March 1909

1 March 1909 • Monday


Weather pleasant. Good health obtains in the family. The folks commenced house cleaning and I assisted them, carrying furniture &c down and up stairs, Shaking carpets and putting them down &c.

I made a trip down town and made a few small purchases.

In the evening I attended the Ward Priesthood meeting and in the Seventies department made a brief talk answering the question of the first allegience of Seventies raised by Pres. J. G. Kimball who was present. We sustained and set apart two presidents of the 4th Quorum. I set apart Bro. [blank] Z. Brown I had an interesting but brief conversation with brother Levi Edgar Young after meeting in which he told me of some of his writings on which he is now engaged and asked my advise as to their publication [p. 50] I advised that it would be all right but he should submit his writings to Authority before publishing same. He agreed with me.

My Son LeGrand and I sat up until 11:40 o’clock talking.

2 March1 1909 • Tuesday


I assisted with the house cleaning.

Met with Pres. Lyman and Pres Orvil Thompson of Millard Stake Presidency and his brother Bp. Thompson of Scipio at Pres. Lyman’s home where we considered matters pertaining to Millard Stake one of which is the proposition to divide the Millard Stake. I had visited the Stake at time of holding the last conference and had in reporting to the Council recommend<ed> a division. I here laid before Pres Lyman & the brethren my reasons for thinking now an oppurtune time for making division to which no answer was attempted.

I spent the evening at home, reading, writing & Studying.

The weather is pleasant.

My health is good as is the health of the other members of the family.

3 March 1909 • Wednesday


I attended three meetings. Called on Geo Albert Smith who is indisposed.

Wrote to my Bro. Fred. Studied between meetings. Health good. Spirits good. [p. 51]

4 March 1909 • Thursday


Inauguration day. Wm H. Taft is made President of the United States.

Weather raw with rain towards night

I spent the day at home studying and reading. Spent about 30 minuts with Pres. Lyman at his home.

5 March 1909 • Friday


I attended to home duties and scriptural studies all day until 6 P.M. then I went down to my daughter Nerva’s wher My wife and all the unmarried children were met by invitation and all had Supper.

Called & saw my mother at her home.

6 March 1909 • Saturday


I took 7:10 A.M. train to Brigham City was joined at Ogden by Elder D. O. McKay We were met with team at Brigham Depot by Brother Nels Madsen and taken to Pres. Oleen Stohl’s home. From there to Conference meeting. The attendance was 500 The speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Lucius A. Snow, Pres Oleen N. Stohl, my self and Elder D. O. McKay. Elder McKay & I each talked about 30 minutes.

I spoke complimentary of the people of the Stake & their officers from reports made. Reviewed a part of the reports. dwelt especially upon the topic of paying tithing monthly and remove the danger of not being able to Settle at end of year and to remove the temptation to withhold some.

At 2 P.M. Meeting Attendance 680

The Speakers were as follows. [p. 52]

David Jenkins. returned missionary.

Wm. Lee " "2

Daniel P. Woodland " "

Elder D. O. McKay spoke from 2:55 to 3:50 Subject. Interpretation of the Scripture & “Seek first the Kingdom of heaven.”

Elder McKay & I met with Prests Stohl & Snow after afternoon meeting for about an hour. Pres. Horseley being absent as a State legislator.

Attended a Stake Priesthood meeting in the evening at which there were in attendance 384. Business transacted. The Speakers were D O McKay & myself.

7 March 1909 • Sunday

Sunday. 10 A.M. meeting. Attendance 1571 good spirit present. Speakers after Sacrament & SS. exercises were Stake Supt S.S. Stake Supt R. Clas. Bp. Brinkerhoof of Emery myself & D. O. McKay in order named above. my Subject obedience & told Story of Hatch boys of Koosharem. With the School recited the 4th & 5th commandments.

At 2 PM Attendance was 1313.

Authorities presented. Pres. Horsley, D. O. McKay & I were the Speakers.

