March 1912

1 March 1912 • Friday


Some storm. All usually well.

Asenath my sister, progressing favorably at hospittal. Alice, Nerva and I visited her & I administered to her. We three went to the temple and Alice & I were sealed for seven couples. Lot Smith & Geo L. Tate were going through the temple and witnessed the Sealing after which I showed these through the temple.

We attended an entertainment in 27th (Our) ward in the evening given by the Primary Association in which three of our children, Nina, Moselle & Oliver took part.

2 March 1912 • Saturday


All well Stormy.

I left home on 7.10 A.M. train for Malad in company with Pres R. S. Wells Pres Lyman & Elder D O McKay on same train to Garland. We arrived at Malad at 11.35. We were met at Ry. Station by brother Jn. J. Evans and taken to Pres. Wm. H. Richards our staying place Attended afternoon meeting, 300 [p. 149] present. Stake population 3300. At 10 AM meeting 207 present.

Pres Wells & I each spoke at afternoon meeting. I occupied 30 minutes. Sub A gospel of sacrifice & self denial requires faith to live. A comprehensive understanding of God his personality & attributes and the relationship we sustain to him necessary to an intelligent faith in him, so in Jesus as the Savior & so with the Gospel. A study of the scriptures gives much of this information.

Commented on song sung “Oh, How wonderful that he should care for me, enough to die for me.” If he cared thus for us we should care enough for him to die for him. If we did we would live for him. We would keep the commandments for Christ’s sake if not for our own. He is our prototype. Would he use tobacco or profanity &c &c.

Attended stake priesthood meeting in the evening and Pres Wells & I each spoke I read Matt 25:14–30 talents & Jn 21:15–17 Feed my sheep. & commented upon same. A doctor takes the deadly disease as early as he can get it, when first ditected. We are doctors of the people. Delay is dangerous. Preventatives are profitable.

Administered to Bro. Joseph Parry [p. 150]

3 March 1912 • Sunday

Malad, Ida.

A.M. Well. Cold. Snow on ground.

I fasted &c. Attended 10 A.M. S.S. of the conference. Pres Wells & I each spoke. I occupied 25 minutes. Self denial. Why love our parents? How show our love & appreciation of what they have done for us? Why love the Lord & how show it. Recited Aiebo Ben Adhem. We love our parents because they love us also because of what they have done for us. We show it by loving them, by obeying them, by loving & doing good to our brothers & sisters. For same reasons we love our heavenly father & show it in same way. I had good liberty.

After the meeting I ordained Wm W. Williams of Samaria, a high priest & a bishop & set him apart to preside over the Samaria ward. I set apart David Hughes First Counselor & Ordained Walter F.Bowen a high priest & set him apart 2nd counselor in the bishopric of Samaria.

Administered to brother Parry.

Attended a seventies meeting & spoke briefly. Attended evening conjoint Mutual meeting and occupied 45 minutes on “Evidences extended of the Gospel’s truth. The three & Eight witnesses are witnesses to the truth of the story of Jos. first vision, the visitation of John the Baptist & Peter James & John & the bestowal of the priesthood. Good liberty.1 [p. 151]

4 March 1912 • Monday


Am well. Weather cloudy.

I left Malad on 7.10 A.M. train and arrived in Salt Lake about noon.

Spent the afternoon at home reading and writing and in the evening Alice and I accepted invitation to the theatre from Elder H. J. Grant and went and saw “Madam Shirley.”

I received appointment to go with Pres. Lyman to the Maricopa & St Joseph Stakes in Arizona. With Pres Lyman we leave Salt Lake Wed. night and go via. Los Angeles.

5 March 1912 • Tuesday


Rained some. Am well.

I spent the forenoon home reading and writing. Attended a missionary meeting and alone set apart four missionaries as follows;

Alex Nielson of Richfield, Utah to Gt. Britain.

Geo. Heber Swan of Salt Lake to Switz & Germany.

John Van Der Wal, Rupert, Idaho to Netherlands

Sister Van Der Wal " " " "2

I attended to some business down town. I finished reading “Richard Carvel.” By Churchill. Spent the evening at home. [p. 152]

6 March 1912 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant Am well myself. Edna, Oliver & Estella have colds and coughs resembling croupe.

