September 1912

3 September 1912 • Tuesday

Emigration Canyon

Warm day I am much improved.

All our family folks came down from the canyon and Geo. & Edith & Alice & I attended the wedding reception of Gill Richards & his bride at the Farnsworth home.

While here I learned from Aunt Lacey Richards of the death of Roscoe O. Grover, my Nephew which occurred Monday night. He was taken sick at Provo and there operated upon for appendicitus Friday evening. The appendix had broken & he lived but two days.

4 September 1912 • Wednesday


Rainy day. Am usually well.

I did some telephoning and looked after some business current at end of each month and my correspondance which has been neglected while in the Canyon.

I attended religion class & meeting General Board meeting & my Circle in the evening. Read 30 pages of Winning of Barbary North. [p. 283]

5 September 1912 • Thursday


Weather cool and very pleasant after a good rain storm of yesterday.

Geo., Edith, & the baby returned to the canyon last night and came home again this morning, their effects to follow by freight.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to 3.30 P.M. After attending to some business returned home where I busied myself reading & writing. At our meeting to-day I was appointed to [s]take Pres. Penrose’s place on the Committee to read the Seventies manual manuscript prepared by Pres. B. H. Roberts for the ensuing year, Elders Ivins & Jos. F. Smith Jr. being the other members of that committee.

6 September 1912 • Friday


Pleasant weather.

Alice and I took 8 A.M. train to Nephi where we attended the funeral services of my Nephew Roscoe Everett Grover aged 35 years. The services were held in the meeting house (Tabernacle) and the house was nearly filled to seating capacity [p. 284] Many flowers, nice musick and good talks from Pres. James Paxeman, a brother Homer, a brother Anderson of Commercial Clubb, a brother Winn of H. Council, Bp. Parks, Stephen L. Richards Jr. and I occupied closing ten minutes.

The universal verdict of those present as far as I could learn was that it was a most peaceful and comforting service. Alice returned to Salt Lake at close of the Services and I remained over night. I offered the dedicatory prayr at grave. Both Asenath & Amy felt greatly comforted by the services and the Spirit of the Lord there present.

On my way to Nephi I learned from Stephen L. Richards Jr. that my brother Wilford W. Richards of Paris, Bear Lake, was very sick of Typhoid fever, his doctor having phoned a consultation with Dr Stephen.

7 September 1912 • Saturday

Nephi. Home

Weather pleasant.

I left Nephi at 6.45 A.M. for home Called at Watts barber Shop and got shaved and my shoes blacked. On reaching home I learned that my brother Wilford had died yesterday. I did some phoning and wrote to Alice Ann, Fred & Willard Smith notifying them of Wilford’s death. [p. 285]

I had an appointment with Bishop C. W. Nibley to attend the LaGrande, Oregon Conference but learning that Pres. Jos. F. Smith is intending to go with Bp. Nibley to-day and learning of the death of my brother Wiford I decided to go to Paris Bear Lake leaving to-morrow morning 8 o’clock to attend the funeral services.

8 September 1912 • Sunday


Stormy Am well.

I left home for Paris Bear Lake, Ida. on O.S.L 8 AM train to attend the funeral services of my brother Wilford next day at 1 P.M. I took some nice flowers with me. On the train at Farmington my sisters Wealthy & Mary joined me. On the way I read to finish the book Meta by Lambourn, one of the M.I.A. course of reading. Wealthy & Mary also read it. We arrived at Paris at 5.05 P.M. and were met by Sister Phoeby and some of Wilford’s sons and we went direct to the home of my deceased brother. We found the widow, Emely, feeling as well as we could have hoped. She is a brave, sensible & faithful [p. 286] woman. I ate supper there and by request & invitation of Pres. Shepherd went to his home for the night.

My brother Stephen and his sons sent to Emily by me $50.00 and I added $10.00 and made her a check for the amount to assist in defraying expenses of funeral, sickness &c.

9 September 1912 • Monday


Stormy. Am well.

I visited with my brother Wilford’s family until time for the funeral services and attended with them the Services in the Tabernacle. Notwithstanding the rain & mud the tabernacle auditorium was well filled with sympathetic people. There were many floral tributes. The Speakers were, Prests Shepherd & Rich, Bps. Hayes, W. W. Clark & M. J. Richards, Pres Osmond, E B Clark my brother C. C. Richards and myself. I occupied remaining 25 minutes with good liberty. Quite a satisfactory service.