I fasted until about 5:30 P.M. Spoke to Bro Norman Lee about a mission to Europe to edit the Millennial Star. He expressed him self as being willing to go indeed would be pleased to go. The Stake Presidency indorsed him heartily & Elder D. O. McCay concurred.

Attended Conjoint Mutual in the evening at where there were one thousand in attendance. Elder D. O. McKay & I were the Speakers. I spoke first and occupied sixty [p. 53] minut[e]s having splendid liberty. Subj. The Eternity of the Marriage Covenant. Read as opening text Mat. 22:18–30 and later D.&C. 132:4–19. Elder McKays Subject. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” and occupied 40 minutes. Administered to a Sister Hansen.

This conference has been a delight from start to finish.

8 March 1909 • Monday

Brigham. Utah.

Elder McKay and I left for home on the 6:05 A.M. train which was nearly an hour late. On reaching home Pres. F. M. Lyman Called me in to his home and I told him of our conversation with Elder Norman Lee and we together went down town and met Prests. Winder & Lund and Elder John Henry Smith. We considered Elder Norman Lee’s case and unanimously agreed that he should receive a direct call to Great Britain with the understanding that he take Elder Wm A Morton’s place on the Millinnial Star.

I read some letters from Elder Chas. W. Penrose now presiding in the British mission.

Wrote up my journal &c.

Weather promiscuous. Our health good.

9 March 1909 • Tuesday


I accompanied Pres. F. M. Lyman to the office of the First Presidency where the Burnham Bros. correspondence was considered. Called & took dinner with my Son George.

Attended Missionary meeting at Annex where 19 missionaries were blessed & Set apart. I was mouth in [p. 54] Setting apart three as follows assisted by Pres. J. G. Kimball.

Austin David Allen of Hyrum to [blank]

Maurill Tanner of Beaver to Eastern States

Austin Porter Miller City to Eastern States.

I also instructed the Missionaries on Subject of Chastity & virtue &c.

I called and Saw my Aunt Alice Watt and administered to her.

Walked up home from temple called at my daughter Nerva’s 8th East and First South St. also called on my Mother

In the evening I attended 27th Ward mutual and filled an appointment of a 20 minute talk in the preliminary exercises. I occupied just 20 minutes. Subject as follows.

“When a difficult problem confronts you over which you are perplexed take a simple problem just like it and then employ the same methods in the solution of the more difficult problem.”

Dr. J. R. Park.

That is just what the Savior placed before the people in his parables. He gave them the Simple problem which he intended they should apply to the more complex problems of Eternity and the Lord’s plan.

Things earthly typically of things heavenly. Man of his maker &c. Luke 15: Prodigal Son parable. The two brothers represent the faithful & their State of Common interest with the Father in his Celestial glory & kingdom.

The home typical of our Heavenly parents & our duty to them & their will & wish [p. 55] Our inconsistancies due to the fact that we have accepted of the gospel as a theory merely & not as the real truth it is.

10 March 1909 • Wednesday

Home. Weather Cold.

I attended my three Wed. meetings.

Received appointment with Pres. C. H. Hart to Union Stake. I wrote letters to my brother Fred and to Arnold D. Miller Sr at Gridley Cal. answering letters received from them. Called on my Mother & two Sisters Alice Ann and Asenath at the latter’s home.

My son LeGrand is quite sick to-day, the result of over work, loss of sleep & cold taking My son Oliver is lame in his knee. I think likely it is rheumatism.

11 March 1909 • Thursday


I spent the day at home studying. In the evening Bro. Norman Lee of Brigham City called to see me. On my suggestion he had been called to take a mission to England to work on the Star succeeding Bro W. A. Morton He comes to learn if he may take his wife & four children with him. I sought an interview with Pres. Francis M. Lyman who heard brother Lee and ruled that it would not be the proper thing to do but said we might take the matter before the First Presidency which I agreed to help him to to-morrow

LeGrand is at home and very much improved.