I spent the forenoon home reading and writing. Alice and I called at my sister Asenaths and visited a few moments with my sister Alice, then on down to the Empress theatre after which we called at temple annex & got list of names for whom we, last week, were sealed, then went to the L.D.S. Hospittal & saw my sister Asenath who seems to be recovering nicely. Attended my Circle meeting from 6.15 to 7.30 and spent the remainder of the evening at home Alice’s sister Estella and two of the children this evening came in from Tooele. Estella accompanied George and Edith to the evening’s performance at the Empress.

I took 11.50 train at 11.30 in company with Pres. Lyman for southern Arizona via. Los. Angeles.

7 March 1912 • Thursday

On S.L. Route train all day.

I spent the day reading from Miserables by Hugo also a speech by Geo. Sutherland in Congress on “Initiation, referendum & recall. [p. 153]

8 March 1912 • Friday

On S.L. Route train.

Am well Weather pleasant.

Pres. Lyman stopped off at San Bernadino where I am to pick him up i.e. at Calters at 5 P.M. today on my way out on S.P. Ry. I arrived in Los Angeles at 10.15 A.M. three hrs late. I was met at Ry Station by Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and taken to the Mission headquarters. Had dinner there, read from “Miserables,” wrote up my journal and wrote a letter home and took 3 P.M. S.P. Ry Train for Maricopa.

9 March 1912 • Saturday

Arrived at Mesa, Ariz. At 9 A.M. Were met at Ry Station by Pres. Jn T. Lesueur who took us to his home, where we made headquarters. After breakfasting we attended the 10 A.M. conference meeting. The attendance was light on account of a funeral service being held at Lehi ward & a rain storm being on.

Pres Lesueur reported the Stake population 2002. There were 87 present. Pres. Lyman occupied 45 minutes after which the following brethren spoke; Bp. W. P. Shill, Bp. Isaac H Rogers, & Bp. J. M. Horne

We counseled with the brethren [p. 154] between meetings.

At 2 P.M. meeting the speakers were, Pres. Isaac Dana, Pres Frank T. Pomeroy, the Presidents of the Reliefsocieties & Primaries, Elijah Allen Religion Class Supt., Bishop Hunsaker and myself. I occupied about 30 minutes. Subject, Prayr. Attendance at this session 131. After this meeting we held a meeting of the priesthood 73 being present. I offered the opening prayr & Pres Lyman the closing prayr. We took an expression from the brethren as to preference of men to fill the offices of the presidency of the stake Pres Leseuer having asked to be released & his request granted by the First Presidency After this meeting we went to Pres J T. Lesueur’s home and considered these slips of paper. We there agreed upon James W. Lesueur, Son of Pres. John T. Lesueur to succeed his father as the president of the Maricopa Stake. We sent for him and with him & his father decided upon Joseph W. Clark and Elijah Allen for his counselors. Isaac Dana former counselor to Pres. J. T. Lesueur was chosen to fill the vacancy in the High Council as alternate occasioned by taking Elijah Allen and Frank T. Pomeroy of former Presidency of Stake was selected to take [p. 155] Elijah Allens place as Stake Supt. of religion classes.

I wrote up my journal &c after Supper I read Miserables until after ten o’clock.

10 March 1912 • Sunday

Mesa, Ariz.

Stormy. Am well.

Attended all the meeting of the conference and counseled between also ordained and set apart and blessed a number of people.

The 10 A.M. session was a Sunday School session, the attendance was 440. A good programme was rendered. I was one of the Speakers and occupied about 20 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Advice to S.S. workers. 1 Enlarge usefulness of the School by bringing in those not enrolled. 2 by raising the percent of attendance of those enrolled, by punctuality & self preparations on the part of officers & teachers. Guardianship work &c. The list of officers was made up and sustained at afternoon meeting as follows.

