October 1889

1 October 1889 • Tuesday

Cleaned out ditch along the head of apple orchard, used the City Water and wrote to Fred. Received letters from Fred, Steve, & Slater of S.L.C. of C.C.P.A. and cards from Mother and Nerva. Wrote A. F. D.

2 October 1889 • Wednesday

Sharpened hoe & pruning shears and hoed and pruned poplars & cuttings. Talked with Prest Gowans on the principle of tithing.

3 October 1889 • Thursday

Raked up around stacks, hoed and raked up [p. 223] among the grape vines &c.

4 October 1889 • Friday

Weeded among grape vines and hauled weeds up to the yards and fed them to cattle. Commenced baling hay. Mrs Vance and Marier Walten call on us in the after-noon.

5 October 1889 • Saturday

Baled hay and attended to the irrigating. Repaired corrall fence and hoed young poplars.

6 October 1889 • Sunday

Remained at home all day irrigating & writing letters. Wrote to Mother, Fred, Myron, A. F. Doremus and Chicago Co-operative Purchasing Association.

7 October 1889 • Monday

Baled hay, attended to the watering all day and used the City Water from 4.30 A.M. to 6.30. Sold apples to Wheelock. Recd Posted five letters

8 October 1889 • Tuesday

Baled hay & watered. Received several letters.

9 October 1889 • Wednesday

Baled hay, attended to the irrigating and sold J. B. Gordon a load of hay. In the afternoon, hired a carriage and went to Garfield & met Annie Steed & Sadie Robinson and their children. [p. 224]

10 October 1889 • Thursday

Tooele Baled hay and used the water all day.

11 October 1889 • Friday

Trimmed willow cuttings, went to see Chas. Pocock & Thos. Horman. Raked up barn yard ground hay knife &c.

12 October 1889 • Saturday

Baled hay & picked apples.

13 October 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School & two meetings

14 October 1889 • Monday

Stormy. Raked up barn & stack yards; wrote letters, took Annie Robinson Steed to the station Bought & killed mutton.

15 October 1889 • Tuesday

Stormy, wrote letters, repaired fence Took dinner at J. A. Vance’s Alice being there to a quilting. Sent $11.05 to Chicago for Mdse.

16 October 1889 • Wednesday

Did the every day work of the place and plowed in the east field Eugenes Wife & children still with us-

17 October 1889 • Thursday

Plowed in east field and attended to the regular work of the place, received notice from President Gowans that I am to go to Grantsville to preach next Sunday the 20th as a Home Missionary in company with Philip DeLaMar

18 October 1889 • Friday

Plowed in east field all day. [p. 225]

19 October 1889 • Saturday

Tooele City Plowed in east field, received letters from A. F. D., Mother & Seney, Took the Kelsey water at 7.15 P.M.

20 October 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and lectured on the contents of the first four of the Sunday school leaflets viz. “The birth of our savior.” “Jesus as a Boy” “The Testamony of John the Paptist [Baptist].” & “The Baptism of Jesus.” Went with Philip De La Mar Sen to Grantsville as Home missionaries and preached and listened to a sermon on the Resurection by Apostle John W. Taylor.

21 October 1889 • Monday

Used the water and plowed in east field. Wrote to A. F. D. and Cooley of Grantsville. Also a card to Fred in answer to one of this date from him. Stormy day. Wrote to Chicago, two cards to Ogden, a letter to Fred & one to Horace Stayner.

22 October 1889 • Tuesday

Plowed in east field and used the water.

23 October 1889 • Wednesday

Stormy. Plowed in east field and attended to the watering. Arranged with B. E. Bowen to make bridges in east street. [p. 226]

24 October 1889 • Thursday

Tooele City Plowed in east field & irrigated, bought of Jno England a pair of boots for $5.50 warranted to last one year. Attended Teachers meeting, & by request took the minutes.

25 October 1889 • Friday

Attended to the irrigating and plowed in east field. Picked apples for Wheelock.

26 October 1889 • Saturday

Plowed in east field, repaired gates on south side of east field. Attended theatre in the evening (Green Bushes).

27 October–28 October 1889

Stake Conference. Attended both meetings by request offered the opening prayr in the morning. Addressed the Conference for one half hour On the monday fornoon 28th Attended both meetings this day. Rained most of the day Sunday and snowed Monday fornoon & again at night. froze ice on standing water.

29 October 1889 • Tuesday

Weather cold with snow on the ground. Went to Stockton and Terminus, got legal advise from Alex Herron & Hugh S. Gowans Wrote letters &c. [p. 227]

30 October 1889 • Wednesday

Tooele Plowed in east field all day a part of the time in a snow storm. Read a sermon delivered by Geo. Q. Cannon at Genl. conference and worked on Oct. report in the evening.

31 October 1889 • Thursday

Snow on the ground & wind blowing; dug potatoes, made out monthly report and mailed to A. F. D. Letters from Nerva, Mother & Seney telling of Willard smiths sickness. Letters from Consolidated Implement Co. & Co-operative wagon & machine Co.

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October 1889, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1889/1889-10