12 March 1909 • Friday


I met brother Norman Lee at the Pres. office at 10 A.M. present. Prests. Winder, Lund & Lyman and Elder H. J. Grant & myself. [p. 56] The brethren decided it would not be advisable for brother Lee to take his family a wife and four children with him to England. I attended to other business and went home and made ready to leave for LaGrande Oregon. Left on 1 P.M. train for Oregon. On the train enroute for Bear Lake were Elder Rudger Clawson & Pres Seymour B Young. Pres. Chas. H. Hart joined me at Cache Junction and we continued on our journey.

LeGrand went to work to-day feeling much improved. Sarah was in bed and asleep when I left home. Supposed temporary ailment. Oliver’s knee still troubling him. Weather somewhat moderated.

13 March 1909 • Saturday

Home On train bound for LaGrand Oregon. Reached our destination at 9:25 A.M. Coast time. Prest. Hart and I were met at the Ry Station by Pres. F. S. Bramwell. We went direct to the Tabernacle where our Conference convened in basement. Attendance 140 Population of Stake 2630 Conceded to be one of the most sparcely attended conferences held. One chief cause for light attendance I believe is the fact that arrangements have been made to hold the Sunday meetings at Baker City 50 miles distant. No Baker City people came to LaGrande Roads bad but weather good.

At 10 A.M. meeting the speakers were in order as follows.

1. Geo. E. Stoddard of Stake Presidency.

2. Bp. Chas. J. Black of LaGrande

3. Bp. F. P. Hammond of Union

4. Geo. R. Lyman Pres. of Seventies. [p. 57]

5. Pres. Chas. H. Hart 35 minutes.

6. I spoke the remaining 15 minutes. Subject attendance at meeting. How to promote it.

At the 2 P.M. meeting the Authorities were sustained and the Speakers were as follows.

1. Joseph R. Price of the Stake Presidency.

2. Pres. F. S. Bramwell

3. I occupied about 50 minutes

4. Pres. Chas H. Hart remaining 10 min to 3.33 P.M.

My subject was Tithing pay it monthly. Parables, Simple example indicates how more difficult problems may be solved. Things earthly typical of things heavenly. The home typical of our Heavenly Father and the plan of Salvation. Ex. Prodigal Son & his brother the parable. Some of us are prodigal and some of us do not comprehend what is ours like the Prodigal’s brother.

Between the meetings I had a half hour’s talk with the Stake Presidency.

After 4 P.M. met the High Council where the matter of reorganizing the Bishoprics of the three wards of Imbler, Cove & Union was considered. Pres Hart & I each spoke briefly. No evening meeting. We leave here at 6:45 A.M. for Baker by train tomorrow

After Supper I wrote up my journal. Weather here pleasant, but cool at night. I am feeling well.

14 March 1909 • Sunday

LaGrande Oregon.

I left LaGrant [LaGrande] with a company of about 50 LaGrande people for Baker City on 6:45 A.M. train at which place the Stake Conference was conducted. At the 10 AM meeting Sacrament was administered and the Supt. of S. Schools & Supt. of R Classes reported [p. 58] I occupied about 30 minutes, Pres Hart 15 min. and Pres. Bramwell 10 minutes.

My subject. Christ the Savior. The Choir sang Hymn page 401 and I read same & commented and taught the necessity for faith in Christ.

At 2 P.M. meeting there were a number of Strangers present I Pres. Hart & I occupied the time the former occupied 62 minutes & I about 35 minutes. Subj. Faith in God.

Held Seventies meeting at 4.30 P.M.

At 6:30 P.M. Conjoint meeting. The Supt. of YMM & Supt Y.L.M. each made report. I spoke upon eternity of Marriage covenant about 20 minutes & Pres. Hart spoke about 10 minutes.

Pres Hart & I took train for home at 10:45 P.M. Coast time. Prest. Hart stopped off at Pocotello. Elder Rudger Clawson & Pres. S. B. Young boarded the train at McCammon on return from Bear Lake. Bro. Edwin Carbine, my wife’s cousin, from LaGrand came as far as Pocotello on same train and we had a nice visit. Reached home at 8:30 P.M.

Folks usually well. Weather pleasant.

16 March 1909 • Tuesday

Home. Weather pleasant.

