August 1905

6 August 1905 • Sunday

Fast Day My Sister Nerva & her three youngest have been with us since Tuesday evening last. This day Alice & all of us attended S. School and most of us attended meeting and I attended Circle after meeting fasted and gave 1.00 Cash to the poor fund.

8 August 1905 • Tuesday

Took all the folks to the Lake Garfield

10 August 1905 • Thursday

Took Nerva to train & she returned home

111 August 1905 • Friday

Finished unloading car shingles.

12 August 1905 • Saturday

I took my family to the Canyon. Left them at the Kills Settlement Canyon while I went up higher and showed to Hyrum Droubay the lines to land I sold to him in the Left Hand Kelsey. Rained on us and we got thoroughly wet. Had a cooked supper and a pleasant time after the Storm.

13 August 1905 • Sunday

Bro C A Orme & I went to Vernon & returned. Put up team and took Dinner at Bro Pehrsons and while there I administered a blessing to Sister Anna Pehrson. On the road home we called at Sister Ajax’. She treated us to Cake and her Son Wm treated us to Soda water which was nice and much appreciated. Arrived home about 10 o’clock P.M.

18 August 1905 • Friday

Attended meeting Stake Presidency

20 August 1905 • Sunday

Bro C A Orme & I filled Stake Presidency appointment at Lake View.

24 August 1905 • Thursday

Attended Stake Presidency meeting in the evening

26 August 1905 • Saturday

Left home with team & surray and my wife and six children and drove to Farmington on our way to Fielding in Box Elder Co. Stayed at night at Jas H Wilcoxes. [p. 178]

27–29 August 1905


Attended S School at South Farmington Drove up to Sister Nerva’s and staid there until Tues. A.M. when we left for Fielding at 7 A.M. and arrived there about 11 P.M. stopping on the road about 4 hrs. We left Ruby & Lucena at Farmington and took Sister Nerva & her boy Geo with us.

30 August2–2 September 1905


Wend [went] over to Riverside and saw and administered to Aunt Mary Richards and visited old friends down as far as Garland returning to Fielding just at dusk. Visited at Fielding until Sat. Sept 2 when we returned to Farmington.

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August 1905, George F. Richards, accessed February 6, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “9” before writing “11” over it.

  2. [2]Richards mistakenly dated the entry “Sept. 30”.