of Committee on Farewell Social. Got 3 shoes on horses re-set. Took Bro. & Sister Lyman & their daughters Mary & Lois to Station. Bro & Sister Lyman on their way to Europe. Called by west farm.

Took Alice Estella & the Small children over to east farm & up on bench land. Went up on Cemetery & cleaned off lot.

23 April 1901 • Tuesday

I went to Lake View and put attachment on trial at Bro. Leaver’s and with #4 chill gave satisfaction and sold attachment & #40 lay & Plow to E. Leaver.

24 April 1901 • Wednesday

Went to Grantsville & got 2 Attachments & Carpets. Took dinner with Gustave Anderson & he rode with me to Station & I went on to Lake View & from there home.

25 April 1901 • Thursday

I made trial tests of Attachment at F. Barber’s, David Adamson’s & on P. Cleggs bench farm. Gave good Satisfaction.

26 April 1901 • Friday

Used attachment on Orme’s farm & Bonelli’s farm. Gave good satisfaction.

Was appointed with C R McBride & A J McCuistion by Bp. Atkin a committee to solicit stock subscriptions for the purpose of building a suitable Theatre & Dancing Hall.

27 April 1901 • Saturday

I showed up attachment on McLaws’ Atkins & Tates farms & plowed part of the day on my west farm. George Commenced plowing with four horses. In the [p. 66] evening I read letters from Fred & Nerva, read the news &c.

28 April 1901 • Sunday

Wind and Clowds.

Home I took my team & Prest. Gowans with me, we went to Batesville and attended school and meeting. Took dinner with Bp. C. A. Orme I spoke in school & in meeting occupied 35 min. Bro. Jos Larson & Jas Rowberry were sustained to be ordained High Priests. Prest Gowans ordained the former & I the Latter.

29 April 1901 • Monday

I went out with team, attachment & plow & plowed on following farms; Leavers, J. A. Bevans, Murrays, Walter Adamsons. Got home late. Took dinner with James Murray. Received word of the death of Alice Smith daughter of Sister Sarah. Died at 10:30 this day.

30 April 1901 • Tuesday

I arranged with Dr Phipps to solemnize the marriage of himself & Clara Gundry. Went up on bench farm with team wire &c and put up good 3 wire fence on South & west sides of farm.

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April 1901, George F. Richards, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1901/1901-04


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 April entry.