I attended the funeral Services over the remains of Sister Anna Taylor Hyde held in the Assembly Hall at 12 o’clock, Noon. My Sister Minerva met me and accompanied me home to dinner. Had a nice talk answering several important questions. Alice & I went with her down to Mother’s and from there Alice and I called on our daughter Minerva & thence to Main St. by car. Made some [p. 59] purchases and called at my Son George’s home.

Our Son LeGrand has a proposition from Alex Nibley to go to Portland and engage with him in the Cement Manufacturing business. He has been considering it seriously for several days and is about ready to give answer to Bro. N.

Oliver has lameness in one knee, Several of the girls are sore with vaccination.

17 March 1909 • Wednesday

Home. Rain & Sunshine alternating. Folks well except Oliver’s knee cause we know not but he is quite lame. The vaccination on the girls gives them annoyance.

I attended my regular weekly Council meeting in the temple, my religion Class Board meeting at the President’s office and my Circle meeting in the temple in the evening. I have these three meetings to attend each Wednesday.

At council meeting I received the appo[i]ntment to accompany Pres. Oleen Stohl of the Box Elder Stake and others of the Stake officers next Saturday to Park Vally fifteen miles off the S.P. Ry. from Kelton. I later received a phone call from Pres. Stohl who was in Salt Lake and with him arranged for our going.

Elder Norman Lee of Brigham called on me i.e. he met me on the walk & we went into my Son’s office and had a conversation with respect of his mission.

After the 4 P.M. Relegion Class meeting I went over to A. F. Doremus’ to [p. 60] see my Aunt Alice Watt but as she was having a nice sleep I did not remain for her to awaken. I went back to my Son’s office where I did some writing putting some of my thoughts into my memoranda.

Between one and two o’clock my son George put a filling in one of my wisdom teeth.

At the Circle meeting there were nineteen members present. I asked brother Lyon to accompany me and we went up in Canyon road and visited Bro John Gray, a member of our circle who has been tampering with tobacco and neglecting his meetings, circle. We found brother Gray at home and had a good heart to heart talk and received an assurance that he would try & quit the tobbaco and attend his Circle meetings. I feel that this day has not been spent in vain. May the Lord be praised.

I wrote to my brother Fred and wrote up my journal. I am well myself. Alice’s Sister Mamie Steed came about noon to stay I know not how long.

18 March 1909 • Thursday


I sat with Pres. Francis M. Lyman and Joseph M. Tanner from 10 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at the latter’s office hearing the case of Joseph S. Tanner against his sons Henry S. and Nathaniel endeavoring to make settlement of their differences. We completed the hearing and appointed Tues. next [p. 61] at 10 A.M. the time to meet as arbitrators to make up a decision.

The night last night was stormy also to-day and Pres. Lyman requested me on that account to fill his appintment to Seviere Stake which will necessitate my leaving home to-morrow. I phoned Pres Oleen Stohl of Brigham the change suggesting at the Same time that the time for visiting Park Valley be deferred until later in the Season.

I spent a couple of hours writing out an opinion on the case of Tanner vs. Tanners.

19 March 1909 • Friday


I left Salt Lake on R.G.W. 7:50 AM train for Sevier Stake, Richfield. Arrived there at 4 P.M. Walked from Station to Pres. Seegmillers, Pres R. S. Wells and I.

We attended a meeting of the High Council in the evening until a late hour.

I slept at Pres Seegmiller’s & Pres Wells at Bro Horn’s.

20 March 1909 • Saturday

Richfield. Utah.

Attended the 10 A.M. meeting. Attendance 497. Roll call of wards.

Jos. S. Horne of Stake Presidency spoke.

Bp H H Bell at Glenwood spoke

I occupied 40 minutes & Pres Wells 12 min.

A meeting with Councils of two quorums of Seventies from 12:20 to 1:36.

2 PM Conference meeting. Pres. Seegmiller occupied 35 minuts.

4 returned missionaries spoke.

I took dinner at 5 P.M. with Bro. [p. 62] young of the Stake Presidency.