After the Service, my brother C.C. & wife & I by train returned to Montpelier where we took train to McCammon arriving at 8 P.M. [p. 287] We went to Harkness hotel and spent the night my brother Charles bearing the expenses on his insistency.

10 September 1912 • Tuesday


Pleasant day Am well.

I took train at 5.40 A.M. for home arriving in Salt Lake at 11 A.M. My brother Charles & wife Letty rode as far as Alexander and got off to visit their sons on a ranch near by. I sat with Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. in the afternoon as a committee reading Pres. B. H. Roberts Manuel for the Seventies, “God Immanent & the Holy Ghost.[”] Later with him, Bp. David A. Smith & Frank Peart went down to the Smith farm & inspected their dairy herd of blooded Jersey’s. Visited Pres. Lyman.

11 September 1912 • Wednesday


Weather fine Am Well. Folks usually well.

I sat with Jos. F. Smith Jr. from 9.30 A.M. to 12.15 and from 2 to 6 P.M. reading Seventies manuel manuscript.

Attended Circle meeting in the evening Wrote Sister Betsy Gowans a letter of Condolence, her husband Pres. H. S. Gowans having died yesterday. [p. 288] My Sister Nerva came to see us. I called at Beneficial Life Insurance Co. office & learned that the policy of $2,000.00 Taken out by my brother Wilford is still in force though he had paid no premiums since 1909. There will be about $200. deductions from the $2000.00 I wrote Emily to this effect.

12 September 1912 • Thursday


Am well. Folks well.

Pleasant weather.

I attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to 2.30 and sat in committee from 2.45 to 4.45 finishing the reading of the Roberts’ Manuscript for Seventies manuals. “God Imanent & the Holy Ghost.”

This day my brother Fred. brought his daughter Carry down from their home in Logan and took her to the hospittal where she is to be operated upon tomorrow for appendicitus.

13 September 1912 • Friday


Weather pleasant. All usually well.

My niece Carrie Richards was this day operated upon for appendicitus at L.D.S. Hospittal by Dr. Stephen L. Richards. I went down town to take [p. 289] Olivers wheel for repairs, to past letters &c. Spent the remainder of the day at home studying &c. In the evening I went to L.D.S. Hospittal and assisted my brother Fred. in administering to his daughter Carrie.

14 September 1912 • Saturday


All well as usual.

I spent the forenoon studying & in the afternoon my son George & wife & baby and Alice and I with our two youngest took 2.40 train for Tooele. We, Alice & I, stopped off at our daughter Nerva’s and after supper Nerva joined us and we went up to Estella Lees calling on the way up at Sister Gowan’s where the body of Pres. Gowans lay in state. Geo & Edith joined us at Estellas. We returned to Nervas where we slept. Geo. & Edith staid at her mother’s.

15 September 1912 • Sunday


I attended Sunday School and the Parents Class. Spoke in the class and in the School. Subject in latter Be good children & be happy & be saved. Good people are happy, good boys & girls become good men & women & good men & women will be saved. [p. 290]

After School I took with me Pres. C. A. Orme & Geo. L. Tate and visited Philip DeLaMare who is in his 90th yr. and afflicted with cold. We gave him a blessing and he was very happy over our visit. We next visited F. H. Lougy who is 77 yrs of age and afflicted with dropsy. Before leaving, we administered to him.

At 1 P.M. I attended the funeral services of Pres. Hugh S. Gowans who died 80 yrs of age. He was 29 years president of the Tooele Stake and for 16 years I was his counselor The speakers were in order as follows Bp. August K. Anderson of Grantsville; a brother Reid of Salt Lake, son of Peter Reid; Myself and Pres. C. A. Orme this by request of the family. The services were of one hour & a half duration I occupied about 20 minutes on eulogy of the life & labors of the deceased. After the Services I went up to the home of brother John A. Bevan who is in a plaster cast he having by fall broken his leg bone near the hip. I administered to him, assisted by Bp. Shields, his son Alex. and brother Brown of Grantsville Geo., Alice, our children & I returned home arriving home at 6.45 P.M. Edith & babe remained in Tooele. [p. 291] Geo. L. Tate, Nerva & their children came in in Auto driven by a Mr. Druhl. They came in in 2 hrs. 30 min. All well at home.

