January 1893

1 January1 1893 • Sunday

I attended School and meeting. Bro Lyman & Elder John S. Lee were the speakers.

2 January 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I finished Ranch report & issued bills to partie’s owing. [p. 87]

3 January 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I submitted to the County Court my final & annual report which was submitted accepted. Turned over to John C. Shields the County funds he being my successer in office as County Treasurer. Met with a committee on Bylaws for Amusement committee at Geo. Atkins Store.

4 January 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather continued pleasant. I went to store with dried fruit. bought flour &c Sold hay to Edward Green &c

5 January 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended County Teacher’s Examination as examiner and in the evening I, Alice & four of the children attended Prof. Alanders performance. Had Pocock hauling manure

6 January 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I attended Co. Teachers Examination and in the evening made annual report of the Water Co. Treasury.

7 January 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I attended Examination and in the evening shaved, bathed, wrote up my [p. 88] Journal and attended the theatre above the Clouds by our home troop.

Had Pocock hauling manure 3 days.

8 January 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School, Afternoon & Evening meetings. Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans were present also. I spoke in School & Evening meeting. Apostle Lyman & Prest Gowans spoke in the afternoon.

9 January 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold & foggy.

I attended Water Co. Board meeting, Ecclesiastical Ward meeting, Audited Water Co. Accts. Attended Water Ward Co. Committee on Amusements meeting &c.

10 January 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold.

I hauled manure and at 4 P.M Attended another Committee meeting. Spent the evening at home writing &c.

11 January 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired the hay rack & wagon and hauled hay into the yards to the cattle. Hauled manure &c. Spent the evening at home reading the “Scottish Chiefs.” and in assorting my receipts and recording items of private busines.

12 January 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled manure in the forenoon; then shaved dressed up and taking Alice & Baby I went to [p. 89] Grantsville on invitation of Prest. C. L. Anderson Took supper with them and otherwise enjoyed ourselves until 3:30 A.M. Staid over night and came home next day.

13 January 1893 • Friday

Tooele Grantsville Weather Beautiful but cool. I took breakfast with Bro. Anderson late, listened to his Son Jode play the piano & Violine and left there for home @t 12:15 P.M. Arrived home at 2 P.M. & went to work hauling manure. Cashed Water Co. Warrants for H. S. Gowans and in the evening I shingled George’s, Legrand’s & Joels’ hair, wrote in my Journal and read the paper, retired early. All are reasonably well.

14 January 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took Vick & buggy and Prest. Gowans & I went down to E.T. where we met Bro. Riser who talks the Jerman language and visited Bro. & Sis. [last name redacted] She having instituted divorce proceedings against him on the ground of cruelty, abusive language &c. We went to try and effect a settlement but were unsuccessful. We went over and visited Bishop Moss and administered to Sister Moss who is very ill. Returned home about 6 P.M. I spent the evening at home reading and writing.

All are fairly well.

15 January 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold and [p. 90] towards night, 4 o’clock, it commenced to snow. Prest. Anderson & his son Jode came up to attend the Annual Sunday School Review.

They took dinner with us and returned home after the afternoon session.

I attended School and both sessions of the Review. Offered the benediction in the afternoon and made a few remarks in the evening. After the evening meeting I wrote up a constitution and ByLaws for the Civil Government Class and retired at 11:20

16 January 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy. About four inches of snow fell during the past night and to-day. I hauled hay to the cattle from east stacks, hauled manure and sold Alvin Walters a load of hay. I called on Bp Atkin and got a receipt for $53.78 paid on Temple offering. Arranged to settle tithing to-morrow. Bought a sack of best [beet?] sugar 100 lbs. for $6.10 and paid H S Gowans for 2300 lbs coal. Attended a meeting of the Tooele Ward Amusement Committee where a permanant organization was effected with myself as chairman. Sixteen members in all including the Bishoprick.

Spent the evening at home reading and writing. The folks are all well.

17 January 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant during the day but very cold at night.

I hauled manure until three P.M. Took dinner and attended a meeting of the Amusement Committee [p. 91] again at 4 P.M. Settled my Tithing for 1892 by paying Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars.

