October 1898

1 October 1898 • Saturday

I found snow on the ground in the morning & it was snowing & continued until about 2 P.M. The boys & I kept the Peach trees from breaking down with snow by pounding the Snow off. We also picked the peaches & put in the Cellar. Got wet through & cold. Bathed & went to Stake [p. 259] Priesthood Meeting. Bp. Ahlstrom & Bro Nay took dinner with us. Matthew Speirs & I administered to Bro. McLain at his home & cut wood. Received my Subscription for Era.

2 October 1898 • Sunday

Cold night last. Cool today.

I attended School, meeting, blessed Wm. Caldwells child Elmer & administered to Sarah Robinson Dunns baby. Read & wrote between meetings.

<Saturday’s Storm wet the ground thoroughly for plowing.>1

3 October 1898 • Monday

Plowed all day.

4 October 1898 • Tuesday

" "2

5 October 1898 • Wednesday

" "3

6 October 1898 • Thursday

Alice & Baby & I went to Salt Lake on morning Special train. Alice’s sister Sarah accompanied us. I met Asenath at Dummy Depot & saw Mother on Street Car & rode with her to Theatre corner where she boarded car for Sugar House after a wait of 45 min. I got barbered in forenoon. Alice & Sarah attended Conference meeting I met Alice Ann & her Son Willard in the Tabernacle in Afternoon. Staid at Stephens over night.

7 October 1898 • Friday

Sugar House

Went to morning meeting & in afternoon assisted Alice with her trading & saw her off on 6 P.M. train for home Then went [p. 260] to Sugar house again where I staid all night visiting with Mother Alice Ann Fred, Carlie & others. Alice Ann was sick last night & all day today. When I went down in the evening she was very sick I procured some oil at Willards & anointed & prayed for her & she was healed immediately.

8 October 1898 • Saturday

Attended General Priesthood meeting in the A.M. & Special Priesthood meeting in afternoon. Stayed at night at W. B. R. Willard Smith & I slept together & conversed until 1 A.M.

9 October 1898 • Sunday

Attended both Conference meetings & a meeting of the Stake Presedencies in the An[n]ex to Temple at 4:30 P.M. Returned home on evening special.

10 October 1898 • Monday

Worked all day hauling wheat to mill. Sold to McBride about 300 bu. @ 50¢ & contributed $100.00 to save an Ogden Bank from assigning & save some of the brethren from Bankrupsy & disgrace. This day took 100 lbs. flour for Poor offerings. Met with Rep. Cen. Com. in evening.

11 October 1898 • Tuesday

Vitroled wheat & Commenced drilling Drilled 6½ A.

12 October 1898 • Wednesday

Dehorned Cow, vitroled 10 bu wht & drilled 9 A [p. 261]

13 October 1898 • Thursday

Worked on farm cleaning weeds off corn ground. The boys plowed & leveled. Wrote Wm M. Rydalch.

14 October 1898 • Friday

Contributed $10.00 to Campaign fund 1/2 of my assessment for that purpose. Wrote Louis Strasbury as to my attitude on Sheep industry. Worked at farm clearing corn ground of weeds preparitory for planting wheat. Called at Newels in the evening where I visited a short time with Aunt Ann Whitney.

<Rained during the night.>4

15 October 1898 • Saturday

Stormy day. I vitroled, with the help of my boys 45 or 50 bu of wheat ready for sowing. In the afternoon I went with B. L. Bowen down on the bottoms to look at some land. He thought favorable of entering a quarter north east of mine. Bro & Sis McBride called in the evening.

16 October 1898 • Sunday

I remained home in the forenoon Studying & nursing my cold. In the afternoon I took team & Alice & two youngest children with me to Lake View where we attended meeting & I talked about 45 minutes & Prest Gowans about 30 minutes. Administered to Young David Adamson, son of Walter Adamson who has been sick a long time Prest. Gowans anointed & I was mouth in sealing the anointing.

17 October 1898 • Monday

Worked at field all day & in the evening attended farewell party at McBrid[e]s [p. 262] & in Social Hall for Willard Atkin & Lyman McBride.

18 October 1898 • Tuesday

Leveled ground all day. Administered a Patriarchal blessing to Willard Atkin in the morning & to Lyman McBride in the evening. Called on Bro. Gowans in the evening Wrote letters to the County Commissioners.

19 October 1898 • Wednesday

I harrowed weeds off farm & burned them. Read the papers in the evening.

20 October 1898 • Thursday

Harrowed weeds Drilled wheat below hallow

21 October 1898 • Friday

Drilled wheat & finished below the hallow.

22 October 1898 • Saturday

Attended Stake Conference at Tooele & spoke in forenoon meeting. offered closing prayr in afternoon Apostle Lyman & Bp O F Whitney

23 October 1898 • Sunday

Gave blessing to Bertrum Bates

Attended Conference & gave blessing to Emma Woods in evening. J W Taylor at Conference this day. Israel & David Benyon stayed with us during conferense & until Monday A.M.

24 October 1898 • Monday

Alice & little Girls & I with my team went to Mercur. Grace Henderson accompanied us. I attended Rep. meeting in the evening the opening of the campaign on Rep. side. L L Baker Willey Brown & I were the speakers [p. 263] I occupied 30 minutes.

25 October 1898 • Tuesday

Came home & attended Rep. meeting in the evening & spoke about 15 min. Willy Brown occupied the time.

26 October 1898 • Wednesday

Dug the potatoes in the lot & put them away for winter & in the evening attended meeting at Grantsville Baker & W. Brown were the Speakers. Came home after meeting

27 October 1898 • Thursday

Plowed at Bowen 40 A. & in the evening Baker & I talked Politics at Batesville.

28 October 1898 • Friday

Plowed & in the evening Baker & I talked politics at Lakeview.

29 October 1898 • Saturday

Drilled wheat all day & in the evening Talked Politics at Stockton, McBride & Bolen <also.>

30 October 1898 • Sunday

Accompanied Prest Gowans to Clover where we were joined by Prest Anderson from Grantsville. The people of St. John were also present. We reorganized the Bprick By releasing Bro Jordan as 1st Counseler to Bp F. D. St Jeor & making Gustave Anderson 1st & Jos. Tanner 2nd counselors & Bro Davis Ward Clerk. I set apart the Latter. & Spoke with earnestness for 15 or 20 minutes. Called in Sis. Burridges by invitation & took supper.

31 October 1898 • Monday

Mr Baker & I went to Ophir and talked politics in the evening put up at Mrs Dukes Boarding house. [p. 264]

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October 1898, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1898/1898-10


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 2 October entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Plowed all day.”

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Plowed all day.”

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 October entry.