In the evening I attended an opera “The Mikado.” performed by home talent.

21 March 1909 • Sunday

Richfield. Utah.

Attended 10 A.M., 2 P.M. at [and] 7:30 P.M. meetings and spoke at each. Attended a Seventies meeting after 4 P.M. and I ordained five High Priests aster [after] having confered with and counseled them. At the 10 A.M. meeting the children were present. I spoke briefly upon Sunday school work and then told the Story of the Hatch Bros. of Koosharam and ricited 4th & 5th Commandments, the story having been told to exemplify the folly in disobedience to same.

At Afternoon I occupied about 30 min. Subject Faith. At evening meeting I occupied about 35 minutes. Subject The Eternity of the Marriage Covenant.

22 March 1909 • Monday

Sevier Stake. Richfield

I took train at 10 A.M. for Salt Lake arriving at 6:15 P.M. Elder Wells with me. Bro Rulon S. Wells, Pres Seegmiller & his Counselor Robt D. Young & I held council meeting from 9 to 9:45 Found folks at home usually well.

On the train I formed the acquaintance of Sister Dorius of our ward whom I once met before at my sister Asenaths; also formed the acquaintance of a Brother Larson about to leave for a mission to Scandinavia, his home is in Mt. Pleasant; also of a brother Livingston of Manti. Richard R. Lyman on same train. On the train I met [p. 63] Bishop Christianson of Mayfield. I discovered that he was using tobacco and I took up a labor with him.

23 March 1909 • Tuesday


I sat with Pres. Francis M. Lyman and Jos. M. Tanner as a Board of Arbitration where we decided the Case of Jos. S. Tanner vs Henry S. & Nathaniel H. Tanner which case we heard last Thursday.

At 12 o’clock I attended the funeral services of Sister Sophia Taylor Nuttal held in the 17th ward.

I spent the after part of the day and evening at home visiting with my Sister Alice and other family members at my home. Weather pleasant. Oliver about as usual with respect to his lameness.

24 March 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple, and received the appointment to Grantsville Tooele Conference for next Sunday.

Met Alice with Oliver down town and took him to the office where Dr. Stephen examined him and recommended that he lie in bed & have a weight hang from his foot for a couple of weeks. We arranged to do so.

I attended a religion class meeting at 4 P.M. and from there went direct to Sister Asenath’s where members of the family gathered to do honor to My Sister Alice this being her Sixtieth birth day. From there at 9 P.M. [p. 64] Alice & I went to the 27th Ward meeting house and participated in a social of Sunday School workers. There were eight of our family present. A collection was taken up for a Brother [blank] who is sick $17.00+ was contributed A $30.00 gold filled watch was given to Sister Alice for the purchase of which about fifteen of us contributed

25 March 1909 • Thursday


I did some phoning about business Phoned Davis Co. Bank, Pres. H. S Gowans of Tooele, State Board of Land Commission. Wrote my brother Fred. I attended to some business with Pres. Francis M. Lyman at Bro. Joseph M Tanner’s office. Attended a missionary meeting in the Annex of Temple where thirteen missionaries were set apart and I participated was mouth in Setting apart as follows.

Wm. H. Allsop of Grace Idaho to Netherlands.

Peter T. Hart of Ogden to "3

Erastus J. Christiansen, Mayfield Ut. to Scandinavia.

Pres. Lyman made a talk & left me in charge. Pres. Young & I each gave instructions.

Doctors Stephen & Gill called & put adhesive plaster & bandage on Oliver’s leg and we suspended over a pulley attached to foot of bed a flat iron attached to rope one end of which was fastened to the foot. This to cause a quieting of the friction on the joints of knee & thigh or hip.

I did considerable writing & studying during the day & evening. [p. 65]

26 March 1909 • Friday


I spent most of the day at home reading & studying. About 5:30 P.M. I went down to my Son George’s and he cut my hair after which he walked home with me.

Oliver is quite sick. Lame leg and sore throat.