James Warren Lesueur Stake President

<X> Orley Seymour Stapley First Counselor

Elijah Allen Second "3

<X> Isaac Dana Alternate high counselor

<X> Frank T. Pomeroy Stake Supt. R. Classes [p. 156]

<X> Artimus T. Millet, 1st asst. Stake Supt. R. Classes

Maud Sirrine, 2nd " " " "4

Geo. Franklin Ellsworth Stake Supt S. Schools

<X> Abel Alexander Dewitt 1st asst. " " " "5

Wellington B. Richins 2nd " " " " "6

I ordained brother Stapley a High Priest & set him apart. This was the only ordination and I set apart those marked X and Pres Lyman set apart the others.

We administered to brethren Lafayette Dana Pres. Lyman being mouth and we blessed Dr Eli C. Openshaw for his profesional work. I was mouth. This blessing and setting apart took place in the vestry after the afternoon meeting.

At the afternoon meeting Pres Lyman presented the General Church Authorities & the new officers & the others were presented by the Stake Clerk. No opposing votes. The members of the retiring presidency & the New presidency each spoke briefly and Pres Lyman & I each spoke. I occupied 20 minutes with good liberty. Subject, Read from B Mormon page 6 v. 7 the Lord never calls a man to do a work they cannot with his help do. Some aspire to office this is wrond [wrong] these have not. Some become jealous where honor is placed upon others. This is wrong. Some refuse when called to responsibility This is wrong. Some like the Servant of one [p. 157] talent become blocks in the wheels of progress. These will not be. Some become disgruntled when released. These will not be. These retiring are not. The responsibility resting upon the people. They should shake the hands of the New & the Old congratulating them and offering them their support.

There were present at this meeting 443. When we got home at noon we found Horace H. Cummings who had come in the interest of the religion class work.

Pres. Lyman asked to be excused from the evening meeting. He wrote a report of our labors to the First Presidency At this meeting the two associations were reported, three recently returned missionaries having been placed on the programme, spoke occupying an hour of the time and Supt H. H. Cummings occupied remaining time. I offered the closing prayr and after the meeting set apart a man.

11 March 1912 • Monday

Mesa, Ariz.

Fine weather Am well.

I left my rubbers at the meeting house last night and did not recover them.

I had a poor night’s rest last. [p. 158] At Pres Jno T. Lesueur’s home Pres Lyman and I administered to Bp. Rogers little boy Henry Collin. Met the new stake Presidency in council. did some reading &c. Left Mesa at noon rode in Auto to Tempe 7 miles and got train to Mesa. At Maricopa we met Pres Jos. E. Robinson and together went on to Tucson. A Brother Mitts was on train and took us to his home to supper. We put up at the Santa Rita Hotel. I wrote up my journal, wrote to my wife & to Andr. Kimball, bathed & retired about 11 P.M.

12 March 1912 • Tuesday

Tucson, Ariz.

At Santa Rita Hotel Am well.

Arose, took a bath, read the paper, went with Pres Lyman & Pres Jos E Robinson to breakfast and then a Mr. Paul F. Magenheimer land holder took us in auto up to the old Mission church about 9 miles south and on the holy or sacred hill. We paid our 25 c ea. and looked through the church. We looked over the land projects of this man and he and Mr John Mets took us to the Club rooms to dinner then took us to Binghampton where we held meeting with the saints and [p. 159] they returned to Tucson and later Mr Mets came after us and took us for a 15 mile ride around their boulevard making about 60 miles we have ridden with them. We called at Mets’ & got supper, then to hotel where I took a bath & retired about 10 A.M. P.M.

At the meeting at Binghampton there were 72 present. Pres Robinson I & Pres. Lyman talked in order named. I occupied about 30 minutes & told the people they need the Lord to help them in partnership temporally & Spiritually therefore court him by doing the things which will please him. Attend to prayr regularly in secret & family twice a day; attend your meetings & get the sacrament &c & pay tithes &c.

13 March 1912 • Wednesday

Tucson, Ariz.

Clowdy. Am well.

I arose about 7 A.M., took a bath, wrote up my journal &c.