Attended the Civil Government Class in the evening where the Constitution & ByLaws formulated by myself were amended and adopted.

18 January 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather same.

I hauled manure all day and in the evening wrote & read & studied. All are tolerably well.

19 January 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant during the day but very cold at night.

I hauled manure and sold and loaded hay to Thos. Horman. Called on Bro. Gowans and looked over the Water Co Books & attended the Y.M.M.I.A. Studied & read after meeting I have some cold.

20 January 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold.

I hauled manure in the forenoon and in the afternoon, attended Water Co. Board meeting and also directors meeting. Spent the evening until 12:40 reading aloud from “Scottish Chiefs” I had a severe cold and took more cold.

21 January 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold & I have severe cold. I had James Hammond hauling manure while I as Treasurer of the Water Co. received and receipted for Stock assessments, cashed dividend warrants, filed my bonds as Director & Treas[p. 92]urer. Shaved, bathed, answerred letters &c.

22 January 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very cold. Trees loaded with frost. I went with Bro. Skelton to Grantsville to attend Stake Conference. Staid with Bro. C. L. Anderson. Attended the conference meetings & a meeting of the young people in the evening. Have a severe cold. Slept with Prest. H. S. Gowans of at Prest. C. L. Anderson’s.

23 January 1893 • Monday

Grantsville Weather continues cold.

I attended conference meetings and occupied 20 minutes in the forenoon speaking. Returned home O.K. in the evening. Apostle Lyman & Seymour B. Young were present and instructed the saints. My cold continues bad.

24 January 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather more moderated.

I attended to the chores and then accompanied Alice to the Dentists and tended the baby while she had some teeth filled and then had one of my wisdom teeth filled it having a small cavity in it. Did some trading at the Store, made out Home Missionary List for Tooele Stake for a term of four months. Repaired clothes washer and made stand for the washer. Worked with the hydrant to try and get water it having frozen up & bursted. Spent the evening home reading and write in my Journal. My cold is improved & others are tolerably well. [p. 93]

25 January 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele. W[eather] pleasant.

I hauled manure all day and spent the evening at home reading and writing.

26 January 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy & cold yet thaw<ing>. I went down to Moses Warr’s Estate & measured hay and divided same and sold Farnham Warr’s share 5 tons to E. Spray for $20.00 and in the afternoon hauled manure and in the evening read from the “Gospel” and “Robinson Crusoe.” Amy is quite sick.

27 January 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather continues windy.

I hauled manure all day and in the evening I wrote & read from “Scottish Chiefs.”

Sarah and Amy are both ailing. Missionary party this evening.

28 January 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled out a load of manure, Sold and loaded two loads of hay to Bro. Lyman. Hauled hay into log barn & into yards for cattle. Shaved, went down to S. R. Gee’s and got shing<led> took account of dead trees in my Main street lots with a view to replacing them.

Spent the evening at home.

29 January 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather quite cold.

I accompanied Prest. H. S. Gowans to E.T. Ward [p. 94] where we attended school and after the regular exercises spoke to the school. Prest. C. L. Anderson was there in the afternoon and after presentation of conference business by Prest. Gowans we each spoke a short time & gave general satisfaction. I believe after which we ordained a member of the young brethren to the Lesser Priesthood. Arrived home about 6:30 P.M. Spent the evening reading aloud from “Scottish Chiefs.[”]

30 January 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy & windy.

I made out my Ranch report for the month of January. Called upon the County Court & justified my claim which had been only partially allowed, bal. being made up by the Court. Ordered trees of F. D. Horman.

In the evening I read some aloud from the “Scottish Chiefs” & played a couple of games of checkers with Alice. All are tolerably well, colds excepted.

31 January 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. The wind ceased blowing during the night and about four or five inches of snow fell. I hauled hay into yards to the cattle. Sold load of hay to Thos. Horman, did some work in the Shop. Issued bills to parties owing. In the evening I studied Civil Government & read aloud from Scottish Chiefs. [p. 95]

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January 1893, George F. Richards, accessed February 8, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1893/1893-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Dec.” before crossing it out and writing “Jan.”