16 September 1912 • Monday


All as well as usual.

My niece Carrie Richards is reported as getting along well at the hospittal. After reading my paper and writing up my journal for the past two days I devoted my self to Study.

17 September 1912 • Tuesday


Weather very pleasant.

I spent the forenoon studying. I hung the cellar door, investigated the plumbing & had plumbers come and put toilet & taps in order.

At 2 P.M. I attended a missionary meeting at Temple Annex where 22 missionaries set apart and instructed, I being the Senior in authority present had to preside. I set apart the following.

1 Rose Emmeline Durrant of American Fork to Southern States.

2. Jane Hamilton of Mill Creek, Ut. to Western States.

3. Amee Walker of Pleasant Grove, to Northwestern States. [p. 292]

I also blessed sister Mackay who is going to St. Louis to meet her husband who is laboring in Central States mission.

Alice and I went with LeGrand to See a new home he has been trading for on 10th Ave. between I & J. Streets. We took supper at Ina’s, Geo. L. & Nerva took Supper there also.

18 September 1912 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home studying and in the afternoon, attended to some errands down town and at 4 P.M. met Jos. F. Smith Jr. and the First Presidency & Pres. Lyman and submitted to them the changes we as a committee had proposed in the Roberts manuscript of Manuel for the Seventies and the First Presidency instructed us to deliver to Pres R. the manuscript with the changes we had suggested which we did later in the evening.

I attended the Mutual Board meeting in the President’s office.

19 September 1912 • Thursday


All usually well. Pleasant weather. [p. 293]

I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10.30 o’clock until 2.30 P.M.

I recorded some work done in the temple and got out other lists for sealing ordinances &c.

20 September 1912 • Friday


All well. Weather OK.

I left Salt Lake in company with Pres. J. W. McMurrin on 8 A.M. R.G.W. train for Aurora, Sevier Co. to attend the Sevier Stake Conference. We arrived at Aurora about 3.45 P.M. and were met at Ry switch by Bp. C. M. Ivie who took us to his home where we were entertained for the night.

21 September 1912 • Saturday

Aurora, Sevier

Am well Pleasant W.

Attended morning services of conference in new meeting house. Stake population 8000+. Attendance 145. Stake officials poorly represented. There were three Bps. One member of Presidency & J. W. McMurrin Spoke.

At 2 PM Meeting the attendance was 229. Speakers were. Pres. John Christensen, Ex Pres. Horne and myself I occupied 50 minutes. Subject How to correct the evils of [p. 294] religious indifference, Sabbath ball playing &c. By & through the proper care & teaching of the children by Parents, ward teachers, bishops, missionaries, auxiliaries &c. To cause an awakening among the people of Salina and the High Council I would call the latter on a mission to Salina to labor 2 by two. I thus instructed the Stake Presidency.

A S.S. concert was held in the evening but I was too ill to go and got excused & retired to bed early and suffered much from headache & naucia.

22 September 1912 • Sunday

Aurora, Sevier, Ut.

Sick. "1

I was staying at Bp C. M. Ivie’s. I was ill & suffering when I arose from my bed, but felt some better after having been about awhile. I attended forenoon meeting and occupied 45 min. Sub. Sacrifice, the Atonement & Sacrament. Had good spirit & liberty.

At afternoon meeting, this day having been set apart to talk genealogies & temple work I occupied about 50 minutes on that subject and about 10 min [p. 295] to the subject of tithing, the records showing unfavorable conditions last year.

In the evening there was a conjoint meeting held but I could not attend. I went to bed early & thoroughly sick. Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin and others of the brethren administered to me before meeting. I had a long night of suffering.

23 September 1912 • Monday

Aurora, Utah.


Jas. W. McMurrin & I spent most of the day by train getting home I was sick all day with headache nausia & fever. I took my bed and called in the Doctor, Stephen.

Sick Spell2

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September 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “Sick”.

  2. [2]A vertical line stretches across four lines and divides these two words, which are both written in large script covering three lines.