27 March 1909 • Saturday


I took 7:45 A.M. train for Tooele. Pres Chas. H. Hart accompanied me. We were met at Tooele depot by Joseph C. Orme who drove us to Grantsville where we attended conference. Present 10 AM. 90. At 2 P.M. meeting present 164.

At 10 A.M. meeting Speakers as follows.

Chas. R. McBride of the Stake Presidency

Bp. August K. Anderson of Grantsville

Bp. Silas Orme of Tooele

Bp. Israel Bennion of Vernon

Bp. John G. Shields of Lakeview

Bp. Edn Ekman of Batesville

Henry B. Haynes Supt Religion Classes.

Roll call of wards &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting the speakers were

Joseph C. Orme of Stake Presidency.

Joshua R. Clark Sen. Pres. of 31st quorum of Seventy

John S. Lee Sen Pres. 43rd quorum "4

Lafayette Orme Ret. missionary.

I spoke about 25 minutes

Pres. Hart " 25 "5

I spoke of what good I knew of Tooele people. Second stake in the Church in percentage of the Stake population on missions. 1.26% of population out. [p. 66]

At 4:30 P.M. Pres. Hart and I attended a meeting of the High Council. I presented two subjects and advised their adoption.

1st How to increase attendance at Stake conferences

2. Pay tithing each month on all the means coming into our hands.

The Presidency and Council members by vote agreed to adopt that policy.

At 7 P.M. I phoned home and learned that Oliver is very much improved.

I am staying with Bp. August K. Anderson.

28 March 1909 • Sunday


I attended the three conference meetings 10 A.M. 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. Attended a Seventies meeting at 4:30 P.M. and assisted in ordaining seventies. I ordained David Sidney Anderson, Raymond Hammond and Charles Willard Erickson all of Grantsville. I blessed and set apart Evelyn Gordon Isgreen Stake Secretary of the Y.L.M.I.A. and Sister Mary McLains Shields A stake aid in same organization

I met the Stake Presidency and asked them if we are going to be benefitted through our conference & if so how? We agreed that special effort should be made in the next three months to increase the attendance at the Stake Conference meetings and to make popular the payment of tithing as it comes into our hands each month on lines which I had [p. 67] indicated to them. Ward conferences will <be> held in all the wards the ensuing quarter and these to be preceded by a meeting of the ward priesthood Saturday night where these matters would receive special attention.

At the 10 A.M. meeting the children were present. The sacrament was administered. The articles of faith recited in Concert. S.S.S. A. J. Stookey reported the condition of the schools which shows them to be in good condition. I occupied about 30 min. Subject. Sacrament. Sacrifices, Types & Symbols. Christ the Savior & necessity for faith in him. Pres. C. H. Hart occupied 30 minutes in conclusion. After the meeting we met with the Stake Superintendency & Stake Presidency and answered questions &c and later Pres Hart, the Stake Presidency and I heard Bp. Silas C. Orme and advised him concerning [first and last names redacted] Case. A fallen missionary.

At 2 P.M. meeting the Authorities were Sustained. Pres. Gowans, C. H. Hart and I were the speakers. My subject was meeting attendance, Conferences, and payment of tithing monthly. Bp. August K. Anderson took Pres. Hart & me down to Bp Wrathalls Son’s home about three miles distant where we administered to their baby who was very sick with Pneumonia.

At Conjoint meeting, the officers of the two associations reported. Elder Sodeberg recently returned from a mission to Southern States spoke. I followed about 30 [p. 68] minutes. Subject. evils of the pool room, waste of time &c. Necessity for high school education. All graduates from district school should aspire to graduation from a high school, such as is given in our Chur<ch> schools. This education necessary to an entrance into an Eastern College. Advantages to young people in way of making marriag[e] matches. Spoke upon necessity for a concerted movement in favor of commencing Socials, dances &c earlier so as to close earlier & avoid temptation as much as possible. Marry and marry well and for Eternity. Good freedom and a good impression created I believe. I feel that we had a satisfactory conference except that the attendance was light.