We took train at 10 A.M. for Benson and arrived at 11.35. We were met at station by Bp Crosier Kimball of St David & his counselor brother Post who took us to a cafe to dinner [p. 160] and then took us by team to the San Pedro ward a distance of 12 mi. We staid at Bp. Curtis’ home and held a priesthood meeting at the bishop’s home. Pres Robinson, Pres. Lyman & I spoke giving advise. I advised that the people move on to a town site and cultivate the ground more intensely raising garden truck &c and told why. Pres. Lyman indorsed what I had said. Pres Robison & I occupied the same bed.

14 March 1912 • Thursday

San Pedro Ariz.

We went to St. David ward 5 miles, and held council meeting with the bishopric of the ward & John McRay until noon. At afternoon meeting the speakers were in order as fol. Pres J. E. Robinson, myself & Pres Lyman. I occupied about 30 minutes on temperalities with good liberty. We took dinner at Bp Crosier Kimball’s at 5 P.M. and administered to Sister Kimball who is in bed quite sick with a young baby. We administered to a young lady Miss Curtis Bp Curtis’ daughter, in the morning. At the afternoon meeting the authorities were sustained and at close of the [p. 161] meeting Pres Lyman & I shook hands with the people as they passed out.

Bro. Post of the St. David bishopric drove us down to Benson and Pres Robinson took 8.30 train for California Pres Lyman & I took rooms at the hotel I wrote up my journal &c.

Wrote to Mama at home and to my son Joel in England, read the papers

15 March 1912 • Friday


Weather fine Am well.

Pres. Lyman & I went with brothers Post & Powel Casley over to Robinson branch and return about 8 mi. and took train at about 11 A.M. for Bowe the junction where we had a wait of 3 hrs for our train to Thatcher. Arrived at Thatcher about 5 P.M. We were met at the Station by Prests. Kimball & Layton. Pres Lyman went to Pres. Kimball’s and I to Pres Chas. Layton’s.

I read from Victor Hugo’s Miserables all day & evening as I had oppertunity. Retired at 10.30 P.M.

16 March 1912 • Saturday

Thatcher, Ariz.

Weather delightful Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. services of the St Joseph Stake Conference which [p. 162] was under the auspices of the Stake Primary associations. A nice programme was rendered. Sisters Rial, Eliz, & Sister Jennie McFate spoke. I occupied 23 min & Pres. Lyman 45. Told story of widening the circle & Abram & Zimri. Smiles are catching pass them along. He who has plenty has to give. Kind words are sweet tones of the heart. Strike a note on one instrument & the same on another vibrates. Pass the kind words & kind deeds along. I spoke upon 5th commandment. How show honor & why? After meeting we ordained & set apart some brethren as follows.

James N. Holyoak H.P. & Bp of Emory by F. M. Lyman

Joseph W. Ballard H.P. & 1st Counselor "7 G. F. R.

Edgar H. Chesley, H.P. & 2nd " "8 F. M. L.

Edward H. Black Clerk "9 G. F. R.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 325. The morning meeting 300. Pres. Andrew Kimball reported and Pres. Lyman occupied 50 minutes. I occupied remaining 15 minutes. Subject. Be ye doers of the word. We advise the people and they disregard our counsel. Result. Five wise & five foolish. Sorrow & disappointed.

Took supper at Pres. Kimballs where his two counselors & their [p. 163] wives were present. Attended the entertainment with Pres Chas. Layton in the evening.Home production Dixie.

17 March 1912 • Sunday

Thatcher. Ariz.

Ideal weather. Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting. Attendance 712. Stake populaton 4400 Children of S. School present.

Pres. Lyman occupied more than an hour. I occupied remaining time 25 min. Subj. Love of God & for God & Christ & love for man.

Read Mat. 22:37 40; 1st Jno. 1:5 to end; 2:3–6 3:1–18.

After meeting we set apart the fol.

John Amasa Lee Bp & set apart Lebanon by F M. Lyman

Henry U Russell 1st counselor by G. F. R.

Silas P. Crum 2nd " "10 F. M. L.

Geo Augustus Matthews of Matthews ward set apart 2nd counselor to Bp. Larsen of Matthews Ward <by G. F. R.>

At 2 PM Meeting the attendance was 787. The authorities were sustained. Pres. Lyman occupied 65 minutes and I the remaining 25 min. Subject, Individual and official responsibility of Church members. Secret societies & attendance at meetings Read parable of the supper, & spoke of the talents, Shepherds physicians &c. [p. 164] Pres Lyman and I assisted by the stake Presidency administered to sisters Elizabeth Mooday, Lydia Ellsworth & Henrietta Nash while at Pres. Charles Layton’s where we took supper and after the evening meeting I walked down with Pres Layton to his sons home about a half mile and we administered to Pres Laytons grand child, sick with croupe.

At the evening conjoind meeting the attendance was 418. Reports had from the two associations showing them in good condition. Four recently returned missionaries spoke and I occupied remaining 25 min on Mutual work.

This has been quite a strenuous day.

18 March 1912 • Monday

Thatcher, Ariz.

Ideal weather Am well.

I arose about 6 a.m. and after arranging my toilet, I wrote up my journal, read &c until time to take train 9.39 A.M.

We had a wait at Bowie of 5 hrs We sat on a bench in the Shade of the depot building and I read from Miserables. [p. 165]

19 March 1912 • Tuesday

Arrived at Los Angeles about 10 A.M. 2 hrs 45 min. late. Pres. Lyman and I were met at station and went directly to the office of Hyrum Gibbs Smith, Dentist, where we found Elder Geo. Albert Smith awaiting us. We had an interview with Dr Smith who just last year graduated from the Southern California Dental College and is now practicing He is the Eldest son of his fathers who is the Eldest son of John Smith the Patriarch deceased and quite likely to become the Presiding patriarch of the Church.

A Mr. Grundy took us out in an auto for an hour. After Pres. Lyman took train 1.45 P.M. for [blank] to see his brother. Pres. Robinson took Elders. Geo. Albert & Hyrum G. Smith and me to the cafettera to dinner and them we went to the land show, this being Utah day. I saw a number of utah people there among whom were Willard B & Louie Richards who are staying at Long beach 22 miles South of Los. Angeles, also Uncle A. F. Doremus’ boy Cornelius. I went with those folks to Long beach and staid over night. Spent the evening at Uncle Abe’s quarters and [p. 166] slept at [blank] Hotel across the street from where Uncle Willard lives.

20 March 1912 • Wednesday

Long Beach, Calif.

Clowdy Am well.

I had a gospel talk with UncleWillard and with him walked about the town. I took train for Los Angeles at 11.25 A.M. Went to Pres. Robinson head quarters, wrote up my journal, read paper &c.

Pres. Lyman & I left Los Angeles on 8 P.M. train.

21 March 1912 • Thursday

All day on train between Los Angeles & Salt Lake. I read from Miserables & U.S. History.

22 March 1912 • Friday

Arrived home about 8.10 A.M. from Los Angeles & Arizona.

I wrote up my journal & did other writing. Attended a board meeting of the U.I.& V. Co and at this meeting on motion of David Eckles the payment of quarterly dividends was discontinued and annual dividends when the business of the Company’s earnings will justify it was agreed upon. I assisted Mama & the girls in the purchase of wall paper & carpet. [p. 167] Spent the evening at home.

23 March 1912 • Saturday


Pleasant weather Am well.

Several of the children have coughs. I spent the forenoon at home reading &c and in the afternoon Accompanied Geo & Edith, LeGrand & Ina and Mama to the Orpheum & saw “Paid in Full.”

Alice and I visited my sisters Alice Ann & Asenath at the latter’s home in the evening.

24 March 1912 • Sunday


Weather pleasant Folks usually well.

I attended 27th Ward S. School conference Attended Tabernacle services and offered the opening prayr. Pres. Lyman & Elder Grant were the Speakers.

Filled an appointment at the 28th ward Salt Lake Stake, in the evening. Occupied 70 minutes. Origin of Gospel & evidences of its truth.

25 March 1912 • Monday


Weather cool. Am well.