After evening meeting Pres. Hart and I went with the brethren to Tooele where we spent the night. Pres. Hart with Joseph C. Orme and I with Pres. Chas R. McBride.

29 March 1909 • Monday


At C R McBrides. Am well & happy. I retired to bed at 12 o’clock last night. Arose at 7 this morning, wrote up my journal for yesterday. A busy day. Made calls at Hyrum Lee’s; Lafayitte Ormes; Pres. Hugh S. Gowans; Wm S. Mark’s; Post office; Drug Store; CW & M Co. office &c. Walked up to cemetery. Returned to Salt Lake on 4:35 P.M. train. Spent the evening at home.

Olivers condition very much improved indeed he seems well except that he is confined to the bed on account of lameness. [p. 69]

30 March 1909 • Tuesday


Ground white with snow this morning. Folks well. Oliver still in bed treatment for lameness.

I went over to my sister Asenath’s to see my mother who was in bed last yesterday sick but is up to-day.

Attended quarterly conference of the Twelve in the temple from 10 to 12:30 and from 2 P.M. to 8:20 PM. 10 Present This was a very important meeting. Elder John Henry Smith called attention to the fact that the Presiding Bishopric had reported to the First Presidency the necessity for a change of administration at the Bureau of information, some one should be appointed to take Brother Benjamin Goddard’s place, and since this is one of the most important missions we have if not the most important they suggested that a member of our quorum be given charge. The Presidency in Pres. Lyman’s absence while in the East had put the matter into Elder John Henry Smiths hands. The matter was spoken of by Elder Heber J. Grant who suggested my name and made an argument in favor of Same. Pres. Lyman said we need all the Twelve for out side work and thought some one else could be called to that positi<on> Elder Grant observed that it would not be necessary that the person presiding, if one of our number, be always there but when in the city. [p. 70] The fact of a member of this Council presiding there would lend dignity to the mission. Elder Grant paid me an undeserved compliment when he said I had forgotten more scripture than he ever knew. The statement that I am a perfect gentleman I am going to make true if possible. Elder O. F. Whitney on the same subject spoke of my affable disposition or manners and said he had suggested my name to Elder Grant for the place in a former conversation with him. Nothing more was done and no other name mentioned for the place. I should feel greatly honored with such an appointment but like all other responsibilities, I am more that [than] willing they should they pass me by. I feel inadequate for the responsibility.

In my talk, I suggested that as the world are now ready to hear our cause and all the missions are in need of more missionaries I thought a system of calling upon each Stake to furnish a certain per cent of its population for mission work and they in turn apportioning their allotment to their wards we could materially increase the number. I suggested one per cent of the population of souls in the Stakes of Zion. The population in the Stakes being 298,250 it would give 2982 missionaries; as it now [p. 71] is we have but 1908 missionaries out and eight of the sixty stakes have more than one percent of their population out. The others being below and some less than one half of one percent out. It is not a hardship on the Stakes or wards where this representation is out, then why not require the one percent of others? It would only need be known to some Stakes & wards what is desired and they would cheerfully comply or respond. And in as much as the increase of missionaries would incure additional expense to the church as well as the people, this can be overcome by increasing the tithings, How? By making a campaign in favor of paying tithing and that monthly in Same manner as we have campaigned in favor of keeping the word of wisdom which has accomplished so much good.

I also suggested that as several of our Elders had recently come home from the European mission in disgrace, I feared the rules of that mission must be too lax.

Many Subjects claimed attention Much business talked of, but little done in the way of reaching conclusions Pres. Lyman said he would take up the missionary question at our meeting with the Presidents of missions next Saturday.

The absentees are Elders Smoot & Penrose. A telegram from the former was read. [p. 72]

I talked with my mother over the phone on my return home.

31 March 1909 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. until about 2 P.M. Sacrament administered.

Attended Religion Class Board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting in the evening, 17 present.

Had a conversation with Elder Heber J. Grant on the Roberts case.

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March 1909, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Feb.” before crossing it out and writing “Mar.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “returned missionary”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Netherlands”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “of Seventy”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “about” and “minutes”.