Some of our children still have coughs. Word from my daughter Nerva at Toole is to the effect that her baby Joel has been sick with [p. 168] Bronchitis feeling some better. I spent the day home reading, writing &c. Wrote to my son Joel.

26 March 1912 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant Folks same.

I spent the day home reading, “Miserables” by Victor Hugo.

27 March 1912 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. Word from Nerva by phone in the evening saying the baby is very sick.

I repaired tap &c read from Miserables until about 4 P.M. Attended Y.M.M. Gen. Bd. meeting at 5 P.M. and Circle at 6.15 P.M. Read “Miserables.”

28 March 1912 • Thursday

Home. Weather beautiful. Folks usually well.

My son George who went out to Tooele on the midnight train phoned in at 6.10 this A.M. that Nervas baby Joel while very sick was some better than last night.

Alice went out to Tooele on the 7.45 A.M. train to-day.

I attended weekly council meeting the first I have been privileged to attend for four weeks. I reported my visits to the Malad, Maricopa & St Joseph Stakes. [p. 169] Reported wishes of Malad Stake Presidency that the Malad ward be divided and an action was taken to that effect. 10.30 to 3 P.M.

I finished reading Victor Hugo’s “Miserables” a book of 1490 pages. Commenced reading it three weeks ago to-day.

I wrote to Malad Stake Presidency, recorded some temple work & listed some Sealing work.

29 March 1912 • Friday


Stormy day. Am well.

I went out to Tooele & back. While there administered Nerva’s baby Joel who has been very sick but is much improved. Left Salt Lake 7.45 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 6 P.M.

Spent the evening at home retiring early.

30 March 1912 • Saturday


Stormy Am well.

Nerva’s baby improving, others usually well. I left home in company with Elder Hyrum M. Smith on 7.45 A.M. train for Tooele when we were met at Station by Bp. Silas C. Orme and taken to Grantsville where the Stake Conference was being held. We arrived at 11 A.M. the meeting in progress. The speakers were Pres. C. A. Orme. Bps. August K. Anderson, Edward Atkin, [p. 170] John G. Shields & Ecman also brother Nyman of E.T. bishopric. I took dinner with Bp. A. K. Anderson.

At afternoon session the Speakers were, Pres. C. R. McBride, Patriarch, Benj. Barrus, myself & Elder H. M. Smith. I occupied 40 minutes. Subject. Attendance at meetings ward & stake. “Be ye doers of the word.”

3111 March 1912 • Sunday


Clear but lots of mud. Am well.

I staid at Gustave Anderson’s last night On the way to meeting Gustave Anderson & I called on the Old Lady Hunter and administered unto her.

At 10 AM meeting the children were present. Sacrament administered, authorities sustained. The speakers were Richard Jefferies, Jonathan Hale & H. M. S. I occupied remaining 7 or 8 min. Honor thy father & thy mother & in doing so learn to honor God.

At noon hour we attended to some ordinations and settings apart of brethren. I ordained Richard N. Bush an high priest and set him apart 2nd counselor to Bp. Jos. Wm Russell of Clover ward. I set apart Benj W. Black, Stake Supt. Sunday Schools.

Took dinner at Bp. A. K. Anderson’s Convened at 1 P.M. I occupied [p. 171] 50 minutes on Duties of Parents to children. Setting our houses in order &c. Elder Smith occupied about 20 min. and we withdrew from meeting at 2.42 P.M. to take Stage to Western Pacific Station 7 mi. North of Grantsville where we got 4 P.M. train arriving in Salt Lake at 5 P.M. I attended the 27th ward Conference at 6 P.M. The authorities were sustained and <each> of the members of the Stake Presidency spoke. I offered the benediction.

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March 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]“Good liberty” was written vertically on the right side of page 151.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Rupert, Idaho to Netherlands”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Counselor”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “asst Stake Supt. R. Classes”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Stake Supt S. Schools”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “asst. Stake Supt S. Schools”.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “by”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Counselor by”.

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “by”.

  10. [10]Ditto marks for “counselor by”.

  11. [11]Richards mistakenly dated this entry as “Sund. Mar. 30”.